A special-purpose button. When the user taps an audio picker, the device's audio gallery appears, and the user can choose an audio file. After an audio file is picked, it is saved, and the Selected
property will be the name of the file where the audio file is stored. In order to not fill up storage, a maximum of 10 audio files will be stored. Picking more audio files will delete previous audio files, in order from oldest to newest.
Returns the button's background color
If set, user can tap check box to cause action.
If set, button text is displayed in bold.
If set, button text is displayed in italics.
Point size for button text.
Font family for button text.
Set a custom font.
Image to display on button.
Path to the file containing the audio file that was selected.
Specifies the button's shape (default, rounded, rectangular, oval). The shape will not be visible if an Image is being displayed.
Specifies if a visual feedback should be shown for a button that as an image as background.
Text to display on button.
Left, center, or right.
Color for button text.
Specifies whether the component should be visible on the screen. Value is true if the component is showing and false if hidden.
Event to be raised after the picker activity returns its
result and the properties have been filled in.
Event to raise when the button of the component is clicked or the list is shown
using the Open block. This event occurs before the list of items is displayed, and
can be used to prepare the list before it is shown.
Indicates the cursor moved over the button so it is now possible to click it.
Indicates the cursor moved away from the button so it is now no longer possible to click it.
Indicates that the button was pressed down.
Indicates that a button has been released.
Opens the picker, as though the user clicked on it.