See the "shared spreadsheet" of MTB File parameters and their currently defined multiplicities and JSON representation.
The bwHC backend includes experimental usage of Hypermedia to be truly RESTful, i.e. to allow easier discoverability and usage of API functions. The used representation for hypermedia content is essentially Hypertext Application Language (HAL) with custom extensions inspired from SIREN and CPHL to allow specifying actions on resources in addition to just links/relations.
The backend has a "hypermedia API entry point":
from where hypermedia links to the various accessible sub-APIs can be followed:
"_actions": { // Possible Actions:
"logout": { // Logout
"method": "POST", // HTTP Method
"href": "/bwhc/user/api/logout" // URI (relative)
"_links": {
"catalogs-api": {
"href": "/bwhc/catalogs/api/" // URI (relative) to Catalogs API
"etl-api": {
"href": "/bwhc/etl/api/" // URI (relative) to ETL API
For instance, following the link to the "etl-api"
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/etl/api/
returns a description of Links/Actions available for this sub-API:
"_actions": {
"upload-mtbfile": { // Action: Upload MTBFile
"method": "POST" // HTTP Method
"href": "/bwhc/etl/api/MTBFile", // URI (relative)
"formats": { // Format specifications of request payloads for the Action
"application/json": {
"href": "/bwhc/etl/api/schema/upload-mtbfile" // Link to JSON Schema specification for Content-Type 'application/json'
"delete-patient": { // Action: Delete a Patient's data
"method": "DELETE",
"href": "/bwhc/etl/api/Patient/{id}"
"_links": {
Request a random-generated MTBFile JSON example
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/fake/data/api/MTBFile
IMPORTANT: This sub-API is not secured via a user login mechanism. Access to this URL path SHOULD be restricted in the reverse proxy.
POST http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/etl/api/MTBFile
POST http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/etl/api/data/upload
Supported formats (HTTP Header "Content-type"):
- application/json
- application/fhir+json (experimental)
Case | Status Code [and response payload] |
Invalid JSON | 400 Bad Request with list of syntax errors |
Fatal data quality issues | 422 Unprocessable Entity with DataQualityReport |
Non-fatal Data quality issues | 201 Created |
No data quality issues | 200 Ok |
DELETE http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/etl/api/Patient/{PatientID}
DELETE http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/etl/api/MTBFile/{PatientID}
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/mtb/api/data/Patient
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/mtb/api/data/MTBFile/{PatientID}
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/mtb/api/data/DataQualityReport/{PatientID}
DELETE http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/mtb/api/data/Patient/{PatientID}
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/mtb/api/reporting/QCReport?scope=local
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/mtb/api/reporting/LocalQCReport
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/mtb/api/reporting/QCReport?scope=global
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/mtb/api/reporting/GlobalQCReport
POST http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/mtb/api/query
"mode": {
"code": "local", // Values: "local", "federated"
"parameters": {
"diagnoses": [
"code": "C25.1",
"medicationsWithUsage": [
"medication": {
"code": "L01XX59", // ATC code
"usage": {
"code": "used", // Values: "used", "recommended"
"mutatedGenes": [
"code": "HGNC:22", // HGNC ID
"responses": [
"code": "SD", // RECIST code
Response: Created Query Object
"id": "6033bc57-1ec5-4c32-a1e5-cf97355ee950",
"querier": "082e1d9e-9d94-43a5-8a9f-1aed7118f6e8",
"submittedAt": "2021-12-14T08:28:31.695372Z",
"lastUpdate": "2021-12-14T08:28:31.695389Z",
"mode": {
"code": "local",
"display": "Lokal",
"system": "Query-Mode"
"parameters": {
"diagnoses": [
"code": "C25.1",
"display": "Bösartige Neubildung: Pankreaskörper",
"system": "ICD-10-GM",
"version": "2022"
"medicationsWithUsage": [
"medication": {
"code": "L01XX59",
"display": "Enasidenib",
"system": "ATC",
"version": "2021"
"usage": {
"code": "used",
"system": "Drug-Usage"
"mutatedGenes": [
"code": "HGNC:22",
"display": "adeno-associated virus integration site 1",
"system": "HGNC"
"responses": [
"code": "SD",
"display": "Stable Disease",
"system": "RECIST"
"filter": {
"ageRange": {
"l": 0,
"r": 0
"genders": [],
"vitalStatus": []
"zpms": []
"_links": {
"base": {
"href": "/bwhc/mtb/api/query/"
"molecular-therapies": {
"href": "/bwhc/mtb/api/query/6033bc57-1ec5-4c32-a1e5-cf97355ee950/molecular-therapies"
"ngs-summaries": {
"href": "/bwhc/mtb/api/query/6033bc57-1ec5-4c32-a1e5-cf97355ee950/ngs-summaries"
"patients": {
"href": "/bwhc/mtb/api/query/6033bc57-1ec5-4c32-a1e5-cf97355ee950/patients"
"result-summary": {
"href": "/bwhc/mtb/api/query/6033bc57-1ec5-4c32-a1e5-cf97355ee950/result-summary"
"self": {
"href": "/bwhc/mtb/api/query/6033bc57-1ec5-4c32-a1e5-cf97355ee950"
"therapy-recommendations": {
"href": "/bwhc/mtb/api/query/6033bc57-1ec5-4c32-a1e5-cf97355ee950/therapy-recommendations"
"_actions": {
"apply-filter": {
"formats": {
"application/json": {
"href": "/bwhc/mtb/api/query/schema/apply-filter"
"href": "/bwhc/mtb/api/query/6033bc57-1ec5-4c32-a1e5-cf97355ee950/filter",
"method": "POST"
"update": {
"formats": {
"application/json": {
"href": "/bwhc/mtb/api/query/schema/update"
"href": "/bwhc/mtb/api/query/6033bc57-1ec5-4c32-a1e5-cf97355ee950",
"method": "POST"
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/mtb/api/query/{QueryID}
POST http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/mtb/api/query/QUERY_ID
"id": "6033bc57-1ec5-4c32-a1e5-cf97355ee950",
"mode": {
"code": ....
"parameters": {
See hypermedia links in example above
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/catalogs/api/Coding/SYSTEM[?pattern=CHARS][?version=VERSION]
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/catalogs/api/Coding?system=SYSTEM[&pattern=CHARS][?version=VERSION]
SYSTEM must be any of:
System Name |
ICD-10-GM |
ICD-O-3-T |
ICD-O-3-M |
Optional Parameter "pattern" filters for codings whose display label contains CHARS
Optional Parameter "version" indicated requested catalog version (only different ICD-10-GM versions a.t.m)
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/catalogs/api/ValueSet
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/catalogs/api/ValueSet/NAME
GET http://HOST:PORT/bwhc/catalogs/api/ValueSet?name=NAME
ValueSet Names |
Geschlecht |
DiagnoseStadium |
Verwandtschaftsgrad |
TherapieLinie |
LeitlinienTherapie-Abbruchsgrund |
ECOGPerformanceStatus |
WHOGradingOfCNSTumors |
LevelOfEvidence-Graduierung |
LevelOfEvidence-Zusatzverweise |
Proben-Art |
Proben-Lokalisierung |
Proben-Entnahmemethode |
Kostenübernahme-Status |
Kostenübernahme-Ablehnungsgrund |
MolekularTherapie-Status |
MolekularTherapie-Nichtumsetzungsgrund |
MolekularTherapie-Abbruchsgrund |