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Some benchmarks of different languages

The benchmarks follow the criteria:

  • They are written as the average software developer would write them, i.e.

    • The algorithms are implemented as cited in public sources;
    • The libraries are used as described in the tutorials, documentation and examples;
    • Used data structures are idiomatic.
  • The used algorithms are similar between the languages (reference implementations), variants are acceptable if the reference implementation exists.

  • All final binaries are releases (optimized for performance if possible) as debug performance may vary too much depending on the compiler.



Brainfuck v2.0

Testing brainfuck implementations using two code samples (bench.b and mandel.b).

Brainfuck v2.0 Brainfuck v1.0


Language Time, s Memory, MiB
Kotlin 2.01 37.6
Nim Gcc 2.17 0.7
C++ Gcc 2.41 1.7
OCaml 2.50 4.4
Go 2.94 1.5
Java 3.05 37.2
Crystal 3.06 2.7
ML MLton 3.22 0.7
Go Gcc 3.30 19.2
Rust 3.43 0.8
Nim Clang 3.43 1.0
D Ldc 3.57 1.4
D Gdc 3.72 5.8
C# .NET Core 4.30 24.3
Scala 4.30 136.3
F# .NET Core 4.35 24.5
D Dmd 4.74 3.3
Haskell (MArray) 6.88 3.5
C# Mono 6.88 17.6
Javascript Node 6.97 31.5
V Gcc 7.30 0.8
V Clang 9.06 1.0
Racket 10.49 77.4
LuaJIT 10.99 2.1
Python PyPy 21.51 95.4
Chez Scheme 24.72 29.2
Haskell 29.14 3.4
Ruby truffle 32.52 613.3
Ruby JRuby 180.65 241.7
Ruby 191.36 13.1
Lua 5.3 201.26 1.4
Elixir 279.03 48.9
Python3 388.22 7.8
Python 399.75 6.2
Tcl (FP) 494.78 4.3
Perl 769.17 5.2
Tcl (OO) 1000.55 4.3


Mandel in Brainfuck

Language Time, s Memory, MiB
C++ Gcc 21.42 3.5
Crystal 22.89 2.9
V Gcc 27.28 2.2
Kotlin 27.38 44.6
Java 28.44 43.9
Nim Gcc 30.00 1.9
Scala 30.65 139.4
Rust 31.01 1.9
Nim Clang 31.39 2.4
D Ldc 31.56 3.7
D Gdc 31.87 7.2
ML MLton 32.04 3.6
Go Gcc 32.88 20.6
F# .NET Core 36.23 25.9
C# .NET Core 36.38 25.8
V Clang 37.10 2.5
Go 45.28 2.9
OCaml 47.90 6.9
D Dmd 56.16 4.1
Javascript Node 62.70 34.5
C# Mono 71.27 18.0
Python PyPy 106.44 96.2
LuaJIT 107.96 2.9
Haskell (MArray) 122.81 4.9
Ruby truffle 171.47 630.7
Racket 171.86 77.4
Chez Scheme 244.82 29.3


Testing large blob base64 encoding/decoding into newly allocated buffers.


Language Time, s Memory, MiB
C aklomp 0.37 1.9
Rust 1.84 2.3
C 1.86 1.8
Crystal 2.32 5.3
D Ldc 2.44 4.0
V Gcc 2.71 1.6
Ruby 2.72 72.8
V Clang 2.83 2.1
D Gdc 2.89 10.6
Java 3.11 375.4
Scala 3.20 154.9
Perl XS 3.25 6.3
Nim Clang 3.27 7.4
Kotlin 3.29 346.0
Nim Gcc 3.30 7.1
Javascript Node 3.44 100.3
Php 3.93 16.1
C++ libcrypto 4.06 5.6
Go 4.71 12.9
C# .Net Core 5.39 27.1
D 5.70 11.3
Tcl 6.05 5.1
Python 6.06 7.4
Python PyPy 6.22 99.9
Python3 6.97 9.3
Go Gcc 7.15 43.0
C# Mono 8.86 36.0
Julia 10.84 212.8
Ruby JRuby 18.73 199.0
Perl 28.00 8.0
Ruby truffle 32.39 381.7


Testing parsing and simple calculating of values from a big JSON file.


Language Time, s Memory, MiB
D Gdc Fast 0.30 179.8
Rust Pull 0.41 202.3
Rust Struct 0.42 221.9
C++ Rapid SAX 0.51 1.8
C++ Simdjson 0.59 543.3
C++ Rapid 0.86 232.6
C++ Gason 0.99 593.4
Java 1.07 310.6
Scala 1.26 227.4
Javascript Node 2.38 508.8
Rust Value 2.41 1745.8
Crystal Schema 2.92 283.3
Perl XS 2.92 941.2
Clojure 3.35 1472.7
Go 3.97 510.7
V Gcc 4.10 1127.4
V Clang 4.10 1127.8
Python3 ujson 4.15 1287.4
Php 4.25 1483.1
Julia 4.31 2377.6
Crystal 5.46 961.9
Crystal Pull 5.48 4.2
C++ LibJson 5.65 3331.3
Python3 5.75 979.8
Python ujson 5.75 1454.6
Nim Gcc 6.11 1321.1
Nim Clang 6.18 1321.5
C# .Net Core 6.79 854.3
Python PyPy 6.84 1294.9
Go Gcc 6.91 454.1
D Ldc 7.63 1546.6
Ruby 8.15 842.4
Haskell 8.24 10.0
Ruby Yajl 8.63 839.7
D Gdc 10.16 1362.4
Python 10.31 1465.5
JQ 11.58 1321.8
C# Mono 12.11 1046.4
C++ Boost 12.45 2952.2
Ruby JRuby 13.80 3113.2
D Dmd 14.03 1546.7
Perl 49.11 1212.7
Ruby truffle 173.70 5276.9


Testing allocating and multiplying matrices.


Language Time, s Memory, MiB
Julia Native Thr 0.11 218.6
Julia Native 0.29 216.2
D Ldc lubeck 0.38 62.8
Python Numpy 1.17 81.6
D Ldc 1.93 73.1
D 2.17 72.8
D Gdc 2.28 76.7
C 3.12 69.8
Rust 3.17 70.5
Nim Clang 3.21 73.1
Nim Gcc 3.23 72.4
Julia 3.23 246.4
Go 3.32 60.6
Crystal 3.33 63.1
Go Gcc 3.41 110.7
Kotlin 3.43 125.9
V Clang 3.47 70.5
Java 3.81 124.7
Scala 4.15 168.7
V Gcc 4.21 70.1
Javascript Node 4.40 102.4
Swift 8.20 205.2
C# .Net Core 8.21 99.3
Python PyPy 8.50 138.1
C# Mono 14.66 88.2
Ruby truffle 60.39 559.7
Ruby 365.68 82.5
Ruby JRuby 423.94 1219.8
Tcl 580.68 280.5
Python 606.50 75.7
Perl 654.90 606.5


Testing Havlak's loop finder implementations.


Language Time, s Memory, MiB
Crystal 10.70 226.4
C++ 17.23 179.2
Nim Gcc 17.81 506.5
Nim Clang 18.46 509.9
Go 24.71 342.1
D Ldc 25.86 460.4
Scala 26.97 387.9
D 31.57 460.6
D Gdc 33.26 419.0
C# Mono 37.37 318.8
Go Gcc 40.92 453.3
C# .Net Core 44.02 491.4
Python PyPy 46.53 777.4
Python 429.51 744.9

Using Docker

Build the image:

$ docker build docker/ -t benchmarks

Run the image:

$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/src benchmarks <cmd>

where is:

  • versions (print installed language versions)
  • shell (start the shell)
  • brainfuck2 bench (build and run Brainfuck2 bench.b benchmarks)
  • brainfuck2 mandel (build and run Brainfuck2 mandel.b benchmarks)
  • base64 (build and run Base64 benchmarks)
  • json (build and run Json benchmarks)
  • matmul (build and run Matmul benchmarks)
  • havlak (build and run Havlak benchmarks)

Please note that some tests are unstable under Docker and should be run manually (use shell command to get an access to the image).


CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz

Base Docker image: Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid

Language Version
.NET Core 3.0.100
C# .NET Core 3.3.1-beta4-19462-11 (66a912c9)
C# Mono
Chez Scheme 9.5
Clang 9.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_900/final)
Clojure "1.10.1"
Crystal 0.31.1
DMD v2.089.0
Elixir 1.9.1
F# .NET Core for F# 4.7
GCC 9.2.1
GCC Go 9.2.1
GDC 9.2.1
Go go1.13.4
Haskell 8.8.1
Java 13.0.1
Julia v"1.2.0"
Kotlin 1.3.50
LDC 1.18.0
Lua Lua 5.3
LuaJIT LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
MLton 20180207
Nim 1.0.2
Node.js v13.1.0
OCaml 4.09.0
PHP 7.3.10-1+b1
Perl v5.30.0
PyPy 7.1.1-final0 for Python 2.7.13
Python 2 2.7.17
Python 3 3.7.5
Racket "7.4"
Ruby 2.6.5p114
Rust 1.39.0
Scala 2.13.1
Swift swift-5.1.2-RELEASE
Tcl 8.6
TruffleRuby 19.2.1
V 0.1.22 ab37081
jq jq-1.6