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File metadata and controls

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Ride Share

Remember the ride share exercise we did with designing and creating a system to track the ride share data from a CSV file? We did a lot of great work on this exercise in creating arrays and hashes of data, but we've learned a lot since we did that exercise!

Now, we're going to use our understanding of classes, methods and attributes to create an object-oriented implementation of our ride share system.

This is a level 2 individual project.

Learning Goals

Reinforce and practice all of the Ruby and programming concepts we've covered in class so far:

  • Creating and instantiating classes with attributes
  • Creating class methods and instance methods within our classes
  • Writing pseudocode and creating tests to drive the creation of our code


We have a code base that already pulls data from CSV files and turns them into collections of the following objects:

  • Drivers
  • Passengers
  • Trips

All of this data is managed in a class called TripDispatcher. Our program will contain one instance of TripDispatcher, which will load and manage the lists of Drivers, Passengers and Trips.

We are going to continue making functionality that works with this data, such as finding the duration of a specific trip or the total amount of money a passenger has spent, and also make functionality to create a new trip.

The Code So Far


Each Driver has:

Attribute Description
id The Driver's ID number
name The name of the Driver
vehicle_identification The driver's Vehicle Identification Number (VIN Number), Each vehicle identification number should be a specific length to ensure it is a valid vehicle identification number
status Indicating availability, a driver's availability should be either :AVAILABLE or :UNAVAILABLE

Each Driver instance is able to:

Method Description
average_rating retrieve an average rating for that driver based on all trips taken


Each Passenger has:

Attribute Description
id The Driver's ID number
name The name of the Driver
Phone Number The Passenger's Phone Number which must be in phone number format (XXX) XXX-XXXX
trips A list of trips that only this passenger has taken

Each Passenger instance is able to:

Method Description
get_drivers retrieve the list of all previous driver instances associated with trips this passenger has taken


Each Trip has:

Attribute Description
id The Driver's ID number
passenger The passenger on the trip
driver The driver for the trip
rating The rating given by the passenger, a number 1-5

Each Trip instance is able to:

Method Description
driver retrieve the associated driver instance
passenger retrieve the associated passenger instance


The TripDispatcher has:

Attribute Description
drivers A list of all drivers in the system
passengers A list of all passengers in the system
trips A list of all trips taken in the system

The TripDispatcher has the following responsibilities:

  • load collections of Drivers, Passengers, and Trips from CSV files
  • store and manage this data into separate collections

The TripDispatcher does the following:

  • on instantiation, loads and creates Trips, Passengers, and Drivers and stores them into collections

The TripDispatcher instance is able to:

Methods Description
drivers, passengers, trips retrieve the collection of Trips, Passengers, and Drivers
find_driver find an instance of Driver given an ID
find_passenger find an instance of Passenger given an ID

By the end of this project, a TripDispatcher will be able to:

  • create new trips with assigning appropriate passengers and drivers

Getting Started

We will use the same project structure we used for the previous project. Classes should be in files in the lib folder, and tests should be in files in the specs folder. You will run tests by executing the rake command, as configured in a Rakefile.

The support folder contains CSV files which will drive your system design. Each CSV corresponds to a different type of object as well as creating a relationship between different objects.


  1. Fork this repository in GitHub
  2. Clone the repository to your computer
  3. Run rake to run the tests


You should use the following process as much as possible:

  1. Write pseudocode
  2. Write test(s)
  3. Write code
  4. Refactor



To start this project, take some time to get familiar with the code. Do the following in this order:

  1. Read through all of the tests
  2. Look at the provided CSV files: support/drivers.csv, support/passengers.csv, support/trips.csv
  3. Then look through the ruby files in the lib folder

Create a diagram that describes how each of these classes and methods (messages) interact with one another as well as with the CSV files.

Exercise: Look at this requirement in Wave 1: "For a given driver, calculate their total revenue for all trips. Each driver gets 80% of the trip cost after a fee of $1.65 is subtracted." Spend some time writing pseudocode for this.

Wave 1

The purpose of Wave 1 is to help you become familiar with the existing code, and to practice working with enumerables.

1.1: Upgrading Dates

Currently our implementation saves the start and end time of each trip as a string. This is our first target for improvement. Instead of storing these values as strings, we will use Ruby's built-in Time class. You should:

  1. Spend some time reading the docs for Time - you might be particularly interested in Time.parse
  2. Modify TripDispatcher#load_trips to store the start_time and end_time as Time instances
  3. Add a check in Trip#initialize that raises an ArgumentError if the end time is before the start time, and a corresponding test
  4. Add an instance method to the Trip class to calculate the duration of the trip in seconds, and a corresponding test

Hint: If you're hitting a NoMethodError for Time.parse, be aware that you need to require 'time' in order for it to work. This is a weird quirk of how the library is designed.

1.2: Aggregate Statistics

Now that we have data for cost available for every trip, we can do some interesting data processing. Each of these should be implemented as an instance method on Driver or Passenger.

  1. Add an instance method to Passenger that will return the total amount of money that passenger has spent on their trips
  2. Add an instance method to Passenger that will return the total amount of time that passenger has spent on their trips
  3. Add an instance method to Driver to calculate that driver's total revenue across all their trips. Each driver gets 80% of the trip cost after a fee of $1.65 is subtracted.
  4. Add an instance method to Driver to calculate that driver's average revenue per hour spent driving, using the above formula for revenue

All of these methods must have tests.

What Instructors Are Looking For

Check out the feedback template which lists the items instructors will be looking for as they evaluate your project.