SolidityStake is a simple solidity scaffolding library for providing User Staking Data when Staking ERC20 or ETH to a Smart Contract
Staking and Unstaking
Setting a Minimum Staking Amount
Setting a Staking Fee
Owner Unstake all Users
Owner Contract Renunciation
Custom Error Messages
Total Staker Count
Getting User Staking Amount
Getting User Lifetime Staking Amount
Getting User Joindate
Getting User Staking Percentage
Builtin User Yield Variables
You can also easily loop through each staker (see UnstakeAll()
sETH.sol (For Staking Native ETH/AVAX/BNB/MATIC etc)
sTOKEN.sol (For Staking Tokens)
NOTE: Requires OpenZeppelin Contracts
npm i @openzeppelin/contracts
contract SolStakeEth is ReentrancyGuard, Ownable {
uint256 public fees_collected;
function Stake() external nonReentrant payable {
uint256 fee = (eth * 1000) / 10000;
fees_collected = fee;
contract myContract is SolStakeETH {
function FeesCollected() public view returns (uint256){
return fees_collected;
await myContract.Stake({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1000") });
let total_fees = ethers.utils.formatEther(await myContract.FeesCollected());
let bal = ethers.utils.formatEther(await myContract.GetStakingAmount(staker.address));
console.log(bal); // 900
console.log(total_fees); // 100