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Kyuchumimo edited this page Oct 15, 2021 · 10 revisions


sfx id [note](Not supported) [duration=0] [channel=0] [volume=15] [speed=0](Not supported)

...or to stop playing:

sfx -1

sfx -1 <channel>


  • id : the SFX id (0..n), or -1 to stop playing
  • note (Not supported) : the note number (0..95) or name (ex: C#3)
  • duration : the duration (number of ticks) (0 by default, which plays continuously)
  • channel : the audio channel to use (0..n)
  • volume : the volume (0..15) (defaults to 15)
  • speed (Not supported) : the speed (-4..3) (defaults to 0)


This function will play the sound with id in assets/sfx filepath. Calling the function with an id of -1 will stop playing the channel.

The duration specifies how many ticks to play the sound for; since TIC-80 runs at 60 frames per second, a value of 30 represents half a second. A value of 0 will play the sound continuously.

The channel parameter indicates which of the channels to use. Allowed values are 0 to n.

Volume can be between 0 and 15.

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