This is a template directory structure for experiments with deep learning models using PyTorch. It is intended to serve as the base for a new project. It contains basic functions to handle the experiment directory structure, load/save models, load/save configs and perform some high-level debugging. For me personally, the most important functionality is the logging logic that I use in all my projects.
A simple example project to see how this project template can be employed can be seen in the example branch
├── config # Directory holding config files used for the experiments
├── data # Directory holding all data
├── experiments # Directory holding all data related to the experiments
│ └── example_exp # An example experiments directory
│ └── example_run # An example run directory
│ ├── checkpoints # Directory holding the checkpoints
│ ├── logs # Directory holding the logs (e.g. TensorBoard)
│ ├── visualizations # Directory holding visualizations
│ ├── plots # Directory holding plots
│ └── config.json # Config file for the run
├── src # Directory holding the complete source code
│ ├── data # Directory to hold data loaders and utils functions for your data
│ ├── models # Directory holding all source files for the models
│ │ ├── # Some useful torch modules
│ ├── training # Directory to hold training functions
│ ├── utils # Directory holding utility functions for the project
│ │ ├── # Some basic helper functions
│ │ ├── # Directory holding the complete logging logic
│ │ ├── # Management functions for the experiment environment
│ │ ├── # Additional custom loss functions
│ │ ├── # A debugger for PyTorch modules that hooks into the forward or backward pass
│ │ └── # A profiler timing computation steps (currently only synchronous CPU operations)
│ ├── visualization # Directory holding the visualization functions
│ │ ├── # General helper functions for visualization
│ │ ├── # Visualization functions
│ │ └── # Functions used for plotting
│ └── # Initialize a new experiment and/or run
├── # Source file for the environment setup
└── # File to create .gitkeep files in all directories
The logging is completely encapsulated in the file src/utils/
. It provides different modules and functions that can be individually used.
The most important part is the Logger
class which creates a global logger module LOGGER
that can be used throughout the project.
This module provides different functionalities to log your training progress that can be activated individually through their respective intialization functions:
- W&B: The W&B writer allows to log your data to the W&B servers.
- TensorBoard: The TensorBoard writer writes your logs to local files which can be viewed through a local TensorBoard server.
- CSV: The CSV writer writes all logs to a CSV file to be easily imported or viewed through programs such as Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc.
Here, I describe how I typically use the logging module. An in-practice example can be seen in the example branch.
- In your training function first initialize the logger:
logger = Logger(exp_name, run_name)
- Activate the writers you want to use:
logger.initialize_csv() \\ logger.initialize_wandb('example')
- Whenever you want to log something simply call:
logger.log({metric_name: metric_value}, step)
- Log some evaluation image:
logger.log_image(image_name, image)