An interpreter designed for Acraga language, which is a super simple, strong-type, c-like programming language.
Be open to any suggestions that can make Acraga better
Star⭐️ Acraga, fork it and pull request is well received
digit ::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
hex ::= digit|A|B|C|D|E|F
integer ::= decimal | hexadecimal
decimal ::= (+|-)? digit+
hexadecimal ::= (0x|0X)hex+
real ::= decimal.digit+(T)?
T ::= eF | EF
F ::= integer
boolean ::= true|false
alphabet ::= ASCII码能表示的所有字符
literal ::= "alphabet*"
alphabet_english ::= [a-zA-Z]
alphabet_id ::= alphabet_english | _ | digits
alphabet_id_first ::= alphabet_english | _
identifier ::= alphabet_id_first alphabet_id*
Keywords/Reserved words:
- if
- else
- while
- for
- void
- int
- double
- bool
- string
- void
- return
//this is a comment.
/*this is also
a comment */
operator ::= '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '=' | '%' | '==' | '!=' | '>' | '<' | '>=' | '<='
delimiter ::= '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '{' | '}' | ';' | ','
statement ::= declare_statement | assign_statement | output_statement | if_statement | while statement | for statement
statements ::= statement+
Declaration statement
type ::= integer | real | bool | string
declare_statement ::= type identifier;
Assignment statement
immediate_value ::= integer | real | boolean | literal
value ::= immediate_value | identifier
assign_statement ::= identifier = (value | expression);
output_statement ::= print(value)
expression ::= T
T ::= T==F | T!=F | F
F ::= F>G | F<G | F>=G | F<=G | G
G ::= G+H | G-H | H
H ::= H*I | H/I | H%I | J
J ::= value | (T)
value ::= integer | real | boolean | string
if statement
if_statement ::= if(expression){statements}(else{statements})?
while statememt
while_statement ::= while(expression){statements}
for statement
for_statement ::= for(assign_statement; boolean expression; control variable){statements}
Acraga supports: local variables and global variables
Note that: we recommend name the identifiers in Camel-Case, and the names of them should be concise. Of course they are case sensitive.
Acraga supports more than one type of arrays, concluding int, double and string.
int arr[2] = {1,2};
println(arr[0]);//output: 1
- maximum:
- minimum:
- default:
- support hexadecimal and character integer
- maximum:
- minimum:
- default:
- support scientific notation
- true or false
- default: false
- can store string of any length
- enclosed by
- default:
Examples will be displayed afterwards
Escape characters are properly recognized and organized. At this point, acraga only supports the escape characters in the following table.
Escape Character | Logical Meaning |
\n | new line |
\t | horizontal tab |
\' | single quotation marks |
\" | double quotation marks |
\\ | backslash |
Implicit casting
Acraga supports assigning an integer to an identifier of type double, for example:
double d=1;
Other expressions like
int i="aaa"
will be recognized as a syntax error. -
Explicit casting
Acraga supports using
operator to explicitly cast a type to another:Expression Meaning int i = (int) doubleValue i will be the integer part of the double value int i = (int) boolValue i=1 if boolValue is true; i=0 if boolValue is false int i = (int) stringValue if the content of stringValue is integer like "123", i will be the value double d = (double) intValue d will be the value of intValue double d = (double) boolValue d=1 if boolValue is true; d=0 if boolValue is false double d = (double) stringValue if the content of stringValue is integer or double, d will be the value bool b = (bool) intValue b=true if intValue!=0; b=false if intValue=0 bool b = (bool) doubleValue b=true if doubleValue!=0; b=false if doubleValue=0 bool b= (bool) stringValue b=true if the length of stingValue!=0; else b= false string s = (string) intValue the content of s will be the intValue string s = (string) doubleValue the content of s will be the doubleValue string s = (string) boolValue s="true" if boolValue is true; s="false" if boolValue is false
Cast a type to the same type will get the same result.
Acraga supports operation of int, double, bool, string and hexadecimal number, including add +
, subtract-
, multiple*
, divide/
, module%
etc. For more operators see the priority list below.
P.S.For string, only '+' operation is allowed
Priority of Operations(smaller number stands for higher priority):
(, ) and [,] has the highest priority
Operator Explanation type Priority - negative sign unary 2 + positive sign unary 2 ! logical NOT unary 2 ~ bitwise NOT unary 2 ++ self Increment(prefix) unary 2 -- self Decrement(prefix) unary 2 * multiplication binary 3 / division binary 3 % reminder binary 3 + addition binary 4 - subtraction binary 4 << left shift binary 5 >> right shift binary 5 < less than binary 6 <= less than or equal binary 6 > greater than binary 6 >= greater than or equal binary 6 == equal binary 7 != not equal binary 7 & bitwise AND binary 8 ^ bitwise XOR binary 9 | bitwise OR binary 10 && logical AND binary 11 || logical OR binary 12 = assign binary 14 += compound assignment by sum binary 14 -= compound assignment by difference binary 14 *= compound assignment by product binary 14 /= compound assignment by quotient binary 14 %= compound assignment by remainder binary 14 &= compound assignment by bitwise AND binary 14 ^= compound assignment by bitwise XOR binary 14 |= compound assignment by bitwise OR binary 14 <<= compound assignment by left shift binary 14 >>= compound assignment by right shift binary 14
So that we can do something like these:
(1 + 2) * (3 * (4 + 5) - 6) = 63
1 + 2 * 3 * 4 + 5 - 6 =24
1 + 3 % 2 = 2
1.3323 + 3.14 - 5.1 = -0.6277
0x0001 + 0x0A02 = 2563
In Java:
String str1 = "abc";
System.out.print(str1 + "d");// output:abcd
String str2 = "1";
String str3 = "2";
System.out.print(str2 + str3);// output:12
a + b = ab
- Moreover, scientific notation is valid: 1.23e2 =
int main(){
//do something
return 0;
void main(){
//do something
Both are supported in Acraga.
Note that if you use 'int main', whatever the result is, append 'return 0' at the end of the function.
int foo(){
//do something
double foo(int a){
//do something
These are two different methods via override.
int foo(){
//do something
double foo(){
//do something
Warning: these two functions have the same function signature, which will throw exception.
void testPrint(){
print(Any type except void is supported);
println(Whatever you like, even with no parameter);
void testRead(){
string str1 = read();// read until meets a whitespace
string str2 = readLine();// read until you press enter
int a = readInt();// read the first integer number which can be identified as a BigInteger
double b = readDecimal();// read the first real number which can be identified as a BigDecimal
bool c = readBool();// read the first boolean variable which can be identified as a Boolean
// read input from keyboard
void testMath(){
int a = 1;
int b = -3;
int c = max(a, abs(b));
int d = min(a++, b);
println(c);// output: 3
println(d);// output: -3
void main(){
print("Hello World!")// output: Hello World!
- 整数支持十六进制数字 eg. 0xF4A1 (直接显示对应十进制数字62625) ——(✔️)
- 实数支持科学计数法表示 eg. 3.14e5 ——(✔️)
- 支持布尔运算 eg. true & false ——(✔️)
- 支持数组 eg. test[10] ——(✔️)
- 支持声明与赋值同时完成 ——(✔️)
- 支持更复杂的输出语句 eg. print(x + y) ——(✔️)
- 支持格式化输出语句 eg. printf("hello %s", your_name)
- 支持输入语句 eg. int x = scanf() ——(✔️)
- 支持for循环语句 ——(✔️)
- 支持+=、-=、/=、*= ——(✔️)
- 修改表达式部分的定义,加入括号,并且使之可以提现运算符优先级的区别,可以参考上学期ppt ——(✔️)
- test&debug ——(✔️)
- 能够在全局区执行一些语句 ——(✔️)
- 让for语句可以执行初始化 ——(✔️)
- 引入多行注释的语法 ——(✔️)
- 引入显示类型转换的概念,在函数参数传递的过程中允许隐式类型转换 ——(✔️)
- 重构精简代码
- ** 引入类的概念
- ** 用C++复刻项目,比较Java与C++版本性能上的区别
- 支持在函数参数中传递数组类型的变量
- 支持逗号运算符的操作 (int a=1, b=2;)
- 支持++,-- 两种运算符,考虑同时支持前置后置形式 ——(✔️)
- 实现必要的库函数,例如提供函数输出方式的print()方法 ——(✔️)
- ** 实现类的概念后可以定义一些标准库数据结构,比如scanf,比如max,min等数学函数库 ——(✔️)
- 测试,争取没有逻辑错误以及运行时崩溃的情况
- 用Acraga编写一些简单的小程序, 检查解释器在更真实的场景下的正确性,同时检查设计的语法是否符合交互性 ——(✔️)
- 编写全面的文档,讲解解释器的整体构架以及具体细节并介绍如何编写合法的Acraga程序 ——(✔️)
- 支持增强的for循环
- 检测函数签名,如果相同,报错 ——(✔️)
- 支持代码块
- ** 支持函数指针以及lambda表达式
- 考虑如何定义参数可变的函数,这点和传递数组类型的变量共同是实现类似printf函数的基础
- 在detectExpression中做更加细致的判断,判断哪种和哪种token是不可能连在一起的,以此抛出潜在的缺乏分号的错误。
- 加入break, continue语法 ——(✔️)
- 加入switch case语法
- 静态多个报错
- 报错位置不准确 ——(✔️)