A collection of solutions to the Project Euler problem set, available at https://projecteuler.net/archives
It is strongly advised that you attempt the problems before viewing the below solutions if you are interested.
Run solutions from project-euler
directory via: python -m problems.[number]
e.g. python -m problems.008
or via the Jupyter Notebook controller.ipynb
- 001 - Multiples of 3 or 5
- 002 - Even Fibonacci Numbers
- 003 - Largest Prime Factor
- 004 - Largest Palindrome Product
- 005 - Smallest Multiple
- 006 - Sum Square Difference
- 007 - 10001st Prime
- 008 - Largest Product in a Series
- 009 - Special Pythagorean Triplet
- 010 - Summation of Primes
- 011 - Largest Product in a Grid
- 012 - Highly Divisible Triangular Number
- 013 - Large Sum
- 014 - Longest Collatz Sequence
- 015 - Lattice Paths
- 016 - Power Digit Sum
- 017 - Number Letter Counts
- 018 - Maximum Path Sum I
- 019 - Counting Sundays
- 020 - Factorial Digit Sum
- 021 - Amicable Numbers
- 022 - Names Scores
- 023 - Non-Abundant Sums
- 024 - Lexicographic Permutations
- 025 - 1000-digit Fibonacci Number
- 026 - Reciprocal Cycles
- 027 - Quadratic Primes
- 028 - Number Spiral Diagonals
- 029 - Distinct Powers
- 030 - Digit Fifth Powers
- 031 - Coin Sums
- 032 - Pandigital Products
- 033 - Digit Cancelling Fractions
- 034 - Digit Factorials
- 035 - Circular Primes
- 036 - Double-base Palindromes
- 037 - Truncatable Primes
- 038 - Pandigital Multiples
- 039 - Integer Right Triangles
- 040 - Champernowne's Constant
- 041 - Pandigital Prime
- 042 - Coded Triangle Numbers
- 043 - Sub-string Divisibility
- 044 - Pentagon Numbers
- 045 - Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal
- 046 - Goldbach's Other Conjecture
- 047 - Distinct Primes Factors
- 048 - Self Powers
- 049 - Prime Permutations
- 050 - Consecutive Prime Sum
- 051 - Prime Digit Replacements
- 052 - Permuted Multiples
- 053 - Combinatoric Selections
- 054 - Poker Hands
- 055 - Lychrel Numbers
- 056 - Powerful Digit Sum
- 057 - Square Root Convergents
- 058 - Spiral Primes
- 059 - XOR Decryption
- 060 - Prime Pair Sets
- 061 - Cyclical Figurate Numbers
- 062 - Cubic Permutations
- 063 - Powerful Digit Counts
- 065 - Convergents of e
- 077 - Prime Summations
- 085 - Counting Rectangles
- 089 - Roman Numerals
- 092 - Square Digit Chains
- 109 - Darts
- 112 - Bouncy Numbers