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3. Build The Project

win edited this page Jun 7, 2018 · 12 revisions


Thank you for your interest. That guide is too old. I will revise it again later.

at this moment, I provide an early help first.

How to Build the HtmlRenderer

2018, June

OS: Win10 Visual Studio: 2017

Screenshot step-by-step is here :)

1. Clone I start with a folder name 'd:\projects'

We need 2 projects

  1. HtmlRenderer (, master branch)
  2. PixelFarm (, master branch)

clone it into the d:\projects folder


pic 1: the 2 projects must be placed in the same level like this picture, there are cross-references between them

2. Build PixelFarm

02_open_pixelfarm_minidev_sln pic 2: VS2017, Open that MiniDev.sln in that folder

03_build_pixelfarm pic 3: Solution Explorer, Build All


pic 4: Succeeded!

3. Build HtmlRenderer


pic 5: Open that solution


pic 6: Solution Explorer, Build All


pic 7: Succeeded!

4. Test It


pic 8: F5 on Test3_MixHtml project, click the example in the RedBox


pic 9: Acid1 test page

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