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win edited this page Apr 14, 2015 · 12 revisions

#Hello !

debug view screen

I forked this project from (thank you so much)

I added some features

such as

  1. dynamic html dom

  2. decoupling, dependency analysis

  3. optimizing the html,css parser (but not Html5/Css3)

  4. add svg/canvas support (not complete)

  5. abstract canvas backend (GDI+, OpenGL) also not complete for Linux (for the canvas backend, I used it from another project ->

  6. Javascript (v8) binding

  7. debug view

  8. more layout support eg. inline-block,relative, absolte etc

  9. added custom controls eg. text editer control, scrollbar, gridbox etc.

  10. some events (eg. mouse /keyboard events)

.. BUT not complete :(

feel free to fork/ comment/ suggest /pull request

#license it is a C# project with permissive license( MIT,BSD, Apache2)


  1. always permissive licencse (MIT,BSD, Apache2)

  2. bind some features from Blink engine

  3. add more html5/css3/js support

  4. convert to C++ code with some transpiler tools so users can build a final native code web browser

Nice to meet you!

WinterDev :)

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