Discord SoundBoard Launcher A player capable of playing soundboards uploaded to a discord server. Roadmap Fetch default soundboards Fetch guild soundboards Play default soundboards Play guild soundboards Usage/Examples Caution: The client must be connected to the voice channel and not muted const SoundBoardLauncher = require("./bot-soundboard-launcher") const soundboard = new SoundBoardLauncher(client) soundboard.fetchSoundBoards(null, true) setTimeout(function() { soundboard.playSoundBoard("992791685266419844", "747412099361407077", "3") }, 10000) API Reference Get all soundboards for guild fetchSoundBoards(guildId, default) Parameter Type Description guildId string Required. ID of the guild default boolean Fetch discord default soundboard Play soundboard to a voice channel playSoundBoard(channelId, guildId, soundboardId) Parameter Type Description channelId string Required. ID of the voice channel guildId string Required. ID of the guild soundboardId string Required. ID of the soundboard Authors @LeMaitre4523