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Aurora Takemi edited this page Feb 7, 2023 · 7 revisions

Before using the program, you need to configure it. The configuration file is located in the same folder as the executable. The file is called config.yaml. If it does not exist, the program will automatically create it and generate some dummy data.

We recommend editing the file with a text editor like Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code. Notepad will work, but it is not recommended.

Option 1 - Create a config file from a website

You can use our configuration helper tool located here: The website will generate the file as required by the program and you can download it. Extract the file into the same folder as the executable and rename it to config.yaml if it's not already. You can then run the program.

Option 2 - Create a config file manually

If you want to create the file manually, you can do so by following the steps below:

  1. Open the config.yaml file in a text editor (e.g. Notepad++)

  2. Delete the contents of the file

  3. Copy the following code into the file: (make sure to keep the indentation)

    username: ""
    password: ""
  1. Replace accountname with the display name you want to use for your accounts. It does not have to be the same as the username or the in-game name.

4b. You can add as many accounts as you want. Simply copy the following code and paste it below the previous account:

    username: ""
    password: ""

Make sure to replace accountname with a unique name for each account. Example of 3 accounts:

    username: ""
    password: ""
    username: ""
    password: ""
    username: ""
    password: ""
  1. Replace username and password with your username and password of each account you have added. Make sure to put the username and password inside the quotation marks. The username and password are the same as the ones you use to login to the Riot client and the lolesports website. If your username or password contains special characters, it is recommended to change them, if you are facing trouble logging in. Special characters that we know have no issues are: !@#$%^&*.

  2. Configure any other options as desired. You can find the full list of options below.

  3. Save the file and run the program.

Configuration options

The following options are available in the configuration file:

Option Description Default Is required?
accounts A list of accounts to use. n/a Yes
accounts.<accountname>.username The username of the account. n/a Yes
accounts.<accountname>.password The password of the account. n/a Yes
debug Whether to enable debug mode. Prints more information for troubleshooting in the console and log files. false No
connectorDropsUrl Discord WebHook URL for drops and notifications "" No

The following options are planned for future releases:

Option Description Default Is required?
bestStreamsUrl URL to fetch the bestStreams file. "" No
connectorOnDrop Whether to enable drops and notifications true No
connectorOnStart Send a webhook when the program starts false No
connectorOnFault Send a webhook when the program stops false No
notificationOnStart Whether to show a toast notification when the program starts and has logged into an account. false No
notificationOn2FA Whether to show a toast notification when an account needs 2FA input. false No
notificationOnDrop Whether to show a toast notification when a drop is found. false No
notificationOnFault Whether to show a toast notification when the program stops. false No
soundPath Path to the sound file to play.* "" No
soundOnStart Whether to play a sound when the program starts and has logged into an account.* false No
soundOn2FA Whether to play a sound when an account needs 2FA input.* false No
soundOnDrop Whether to play a sound when a drop is found.* false No
soundOnFault Whether to play a sound when the program stops.* false No

* Sounds will only play if the soundPath option is set to a valid path to a sound file and the respective notificationOnX option is set to true.