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190 lines (145 loc) · 8.17 KB

File metadata and controls

190 lines (145 loc) · 8.17 KB

Kaspa commands


Command name INS Description
GET_VERSION 0x03 Get application version as MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH
GET_APP_NAME 0x04 Get ASCII encoded application name
GET_PUBLIC_KEY 0x05 Get public key given BIP32 path
SIGN_TX 0x06 Sign transaction given transaction info, utxos and outputs
SIGN_MESSAGE 0x07 Sign the personal message



CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xE0 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 -


SW RData
3 0x9000 MAJOR (1) || MINOR (1) || PATCH (1)



CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xE0 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x00 -


SW RData
5 0x9000 Kaspa (5 bytes) in ASCII

Raw response looks like: 4b617370619000



CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xE0 0x05 0x00 (no display)
0x01 (display)
0x00 0x15 path len (1 byte) ||
purpose (4 bytes) ||
coin_type (4 bytes) ||
account (4 bytes) ||
type (4 bytes) ||
index (4 bytes)

Keys for kaspa normally use the derivation path m/44'/111111'/<account>'/<type>/<index>. This command will accept these as inputs:

  • m/44'/111111'
  • m/44'/111111'/<account>'
  • m/44'/111111'/<account>'/<type>
  • m/44'/111111'/<account>'/<type>/<index>
CData Part Description
purpose Must be 44' or 0x80000002c
coin_type Must be 111111' or 0x8001b207
account Current wallets all use 0x80000000 (aka. 0') for default account but any value from 0x80000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF is accepted if passed
type Current wallets use either 0x00000000 for Receive Address or 0x00000001 for Change Address, but any value from 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF is accepted if passed
index Any value from 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF if passed

If you want to generate addresses using a root public key,


SW RData
var 0x9000 len(public_key) (1) ||
public_key (65 bytes) ||
len(chain_code) (1) ||
chain_code (var)

public_key here will always be 65 bytes, representing the uncompressed public key in DER encoding. It is composed of 0x04 followed by 32 bytes for the X coordinate of the public key, then 32 bytes for the Y coordinate.

In Kaspa, you only need the 32 bytes for the X coordinate as the compressed public key to generate addresses whose transactions are signed with Schnorr.

Transactions signed with ECDSA are currently not supported.



CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xE0 0x06 0x00-0x03 0x80 or 0x00 var See below

P1 Breakdown

P1 Value Usage CData
0x00 Sending transaction metadata version (2) || output_len (1) || input_len (1) || change_address_type (1) || change_address_index (4) || account (4)
0x01 Sending a tx output value (8) || script_public_key (34/35)
0x02 Sending a tx input value (8) || tx_id (32) || address_type (1) || address_index (4) || outpoint_index (1)
0x03 Requesting for next signature -

P2 Breakdown

P2 Value Usage
0x80 Indicates that there will be more APDU sent by the client
0x00 Incdicates that this is the last APDU sent by the client

P2 value is used only if P1 in {0x00, 0x01, 0x02}. If P1 = 0x03, P2 is ignored.


  1. Send the first APDU P1 = 0x00 with the version, output length and input length, change address type and index, and account (for UTXOs and change)
  2. For each output (up to 2), send P1 = 0x01 with the output CData
  3. For each UTXO input send P1 = 0x02 with the input CData. When sending the last UTXO input set P2 = 0x00 to indicate that it is the last APDU. The signatures will later be sent back to you in the same order these inputs come in.
  4. [Display] User will be able to view the transaction info and choose to Approve or Reject.
  5. If approved, the first RAPDU with the signature of the first input index will be sent back to the user.
  6. While has_more is non-zero, send the sign_tx APDU with P1 = 0x03 to ask for the next signature.
  7. When there are no more signatures, has_more in the RAPDU will be 0x00 and the context will be reset.


SW RData
100 0x9000 has_more (1) || input_index (1) ||
len(sig) (1) || sig (64) ||
len(sighash) (1) || sighash (32)

Response Breakdown

Data Description
has_more* Non-zero if there are more signatures to be sent back, 0x00 otherwise
input_index The input index in the current transaction that this signature is for
len(sig) The length of the signature. Always 64 bytes with Schnorr
sig The Schnorr signature
len(sighash) The length of the sighash. Always 32 bytes
sighash The message (aka. sighash) that was signed.

* While has_more is non-zero, you can ask for the next signature by sending another APDU back



CLA INS P1 P2 Lc CData
0xE0 0x07 0x00 0x00 var address_type (1) || address_index (4) ||
account (4) ||
message_len (1 bytes) || message (var bytes)
CData Part Description
address_type Either 00 for Receive Address or 01 for Change Address
address_index Any value from 00000000 to FFFFFFFF
account Any value from 80000000 to FFFFFFFF
message_len How long the message is. Must be a value from 1 to 128, inclusive
message The message to sign


SW RData
var 0x9000 See Response Breakdown

Response Breakdown

Data Description
len(sig) The length of the signature. Always 64 bytes with Schnorr
sig The Schnorr signature
len(message_hash) The length of the message hash. Always 32 bytes
message_hash The hash that was signed.

Status Words

SW SW name Description
0x6985 SW_DENY Rejected by user
0x6A86 SW_WRONG_P1P2 Either P1 or P2 is incorrect
0x6A87 SW_WRONG_DATA_LENGTH Lc or minimum APDU length is incorrect
0x6D00 SW_INS_NOT_SUPPORTED No command exists with INS
0x6E00 SW_CLA_NOT_SUPPORTED Bad CLA used for this application
0xB000 SW_WRONG_RESPONSE_LENGTH Wrong response length (buffer size problem)
0xB001 SW_DISPLAY_BIP32_PATH_FAIL BIP32 path conversion to string failed
0xB002 SW_DISPLAY_ADDRESS_FAIL Address conversion to string failed
0xB003 SW_DISPLAY_AMOUNT_FAIL Amount conversion to string failed
0xB004 SW_WRONG_TX_LENGTH Wrong raw transaction length
0xB005 SW_TX_PARSING_FAIL Failed to parse raw transaction
0xB006 SW_TX_HASH_FAIL Failed to compute hash digest of raw transaction
0xB007 SW_BAD_STATE Security issue with bad state
0xB008 SW_SIGNATURE_FAIL Signature of raw transaction failed
0xB009 SW_WRONG_BIP32_PURPOSE Purpose must be 44'
0xB00A SW_WRONG_BIP32_COIN_TYPE Coin Type must be 111111'
0xB00B SW_WRONG_BIP32_PATH_LEN Path length must be 5
0xB010 SW_MESSAGE_PARSING_FAIL Unable to parse message data
0xB011 SW_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG Message len greater than max
0xB012 SW_MESSAGE_TOO_SHORT Message len is 0
0xB013 SW_MESSAGE_ADDRESS_TYPE_FAIL Address type could not be parsed or is not 0/1
0xB014 SW_MESSAGE_ADDRESS_INDEX_FAIL Address index could not be parsed
0xB015 SW_MESSAGE_LEN_PARSING_FAIL Message length could not be parsed
0xB016 SW_MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED Unexpected error while parsing message
0x9000 OK Success