Edit the information in the user profile which is shown on the user page, such as:
- profile picture
- username
- description
- User clicks on "Edit profile" button
- Redirect to "Edit profile" page
- User changes the data
- User clicks on "Save" button
- Confirmation is shown
- Redirect to "Profile" page
Feature: EditUserProfile
AS a signed in user
I want to edit my user profile
Scenario Outline: Edit profile
Given The user is logged in
Given User is on the profile page
When I click the button 'Edit profile'
Then Redirect to the 'edit' page
Then I can change my description
And I can change my nickname
When I upload a picture of <format>
And I click the button 'Update profile'
Then <status>-Popup with <message>
| format | status | message |
| png | OK | Profile updated |
| jpeg | OK | Profile updated |
| gif | ERROR | Invalid format |
Scenario: Open user page
Given I am signed in with username 'USER' and password 'PASSWORD'
And I am on the "main" page
When I press the "user" button
Then I get on the "user" page
The user has to be logged in to the application.
The user data gets changed.