#44 jrcodeza#44 #47 jrcodeza#47
#41 jrcodeza#41 #42 jrcodeza#42 #45 jrcodeza#45
OperationId generation improvement Use latest jackson-databing
#38 jrcodeza#38
#34 jrcodeza#34 #36 jrcodeza#36
Added support for OpenAPI version 2 spec generation. For now only runtime generation (no maven plugin).
Has same features as 1.3.0 but doesn't track (traverse) inheritance hierarchy over all java 'extends' using allOf. If inheritance hierarchy does not contain JsonSubTypes annotation (discriminator) then all parent properties are copied into the current class and no allOf approach is used. AllOf approach is used only for inheritance hierarchies where JsonSubTypes annotation is present (on some class).
This is done because if generated spec has too big inheritance depth, then swagger ui might have problems to interpret this (follow $refs - I've got stack overflow and other problems). Oas-ui interpreter (https://github.com/vahanito/oas-ui) does not have this problem.