@@ -71,9 +72,9 @@ The following equations are used to compute roll, pitch, and yaw from quaternion
- **EMG**
-EMG sensors detect the electrical activity produced by muscles during contraction, providing information about muscle activation levels, timing, and patterns. The EMG sensor in the Biopoint has a sample rate of 2 kHz. Similar to an audio waveform image, EMG data moves between positive and negative values - the further away from zero in either direction, the higher the signal level. To utilise this signal in our game, found the absolute value of a rolling average (across 8 samples in each data packet) and applied a threshold. When the signal goes over the threshold, a shoot command is sent.
+ EMG sensors detect the electrical activity produced by muscles during contraction, providing information about muscle activation levels, timing, and patterns. The EMG sensor in the Biopoint has a sample rate of 2 kHz. Similar to an audio waveform image, EMG data moves between positive and negative values - the further away from zero in either direction, the higher the signal level. To utilise this signal in our game, found the absolute value of a rolling average (across 8 samples in each data packet) and applied a threshold. When the signal goes over the threshold, a shoot command is sent.
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ EMG sensors detect the electrical activity produced by muscles during contractio
### System Architecture
The game was developed using the node.js runtime. This environment allowed us to develop a browser-based game with the capability for two players to collaborate simultaneously. Currently, data is acquired and processed in python and passed to a node server using web sockets. In the project folder, java script files handle game mechanics and html files render objects in the browser.