This project contains a super Java service that can immediatly run on K8s / GKE. This can be used as a template for new microservices that should run on K8s.
I've used the following stuff to get this example up an running.
- Java as programming language
- VSCode as IDE
- Maven as build tool
- Spark java framework for providing REST services
- SLF4J for logging
- Docker for the container image creation
- Kubernetes Command Line Tool -> kubectl
In order to run it on your own you at least need maven, docker and kubectl.
mvn clean package
docker build .
In order to push the image to GCP you have to tag it with a fully qualified name
docker tag <image-id><gcp-project>/<give-it-name>
Afterwards you can push it
docker push<gcp-project>/<give-it-name>
kubectl run <deployment_name><gcp-project>/<give-it-name>
kubectl expose <deployment_name> --port=8080 --target-port=80
Use gcloud tools to help docker and kubectl with the right authentication Therefore you have to correctly initialize the gcloud command line tool, login and set the right project id. Afterwards you can provision the authentication data into docker and kubectl
gcloud auth configure-docker
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster-name>
After the maven build you can test the package with
java -jar target/packaged-service-jar-with-dependencies.jar
After the docker build you can test the container image with
docker run -p 8080:8080 <created_image_id>