You can also let the Powershell Webserver deliver encrypted traffic. This is done using the encryption stack of the operating system.
The following description describes the use of a self-created certificate. This must be accepted or imported on the browser page. If a valid certificate already exists you want to use, steps 1 and 7 are skipped and in step 2 you have to use the thumbprint of your certificate.
Start an administrative Powershell console. With the following commands you create a certificate:
# create self-signed certificate ('localhost', first found IPv4 address, hostname and FQDN is used for it)
$FIRSTIP = (Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 | Select -First 1).IPAddress
$FQDN = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName(($ENV:COMPUTERNAME))).Hostname.ToLower()
$DNSNAMES = "localhost", $FIRSTIP, $($ENV:COMPUTERNAME.ToLower()), "$FQDN"
$CERTIFICATE = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $DNSNAMES -CertStoreLocation CERT:\LocalMachine\My
You can view the certificate you just created as follows:
# view certificate
Now the certificate must be bound to the application Powershell and the desired port, in this example we use port 8443
(the AppID of Powershell.exe is {1AC14E77-02E7-4E5D-B744-2EB1AE5198B7}).
# certificate binding to application "Powershell" and port 8443
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=$($CERTIFICATE.Thumbprint) --% appid={1AC14E77-02E7-4E5D-B744-2EB1AE5198B7}
You can view the binding you just created as follows:
# view binding
netsh http show sslcert
Now we have to create a firewall share so that the web server can be reached from the network
(this step is not necessary for local use only).
# create firewall share
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Powershell Webserver" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=8443
Now we have to start the web server with https and the port to listen to as parameters.
# start web server
Start-Webserver "https://+:8443/"
After use, the web server is terminated. The following steps describe how to clean up the configuration.
The following command removes the firewall share for the web server.
# remove firewall share
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Powershell Webserver"
The following command removes the certificate binding for the web server.
# remove certificate binding
netsh http delete sslcert ipport=
The following command removes the certificate (the command assumes that the used certificate is still in the variable $CERTIFICATE, otherwise determine the thumbprint).
# remove certificate
Remove-Item CERT:\LocalMachine\My\$($CERTIFICATE.Thumbprint)