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Understanding the DSpace 7 REST API
  • Before DSpace 7, most DSpace code used "plain old java objects"(POJO's)
  • This presentation will illustrate how to understand the flow of the DSpace 7 code.


A note about DSpace 6
  • DSpace 6 introduced Hibernate for database interactions
    • This code relies on Java Annotations to build associate class files with Hibernate behavior.
    • See TBD for more information +++
DSpace 7 relies heavily on the following conventions


  • Understand how the REST Controllers are invoked
  • Understand how annotations are used to interpret URL parameters and paths
  • Understand how DSpace 7 implements the HAL and HATEOAS conventions
  • Understand how JSON return objects are constructed
  • Understand how code exceptions are converted to HTTP return status

REST Request


Locate the Controller for this request
  • The Spring MVC Framework looks for RestController annotations (org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController).
  • The controller for this request will match /api/{apiCategory}/{model}
    • Values in curly braces are wildcard Values
    • After the match is made, portions of the URL path will be assigned to the following variables
      • apiCategory
      • model +++
public class RestResourceController implements InitializingBean {

@[1](Annotaion indicates that this class is a RestController) @[2](Annotation registers a URL path pattern with this class) @3 @4 +++

Find the appropriate method to call

The class has already matched to /api/core/communities. We need to locate the request mapping that expects no additional path information. +++

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public <T extends RestAddressableModel> PagedResources<DSpaceResource<T>> findAll(
        @PathVariable String apiCategory,
        @PathVariable String model,
        Pageable page,
        PagedResourcesAssembler assembler,
        @RequestParam(required = false) String projection,
        HttpServletResponse response) {
  DSpaceRestRepository<T, ?> repository = utils.getResourceRepository(apiCategory, model);
  Link link = linkTo(methodOn(this.getClass(), apiCategory, model).findAll(apiCategory, model,
      page, assembler, projection, response))

  Page<DSpaceResource<T>> resources;
  try {
      resources = repository.findAll(page).map(repository::wrapResource);
  } catch (PaginationException pe) {
      resources = new PageImpl<DSpaceResource<T>>(new ArrayList<DSpaceResource<T>>(), page, pe.getTotal());
  } catch (RepositoryMethodNotImplementedException mne) {
      throw mne;
  PagedResources<DSpaceResource<T>> result = assembler.toResource(resources, link);
  if (repositoryUtils.haveSearchMethods(repository)) {
      result.add(linkTo(this.getClass(), apiCategory, model).slash("search").withRel("search"));
  return result;

@[1](Register this method as the handler for a URL Path relative to the class URL path) @[1](Note - no additional path is provided) @[3](This method will return a page of DSpaceResource objects) @[3](The REST api controls the maximum number of return objects through pagination) @[4-5](Remember that the following variables were extracted from the URL path at the class level) @[6-7](Pagination and sort parameters are extracted from the URL parameters) @[6-7](Parameter names confirm to Spring defaults) @[8](This annotation maps a URL parameter to a method variable) @[8](When required is true, the method will fail if a param is not present) @[10](Find the "REST repository" object that will retrieve objects from DSpace) @[10](NOTE: → We will examine the Repository object in a later slide) @[11-13](Create a "self" link to this method) @[17](Query for all items and load only a single page of items) @[17](NOTE: → We will trace the findAll method in a later slide) @[17](repository::wrapResource is a Java 8 lambda function) @[17](NOTE: → We will trace repository::wrapResource in a later slide) @[18](linkService::addLinks is a Java 8 lambda function) @[18](NOTE: → We will trace linkService::addLinks in a later slide) +++

@Component(CommunityRest.CATEGORY + "." + CommunityRest.NAME)
public class CommunityRestRepository extends DSpaceRestRepository<CommunityRest, UUID> {

public Page<CommunityRest> findAll(Context context, Pageable pageable) {
     List<Community> it = null;
     List<Community> communities = new ArrayList<Community>();
     int total = 0;
     try {
         total = cs.countTotal(context);
         it = cs.findAll(context, pageable.getPageSize(), pageable.getOffset());
         for (Community c : it) {
     } catch (SQLException e) {
         throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
     Page<CommunityRest> page = new PageImpl<Community>(communities, pageable, total).map(converter);
     return page;