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ClipBucketV5 installation guide
MacWarrior edited this page Dec 11, 2024
7 revisions
Easy installation scripts are only made for local / dev environments setup, be aware of your system security if going live !
Easy installation scripts are available for :
- Debian 9 to 12
- Ubuntu 16.04 to 24.04
- CentOS 7 with Apache 2, MariaDB & PHP 7.3 or with Apache 2, MySQL 8 & PHP 7.4
- Windows 10 & 11 with Nginx, MariaDB & PHP 8.3
These scripts are made to run on clean systems, and must be launched with root user
- Download raw script, then run it, it's that easy
- Install Apache2 or Nginx [Nginx recommended]
- Install MySQL or MariaDB [MariaDB recommended]
- Install FFMpeg, FFProbe & MediaInfo
- Install PHP [At least 7.0, 8.3+ recommended ; PHP-FPM recommended]
- Use git to clone repository :
git clone https://github.com/MacWarrior/clipbucket-v5.git
- Create your vhost pointing to /upload/ sub-directory
- Open website and follow installation process
When using Nginx, you have to specify Vhost rules ; here is our default vhost :
server {
listen 80;
server_name YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME;
index index.php;
`client_max_body_size 2M;`
`proxy_connect_timeout 7200s;`
`proxy_send_timeout 7200s;`
`proxy_read_timeout 7200s;`
`fastcgi_send_timeout 7200s;`
`fastcgi_read_timeout 7200s;`
`fastcgi_buffers 16 32k;`
`fastcgi_buffer_size 64k;`
`fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 64k;`
`proxy_buffer_size 128k;`
`proxy_buffers 4 256k;`
`proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k;`
`# set expiration of assets to MAX for caching`
`location ~* \.(ico|css|js)(\?[0-9]+)?$ {`
`expires max;`
`log_not_found off;`
`location ~ \.(git|github|idea|gitignore|htaccess) {`
`return 302 /403;`
`location ~* \.php$ {`
`fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/YOUR_PHP_SOCKET_PATH.sock;`
`fastcgi_index index.php;`
`fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(.*)$;`
`include fastcgi_params;`
`fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;`
`location / {`
`if ($query_string ~ "mosConfig_[a-zA-Z_]{1,21}(=|\%3D)"){`
`rewrite ^/([^.]*)/?$ /index.php last;`
`rewrite ^/(.*)_v([0-9]+) /watch_video.php?v=&$query_string last;`
`rewrite ^/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/?$ /view_channel.php?uid=&seo_diret=yes last;`
`error_page 404 /404;`
`error_page 403 /403;`
`location /403 {`
`try_files $uri /403.php;`
`location /404 {`
`try_files $uri /404.php;`
`location /includes/ {`
`return 302 /404;`
`location /changelog/ {`
`return 302 /404;`
`location /video/ {`
`rewrite ^/video/(.*)/(.*) /watch_video.php?v=&$query_string last;`
`rewrite ^/video/([0-9]+)_(.*) /watch_video.php?v=&$query_string last;`
`location /videos/ {`
`rewrite ^/videos/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*) /videos.php?cat=&sort=&time=&page=&seo_cat_name= last;`
`rewrite ^/videos/([0-9]+) /videos.php?page= last;`
`rewrite ^/videos/?$ /videos.php?$query_string last;`
`location /channels/ {`
`rewrite ^/channels/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*) /channels.php?cat=&sort=&time=&page=&seo_cat_name= last;`
`rewrite ^/channels/([0-9]+) /channels.php?page= last;`
`rewrite ^/channels/?$ /channels.php last;`
`location /members/ {`
`rewrite ^/members/?$ /channels.php last;`
`location /users/ {`
`rewrite ^/users/?$ /channels.php last;`
`location /user/ {`
`rewrite ^/user/(.*) /view_channel.php?user= last;`
`location /channel/ {`
`rewrite ^/channel/(.*) /view_channel.php?user= last;`
`location /my_account {`
`rewrite ^/my_account /myaccount.php last;`
`location /page/ {`
`rewrite ^/page/([0-9]+)/(.*) /view_page.php?pid= last;`
`location /search/ {`
`rewrite ^/search/result/?$ /search_result.php last;`
`location /upload {`
`rewrite ^/upload/?$ /upload.php last;`
`location /contact/ {`
`rewrite ^/contact/?$ /contact.php last;`
`location /categories/ {`
`rewrite ^/categories/?$ /categories.php last;`
`location /collections/ {`
`rewrite ^/collections/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*) /collections.php?cat=&sort=&time=&page=&seo_cat_name= last;`
`rewrite ^/collections/([0-9]+) /collections.php?page= last;`
`rewrite ^/collections/?$ /collections.php last;`
`location /photos/ {`
`rewrite ^/photos/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*) /photos.php?cat=&sort=&time=&page=&seo_cat_name= last;`
`rewrite ^/photos/([0-9]+) /photos.php?page= last;`
`rewrite ^/photos/?$ /photos.php last;`
`location /collection/ {`
`rewrite ^/collection/(.*)/(.*)/(.*) /view_collection.php?cid=&type=&page= last;`
`location /item/ {`
`rewrite ^/item/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*) /view_item.php?item=&type=&collection= last;`
`location /photo_upload {`
`rewrite ^/photo_upload/(.*) /photo_upload.php?collection= last;`
`rewrite ^/photo_upload/?$ /photo_upload.php last;`
`location = /sitemap.xml {`
`rewrite ^(.*)$ /sitemap.php last;`
`location /signup {`
`rewrite ^/signup/?$ /signup.php last;`
`location /rss/ {`
`rewrite ^/rss/([a-zA-Z0-9].+)$ /rss.php?mode=&$query_string last;`
`location /list/ {`
`rewrite ^/list/([0-9]+)/(.*)?$ /view_playlist.php?list_id= last;`
`location ~ /rss$ {`
`try_files $uri /rss.php;`