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David Eisenbud edited this page Oct 25, 2024 · 21 revisions

Under construction 25 Oct 2024: This section describes the steps that are needed to contribute a new package, packages, or changes to existing code.

Create a fork of the Macaulay2 repo (if not done previously)

  • If you have never done so before, on github, you need to create your own copy ("fork") of the Macaulay2 repository on github:
    • go to
    • Use the drop-down menu arrow button to the right of Forks at the top right side of the page
  • Now on your computer:
    • clone this repository, e.g. git clone [email protected]/USERNAME/M2.git, where USERNAME is your git user name.

    • change directory into the new repository on your computer, and check out the development branch with git checkout development.

On your computer:

  • Suppose that the Macaulay 2 repo is called foo/M2. Change to that directory.

Move to your own development branch and update it

  • Type git branch to see your branches. If you see one called "development", but it is not starred, do
    • git switch development to change to it. If you do not see a development branch, you can get one with
    • git fetch development
    • git switch development
  • Make sure your development branch is up to date with Macaulay2',
    • do this by going to (where USERNAME as above is your github name)
    • change to the development branch (drop-down menu with the branch name)
    • then use the drop down "Sync fork" button, to sync with Macaulay2's development branch.
    • on your machine, in the directory "foo/M2", do git pull to get the latest version into your computer's local repository.

Prepare the pull request (These steps are done in the M2 repo on your computer)

  • Add a "Keywords" option to the call to newPackage, e.g.,
        Keywords => {"Foo"},
    You can find a list of existing keywords at the packages provided with Macaulay2 documentation page.
  • Make sure that the DebuggingMode option to newPackage is either removed or set to false.
  • Move your new package(s) or changes to the directory foo/M2/M2/Macaulay2/packages where foo/M2 is the top level of your M2 repository.
    • Use git add [FILES], followed by git commit -m "some comment about your changes"), where FILES is the list of files you are adding or changing
    • Also, add a line to the file foo/M2/M2/Macaulay2/packages/=distributed-packages with the name of each new package on its own line, add newline character too at the end, and git add M2/Macaulay2/packages/=distributed-packages, git commit -m "editing =distributed-packages"

On the github website

  • initiate the pull pull request using the dropdown Contribute menu and selecting Open Pull Request.
  • Change the base branch of new pull requests to development if necessary.
  • Add a title and some comments about the package(s) or changes.
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