This is a static version of the Database of Machine Vision in Art, Games and Narratives, which was originally developed as a Drupal 9 database as part of the ERC project Machine Vision in Everyday Life: Playful Interactions with Visual Technologies in Digital Art, Games, Narratives and Social Media..
To view the web pages, please click the link to github-pages under Environments in the right menu, or use the following direct URL:
The static version is intended as a permanent archive of the database. It does not have the search functionality of the database, but is more portable and durable, and will still be accessible after the database itself is no longer maintained. We plan to maintain the original database until at least July 2023.
The data in this archived database is also available as a dataset consisting of csv files and documentation that is available here:
Rettberg, Jill Walker; Kronman, Linda; Solberg, Ragnhild; Gunderson, Marianne; Bjørklund, Stein Magne; Stokkedal, Linn Heidi; de Seta, Gabriele; Jacob, Kurdin; Markham, Annette, 2022, "A Dataset Documenting Representations of Machine Vision Technologies in Artworks, Games and Narratives",, DataverseNO, V1
The dataset captures cultural attitudes towards machine vision technologies as they are expressed in art, games and narratives. It includes records of 500 creative works (including 77 digital games, 191 digital artworks and 236 movies, novels and other narratives) that use or represent machine vision technologies like facial recognition, deepfakes, and augmented reality.
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 771800).