Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | Unique Id | [optional] |
dashboardId | String | Id of Dashboard | [optional] |
lookId | String | Id Of Look | [optional] |
type | String | Type | [optional] |
listen | {String: String} | Listen | [optional] |
refreshInterval | String | Refresh Interval | [optional] |
refreshIntervalToI | Integer | Refresh Interval as integer | [optional] |
noteText | String | Note Text | [optional] |
noteTextAsHtml | String | Note Text as Html | [optional] |
noteDisplay | String | Note Display | [optional] |
noteState | String | Note State | [optional] |
titleText | String | Text tile title text | [optional] |
subtitleText | String | Text tile subtitle text | [optional] |
bodyText | String | Text tile body text | [optional] |
bodyTextAsHtml | String | Text tile body text as Html | [optional] |
look | LookWithQuery | Look | [optional] |
editUri | String | Relative path of URI of LookML file to edit the dashboard element (LookML dashboard only). | [optional] |
can | {String: Boolean} | Operations the current user is able to perform on this object | [optional] |