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File metadata and controls

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Name Type Description Notes
id Integer Unique Id [optional]
name String Name [optional]
createdAt Date Date and time when ScheduledPlan was created [optional]
updatedAt Date Date and time when ScheduledPlan was last updated [optional]
title String Title [optional]
userId Integer User Id which owns this ScheduledPlan [optional]
user UserPublic User who owns this ScheduledPlan [optional]
runAsRecipient Boolean Whether schedule is ran as recipient (only applicable for email recipients) [optional]
enabled Boolean Whether the ScheduledPlan is enabled [optional]
nextRunAt Date When the ScheduledPlan will next run (null if running once) [optional]
lastRunAt Date When the ScheduledPlan was last run [optional]
lookId Integer Id of a look [optional]
dashboardId Integer Id of a dashboard [optional]
lookmlDashboardId String Id of a LookML dashboard [optional]
filtersString String Query string to run look or dashboard with [optional]
dashboardFilters String Alias for filters_string field [optional]
requireResults Boolean Delivery should occur if running the dashboard or look returns results [optional]
requireNoResults Boolean Delivery should occur if the dashboard look does not return results [optional]
requireChange Boolean Delivery should occur if data have changed since the last run [optional]
sendAllResults Boolean Will run an unlimited query and send all results. [optional]
crontab String Vixie-Style crontab specification when to run [optional]
timezone String Timezone for interpreting the specified crontab (default is Looker instance timezone) [optional]
scheduledPlanDestination [ScheduledPlanDestination] Scheduled plan destinations [optional]
can {String: Boolean} Operations the current user is able to perform on this object [optional]