Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Integer | Unique Id | [optional] |
logoFile | String | Customer logo image. Expected base64 encoded data (write-only) | [optional] |
logoUrl | String | Logo image url (read-only) | [optional] |
faviconFile | String | Custom favicon image. Expected base64 encoded data (write-only) | [optional] |
faviconUrl | String | Favicon image url (read-only) | [optional] |
defaultTitle | String | Default page title | [optional] |
showHelpMenu | Boolean | Boolean to toggle showing help menus | [optional] |
showDocs | Boolean | Boolean to toggle showing docs | [optional] |
showEmailSubOptions | Boolean | Boolean to toggle showing email subscription options. | [optional] |
can | {String: Boolean} | Operations the current user is able to perform on this object | [optional] |