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Implement server-streaming gRPC API - Golang

Hi everyone, today we will learn how to implement a server-streaming RPC in Go. First we will define a new RPC in the proto file to search for laptops with some specific requirements. Then we will implement the server, the client and write unit test for that RPC.

Add server-streaming RPC definition to Protobuf

Alright let's start! I will open the pcbook golang project that we've been working on. Our RPC will allow us to search for laptops that satisfy some configuration requirements. So I will create a filter_message.proto file. This message will define what kind of laptop we're looking for. Such as the maximum price that we're willing to pay for the laptop, the minimum number of cores that the laptop CPU should have, the minimum frequency of the CPU and the minimum size of the RAM.

syntax = "proto3";

package techschool_pcbook;

option go_package = ".;pb";
option java_package = "com.github.techschool.pcbook.pb";
option java_multiple_files = true;

import "memory_message.proto";

message Filter {
  double max_price_usd = 1;
  uint32 min_cpu_cores = 2;
  double min_cpu_ghz = 3;
  Memory min_ram = 4;

OK now we will define the new server-streaming RPC in the laptop_service.proto file. First we define the SearchLaptopRequest that contains only 1 Filter field. Then a SearchLaptopResponse that contains only 1 Laptop Field.


// ...
import "filter_message.proto";


message SearchLaptopRequest { Filter filter = 1; }

message SearchLaptopResponse { Laptop laptop = 1; }

The server-streaming RPC is defined in a similar way to the unary RPC. Start with the rpc keyword, then the RPC name is SearchLaptop, the input is SearchLaptopRequest and output is a stream of SearchLaptopResponse. That's it. Pretty straight-forward.

// ...

service LaptopService {
  rpc CreateLaptop(CreateLaptopRequest) returns (CreateLaptopResponse) {};
  rpc SearchLaptop(SearchLaptopRequest) returns (stream SearchLaptopResponse) {};

OK, let's generate the code. In the laptop_service.pb.go file some new codes have been added. We have the SearchLaptopRequest struct, the SearchLaptopResponse struct

type SearchLaptopRequest struct {
    state         protoimpl.MessageState
    sizeCache     protoimpl.SizeCache
    unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
    Filter *Filter `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=filter,proto3" json:"filter,omitempty"`

// ...

type SearchLaptopResponse struct {
    state         protoimpl.MessageState
    sizeCache     protoimpl.SizeCache
    unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
    Laptop *Laptop `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=laptop,proto3" json:"laptop,omitempty"`

Then the LaptopServiceClient interface with a new SearchLaptop function.

type LaptopServiceClient interface {
    CreateLaptop(ctx context.Context, in *CreateLaptopRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*CreateLaptopResponse, error)
    SearchLaptop(ctx context.Context, in *SearchLaptopRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (LaptopService_SearchLaptopClient, error)

Similarly we also have a new SearchLaptop function inside the LaptopServiceServer interface.

type LaptopServiceServer interface {
    CreateLaptop(context.Context, *CreateLaptopRequest) (*CreateLaptopResponse, error)
    SearchLaptop(*SearchLaptopRequest, LaptopService_SearchLaptopServer) error

Add search function to the in-memory store

We will implement the server side first. Let's add a Search() function to the LaptopStore interface. It takes a filter as input, and also a callback function to report wherever a laptop is found. It will return an error.

// ...

type LaptopStore interface {
    // ...
    // Search searches for laptops with filter, returns one by one via the found function
    Search(filter *pb.Filter, found func(laptop *pb.Laptop) error) error

// ...

Now let's implement this function for the InMemoryLaptopStore. Since we're reading data, we have to acquire a read lock. Remember to unlock it afterward.

// ...

// Search searches for laptops with filter, returns one by one via the found function
func (store *InMemoryLaptopStore) Search(
    filter *pb.Filter,
    found func(laptop *pb.Laptop) error,
) error {
    defer store.mutex.RUnlock()

We iterate through all laptops in the store and check which one is qualified to the filter. The isQualified() function takes a filter and a laptop as input and returns true if the laptop satisfies the filter. If the laptop price is greater than the maximum price in the filter, returns false. If the number cores of the laptop CPU is less than the minimum cores in the filter, return false. If the minimum frequency of the laptop CPU is less than that of the filter, return false. Now we have to compare the RAM. Since there are different types of memory units to compare them, we have to write a function to convert the memory to the smallest unit: BIT. If the size of the laptop RAM is smaller than that of the filter, return false, else return true.

// ...
func isQualified(filter *pb.Filter, laptop *pb.Laptop) bool {
    if laptop.GetPriceUsd() > filter.GetMaxPriceUsd() {
        return false
    if laptop.GetCpu().GetNumberCores() < filter.GetMinCpuCores() {
        return false
    if laptop.GetCpu().GetMinGhz() < filter.GetMinCpuGhz() {
        return false
    if toBit(laptop.GetRam()) < toBit(filter.GetMinRam()) {
        return false
    return true

Now let's implement the toBit() function. First we get the memory value. Then we do a switch-case on the memory unit. If it is BIT, we simply return the value. If it is BYTE we have to multiply the value by 8 because 1 BYTE = 8 BITS. And because 8 = 2^3, we can use a bit-operator shift-left 3 here to avoid multiplication. If it is KILOBYTE we have to multiply the value by 1024 and 8 because 1 KILOBYTE = 1024 BYTEs. And because 1024 * 8 = 2^13 we can use a simple shift-left 13 here. Similarly, if it is MEGABYTE, we return value shift-left 23. For GIGABYTE, value shift-left 33 and finally for TERABYTE, value shift-left 43. For the default case, just return 0.

// ...

func toBit(memory *pb.Memory) uint64 {
    value := memory.GetValue()

    switch memory.GetUnit() {
        case pb.Memory_BIT:
            return value
        case pb.Memory_BYTE:
            return value << 3 // 8 = 2^3
        case pb.Memory_KILOBYTE:
            return value << 13 // 1024 * 8 = 2^10 * 2^3 = 2^13
        case pb.Memory_MEGABYTE:
            return value << 23
        case pb.Memory_GIGABYTE:
            return value << 33
        case pb.Memory_TERABYTE:
            return value << 43
            return 0

Now let's go back to our SearchLaptop() function. When the laptop is qualified, we have to deep-copy it before calling the callback function. Since deep-copy is used in many places I will write a separate function for it. Just copy and paste the code block to this deepCopy function from Find function.

func deepCopy(laptop *pb.Laptop) (*pb.Laptop, error) {
    // deep copy
    other := &pb.Laptop{}
    err := copier.Copy(other, laptop)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot copy laptop data: %w", err)
    return other, nil

Then in this Find() function, we simply return deepCopy(laptop) and the Save() function can also be simplified like this.

func (store *InMemoryLaptopStore) Find(id string) (*pb.Laptop, error) {
    defer store.mutex.RUnlock()
    laptop :=[id]
    if laptop == nil {
        return nil, nil
    return deepCopy(laptop)

// Save saves the laptop to the store
func (store *InMemoryLaptopStore) Save(laptop *pb.Laptop) error {
    defer store.mutex.Unlock()
    if[laptop.Id] != nil {
        return ErrAlreadyExists
    // deep copy
    other, err := deepCopy(laptop)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    }[other.Id] = other
    return nil

In the Search() function, we deep copy the qualified laptop, and call found() to send it to the caller. If there's an error, returns it. Otherwise, return nil at the end of the function. OK, the store is done.

// Search searches for laptops with filter, returns one by one via the found function
func (store *InMemoryLaptopStore) Search(
    filter *pb.Filter,
    found func(laptop *pb.Laptop) error,
) error {
    // ...

    for _, laptop := range {
        if isQualified(filter, laptop) {
            other, err := deepCopy(laptop)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            err = found(other)
            if err != nil {
                return err
    return nil

Implement the server

Now let's implement the server. We will have to implement the SearchLaptop function of the LaptopServiceServer interface. So I will copy this function and paste it in the laptop_server.go file. It has 2 arguments: the input request and the output stream response. The first thing we do is to get the filter from the request. Then we write a log saying a search-laptop request is received with this filter, and we call server.Store.Search, pass in the filter and a callback function. If an error occurs, we return it with the Internal status code else we return nil. Now in the callback function, when we found a laptop, we create a new response object with that laptop and send it to the client by calling stream.Send(). If an error occurs, just return it. Else we write a simple log saying we have sent the laptop with this ID then return nil. And we're done with the server.

// SearchLaptop is a server-streaming RPC to search for laptops
func (server *LaptopServer) SearchLaptop(
    req *pb.SearchLaptopRequest,
    stream pb.LaptopService_SearchLaptopServer,
) error {
    filter := req.GetFilter()
    log.Printf("receive a search-laptop request with filter: %v", filter)
    err := server.Store.Search(
        func (laptop *pb.Laptop) error {
            res := &pb.SearchLaptopResponse{Laptop: laptop}
            err := stream.Send(res)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            log.Printf("sent laptop with id: %s", laptop.GetId())
            return nil
    if err != nil {
        return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "unexpected error: %v", err)
    return nil

Implement the client

Now let's implement the client. First I will make a separate function to create a random laptop. Let's copy code block from main function of cmd/client/main.go file and paste it in the createLaptop() function. Now in the main function we will use a for loop to create 10 random laptops.


func createLaptop(laptopClient pb.LaptopServiceClient)  {
    laptop := sample.NewLaptop()
    laptop.Id = ""
    req := &pb.CreateLaptopRequest{
        Laptop: laptop,
    // set timeout
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    res, err := laptopClient.CreateLaptop(ctx, req)
    if err != nil {
        st, ok := status.FromError(err)
        if ok && st.Code() == codes.AlreadyExists {
            // not a big deal
            log.Print("laptop already exists")
        } else {
            log.Fatal("cannot create laptop: ", err)
    log.Printf("created laptop with id: %s", res.Id)
func main() {
    // ...
    laptopClient := pb.NewLaptopServiceClient(conn)
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {

Then we will create a new search filter. I want to search for laptops with maximum price of 3000 and at least 4 CPU cores, minimum frequency of 2.5 and at least 8 gigabytes of RAM. Now we call searchLaptop with the client and the filter.

func main() {
    // ...
    filter := &pb.Filter{
        MaxPriceUsd: 3000,
        MinCpuCores: 4,
        MinCpuGhz:   2.5,
        MinRam:      &pb.Memory{Value: 8, Unit: pb.Memory_GIGABYTE},

    searchLaptop(laptopClient, filter)

Let's write this function. First we write a log here to show the filter values. Then we create a context with timeout of 5 seconds. We make a SearchLaptopRequest object with the filter. Then we call laptopClient.SearchLaptop() to get the stream. If there's an error, write a fatal log. Else we use a for loop to receive multiple responses from the stream. If it returns an end-of-file (EOF) error, this means it's the end of the stream. So we just return. Otherwise, if error is not nil, we write a fatal log. If everything goes well, we can get the laptop from the stream. I will print out only a few properties of the laptop so that it's easier to read: the laptop ID, the brand, the name, the number of CPU cores, the min frequency of the CPU, the RAM and finally the price.


func searchLaptop(laptopClient pb.LaptopServiceClient, filter *pb.Filter) {
	log.Print("search filter: ", filter)

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
	defer cancel()

	req := &pb.SearchLaptopRequest{Filter: filter}
	stream, err := laptopClient.SearchLaptop(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("cannot search laptop: ", err)

	for {
		res, err := stream.Recv()
		if err == io.EOF {
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("cannot receive response: ", err)

		laptop := res.GetLaptop()
		log.Print("- found: ", laptop.GetId())
		log.Print(" + brand: ", laptop.GetBrand())
		log.Print(" + name: ", laptop.GetName())
		log.Print(" + cpu cores: ", laptop.GetCpu().GetNumberCores())
		log.Print(" + cpu min ghz: ", laptop.GetCpu().GetMinGhz())
		log.Print(" + ram: ", laptop.GetRam().GetValue(), laptop.GetRam().GetUnit())
		log.Print(" + price: ", laptop.GetPriceUsd(), "usd")

OK, let's run the server and run the client.

2021/04/02 19:30:12 cannot create laptop: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded
exit status 1

There's a deadline exceeded error when creating the laptops. This is because in the previous lecture, we're doing a sleep for 6 seconds on the server side. So let's comment this out.


func (server *LaptopServer) CreateLaptop(
    ctx context.Context,
    req *pb.CreateLaptopRequest,
) (*pb.CreateLaptopResponse, error) {
    // ...
    // some heavy processing
    // time.Sleep(6 * time.Second) 

And restart the server. Then re-run the client. This time we've created 10 laptops, and found 3 laptops that matches the filter.

2021/04/02 19:35:35 created laptop with id: 0b3b3be6-1341-4a8b-820e-b48cc63e7a4f
2021/04/02 19:35:35 created laptop with id: 2d4d9bae-16ca-4e96-9588-0a8ebcfb12d8
2021/04/02 19:35:35 created laptop with id: 724e7fe8-5a70-4b70-97c1-8435fbfa01f9
2021/04/02 19:35:35 created laptop with id: c6d58719-6153-4db2-af54-664d0083bcfb
2021/04/02 19:35:35 created laptop with id: 11ea4983-ab3a-492f-829a-4237839226b0
2021/04/02 19:35:35 created laptop with id: fc2a5fef-298e-49b5-a974-fc09695c15ff
2021/04/02 19:35:35 created laptop with id: 74f7643b-5c80-4dee-aa65-7e3a5c4ebd37
2021/04/02 19:35:35 created laptop with id: 2b052e26-2758-4382-bcfd-aa783f5d6831
2021/04/02 19:35:35 created laptop with id: f86d0fbc-50f2-4f23-93af-34d5353226eb
2021/04/02 19:35:35 created laptop with id: a4498ed8-eccc-4907-b8e3-68ab0d7ebc70
2021/04/02 19:35:35 search filter: max_price_usd:3000 min_cpu_cores:4 min_cpu_ghz:2.5 min_ram:{value:8 unit:GIGABYTE}
2021/04/02 19:35:35 - found: 724e7fe8-5a70-4b70-97c1-8435fbfa01f9
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + brand: Dell
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + name: Alienware
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + cpu cores: 6
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + cpu min ghz: 3.1019312916606565
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + ram: 22 GIGABYTE
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + price: 2242.9127272631004usd
2021/04/02 19:35:35 - found: 74f7643b-5c80-4dee-aa65-7e3a5c4ebd37
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + brand: Apple
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + name: Macbook Air
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + cpu cores: 5
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + cpu min ghz: 3.4362480622854794
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + ram: 10 GIGABYTE
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + price: 2761.2363802318578usd
2021/04/02 19:35:35 - found: 0b3b3be6-1341-4a8b-820e-b48cc63e7a4f
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + brand: Apple
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + name: Macbook Air
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + cpu cores: 8
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + cpu min ghz: 2.6970044221301923
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + ram: 13 GIGABYTE
2021/04/02 19:35:35  + price: 2086.775426243169usd

Let's run it one more time to create 10 more laptops. This time we found 7 matched laptops. Let's look at the server logs. Here it receives a search-laptop request and sent 3 laptops to the client. Perfect!

2021/04/02 19:35:35 receive a search-laptop request with filter: max_price_usd:3000  min_cpu_cores:4  min_cpu_ghz:2.5  min_ram:{value:8  unit:GIGABYTE}
2021/04/02 19:35:35 sent laptop with id: 724e7fe8-5a70-4b70-97c1-8435fbfa01f9
2021/04/02 19:35:35 sent laptop with id: 74f7643b-5c80-4dee-aa65-7e3a5c4ebd37
2021/04/02 19:35:35 sent laptop with id: 0b3b3be6-1341-4a8b-820e-b48cc63e7a4f

Now let's simulate the timeout case. In the Search function of the laptop store, let's say it runs very slowly, each iteration takes 1 second. We write a log here so that we can track the progress.

func (store *InMemoryLaptopStore) Search(
    filter *pb.Filter,
    found func(laptop *pb.Laptop) error,
) error {
    // ...
    for _, laptop := range {
        // heavy processing
		log.Print("checking laptop id: ", laptop.GetId())
        if isQualified(filter, laptop) {
            other, err := deepCopy(laptop)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            err = found(other)
            if err != nil {
                return err
    return nil

OK, let's restart the server. Then run the client. After a few seconds, it gets a deadline exceeded error. Let's run it one more time so that the server will have more records to scan through. OK, the deadline error is thrown. However, on the server side, you can see that it's still checking more records. This is useless because the client has already cancelled the request. So let's fix it. In this for loop before checking if a laptop is qualified or not, we will have to check the context status. To do that, we have to add the request context as a parameter of the Search function.

type LaptopStore interface {
    // ...
    // Search searches for laptops with filter, returns one by one via the found function
    Search(ctx context.Context, filter *pb.Filter, found func(laptop *pb.Laptop) error) error

// ...

func (store *InMemoryLaptopStore) Search(
    ctx context.Context,
    filter *pb.Filter,
    found func(laptop *pb.Laptop) error,
) error {
    // ...

Alright, now we check if the context error is Cancelled or DeadlineExceeded. If it is, we write a log and return an error saying the context is cancelled.

func (store *InMemoryLaptopStore) Search(
    filter *pb.Filter,
    found func(laptop *pb.Laptop) error,
) error {
    // ...
    for _, laptop := range {
    // heavy processing
    log.Print("checking laptop id: ", laptop.GetId())
    if ctx.Err() == context.Canceled || ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
        log.Print("context is cancelled")
        return errors.New("context is cancelled")

    // ...

In the laptop server, we have to get the context from the stream and pass it in the Search function. And that's it.

func (server *LaptopServer) SearchLaptop(
    req *pb.SearchLaptopRequest,
    stream pb.LaptopService_SearchLaptopServer,
) error {
    // ...
    err := server.Store.Search(
        func (laptop *pb.Laptop) error {
            // ...
    // ...

Now let's restart the server. Then run the client. One more time. OK. This time on the server side we can see a log "context is cancelled".

2021/04/02 21:06:54 context is cancelled

And it stops processing other records. So it works as expected.

Write unit test

Now I will show you know to write unit tests for the server-streaming RPC. There are 2 ways to do this. The first way is to mock this stream interface, provide an implementation of the Send function to catch the responses, but we also need to add some empty implementation of the functions in the grpc.ServerStreaming interface. There are about 6 of them, so it's too much. Thus, I will use the 2nd way, which is to use the client to call the RPC on the test server. I will copy this setup block

    laptopServer, serverAddress := startTestLaptopServer(t)
    laptopClient := newTestLaptopClient(t, serverAddress)

and paste it into TestClientSearchLaptop to make a new unit test.

func TestClientSearchLaptop(t *testing.T) {

	laptopServer, serverAddress := startTestLaptopServer(t)
	laptopClient := newTestLaptopClient(t, serverAddress)

First I will create a search filter. Let's say max price is 2000, the min cpu cores is 4, the min cpu frequency is 2.2, and the min RAM is 8 gigabytes.

func TestClientSearchLaptop(t *testing.T) {
    // ...
    filter := &pb.Filter{
        MaxPriceUsd: 2000,
        MinCpuCores: 4,
        MinCpuGhz:   2.2,
        MinRam:      &pb.Memory{Value: 8, Unit: pb.Memory_GIGABYTE},

    // ...

Next I will create a new in-memory laptop store to insert some laptops for searching. This expectedIDs map will contain all laptop IDs that we expect to be found by the server. OK, now we will use a for loop to create 6 laptops. The first case will be an unmatched laptop with a too high price. The second case is also unmatched because it has only 2 cores. The third case doesn't match because the min frequency is too low. The forth case doesn't match since it has only 4 gigs RAM. The fifth case is gonna be a matched laptop. The price is 1999. It has 4 cores, with minimum frequency of 2.5, max frequency of 4.5 and 16 gigabytes of RAM. We add the ID of this laptop to the expectedIDs map. The last case is also matched. So I will just duplicate the previous one, and change the configurations a bit.

func TestClientSearchLaptop(t *testing.T) {
    // ...
    store := service.NewInMemoryLaptopStore()
    expectedIDs := make(map[string]bool)
    for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
        laptop := sample.NewLaptop()
        switch i {
        case 0:
            laptop.PriceUsd = 2500
        case 1:
            laptop.Cpu.NumberCores = 2
        case 2:
            laptop.Cpu.MinGhz = 2.0
        case 3:
            laptop.Ram = &pb.Memory{Value: 4096, Unit: pb.Memory_GIGABYTE}
        case 4:
            laptop.PriceUsd = 1999
            laptop.Cpu.NumberCores = 4
            laptop.Cpu.MinGhz = 2.5
            laptop.Cpu.MinGhz = 4.5
            laptop.Ram = &pb.Memory{Value: 16, Unit: pb.Memory_GIGABYTE}
            expectedIDs[laptop.Id] = true
        case 5:
            laptop.PriceUsd = 2000
            laptop.Cpu.NumberCores = 6
            laptop.Cpu.MinGhz = 2.8
            laptop.Cpu.MinGhz = 5.0
            laptop.Ram = &pb.Memory{Value: 64, Unit: pb.Memory_GIGABYTE}
            expectedIDs[laptop.Id] = true

    // ...

Alright, now we call Store.Save to save the laptop to the store. Require there's no error.

func TestClientSearchLaptop(t *testing.T) {
    // ...
    for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
    	// ...

        err := store.Save(laptop)
        require.NoError(t, err)

    // ...

Next we have to add this store to the test laptop server. I will add one more store parameter to this function.

func TestClientSearchLaptop(t *testing.T) {
    // ...

    laptopServer, serverAddress := startTestLaptopServer(t, store)
    laptopClient := newTestLaptopClient(t, serverAddress)

func startTestLaptopServer(t *testing.T, store service.LaptopStore) (*service.LaptopServer, string) {
    laptopServer := service.NewLaptopServer(store)
    // ...

Then update the create-laptop test to pass in a new in-memory laptop store.

func TestClientCreateLaptop(t *testing.T) {
    // ...
    laptopServer, serverAddress := startTestLaptopServer(t, service.NewInMemoryLaptopStore())
    // ...

OK, back to our search-laptop test. Here we're not gonna use the laptopServer object, so I will remove it.

func TestClientSearchLaptop(t *testing.T) {
    // ...

    _, serverAddress := startTestLaptopServer(t, store)
    laptopClient := newTestLaptopClient(t, serverAddress)

Now we create a new SearchLaptopRequest with the filter. Then we call laptopClient.SearchLaptop with the created request. We require no errors to be returned. Next I will use this variable to keep track of the number of laptops found. Then use a for loop to receive multiple responses. If we got an end-of-file error, then break. Else we check that there's no error. And the laptop ID should be in the expectedIDs map. Then we increase the number of laptops found. Finally, we require that number to equal to the size of the expectedIDs.

func TestClientSearchLaptop(t *testing.T) {
    // ...

    req := &pb.SearchLaptopRequest{Filter: filter}
    stream, err := laptopClient.SearchLaptop(context.Background(), req)
    require.NoError(t, err)
    found := 0
    for {
        res, err := stream.Recv()
        if err == io.EOF {
        require.NoError(t, err)
        require.Contains(t, expectedIDs, res.GetLaptop().GetId())
        found += 1
    require.Equal(t, len(expectedIDs), found)

OK, now let's run this unit test. It passed.

--- PASS: TestClientSearchLaptop (6.00s)

But it took 6 seconds to run. That's because we forget to comment out the time.Sleep in the search function. So let's comment it out.

func (store *InMemoryLaptopStore) Search(
    filter *pb.Filter,
    found func(laptop *pb.Laptop) error,
) error {
    // ...
    for _, laptop := range {
        // heavy processing
        // time.Sleep(time.Second)
        // log.Print("checking laptop id: ", laptop.GetId())
    	// ...
    return nil

And re-run the test. It's much faster now. Let's run the whole package test.

go test -cover

All passed and the coverage is 75.8%. Not bad!

That's all for today's lecture. We have learned how to implement and test a server-streaming RPC in Go. In the next lecture we will learn how to do that in Java. Thanks for your time and I will see you later.