Hi, welcome back! It's been a long journey with gRPC, and we've learned so much about amazing features of it. However, we all know that gRPC is not a tool for everything. There are cases where we still want to provide a traditional RESTful JSON API. The reasons can range from maintaining backwards-compatibility, to supporting programming languages or clients not well supported by gRPC. But coding another API for REST is quite time consuming and tedious. So is there any way to code just once, but can provide APIs in both gRPC and REST at the same time? The answer is yes.
One way to achieve that is to use gRPC gateway. gRPC gateway is a plugin of
the protocol buffer compiler. It reads the protobuf service definitions and
generates a proxy server, which translates a RESTful HTTP call into gRPC
request. All we need to do is a small amount of configuration in the service.
And that's what we will learn in this lecture. This is the github page
of gRPC gateway. I'm gonna use its latest version, which is version 2. You can
read its documentation in this page.
Before start coding, we have to install some tools. First, the
. We copy this github link, and run
go get -u github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway
in the terminal. One cool thing about gRPC gateway is, it also generate
swagger files for us to create API documentation. So let's install this
tool as well.
go get -u github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/protoc-gen-openapiv2
Alright, now if we look at the go/bin
folder, we can see the
and protoc-gen-grpc-gateway
executable binary. The
next thing we need to do is to add a google.api.http
annotation to the proto
files. There are a lot of thing we can config. You can check out this
file to read more about them. For now, I will show you the most basic
configuration. To have the google api http annotation, we have to copy the
third party protobuf files to our project. These can be found by manually
cloning and copying the relevant files from the googleapis repository.
Inside it, there's a google
folder. The files you will need are:
Let's copy it to our pcbook
golang project. With this in place, we can now
add annotation to our service proto.
Let's start with the auth_service.proto
. First we need to import
. Then inside the Login RPC, we add this option
. We declare the route with method POST, and the path is
. Since this is a POST request, it should have a body
so we
add body star here.
// ...
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
// ...
service AuthService {
rpc Login(LoginRequest) returns (LoginResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/auth/login"
body : "*"
Alright, now let's do similar thing for the laptop_service.proto
file. First
import google api annotation, then add the google.api.http
option to the
RPC. It's also a POST request, but the path should be different.
I'm gonna use /v1/laptop/create
. Next, the search laptop RPC will be a GET
request, and the path is v1/laptop/search
. Similarly, the upload image RPC
will be POST /v1/laptop/upload_image
and finally the rate laptop RPC will
be POST /v1/laptop/rate
// ...
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
// ...
service LaptopService {
rpc CreateLaptop(CreateLaptopRequest) returns (CreateLaptopResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/laptop/create"
body : "*"
rpc SearchLaptop(SearchLaptopRequest) returns (stream SearchLaptopResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get : "/v1/laptop/search"
rpc UploadImage(stream UploadImageRequest) returns (UploadImageResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/laptop/search"
body : "*"
rpc RateLaptop(stream RateLaptopRequest) returns (stream RateLaptopResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post : "/v1/laptop/rate"
body : "*"
OK, the proto files are updated, now we have to update our make gen
to instruct protoc
to generate grpc gateway and swagger files for us. We use
this grpc-gateway_out
option to tell protoc
to generate codes to the pb
folder which is the same folder that our gRPC codes will be generated to. Then
we use the openapiv2_out
option to tell protoc
to generate swagger files
to the openapiv2
protoc --proto_path=proto --go_out=pb --go-grpc_out=pb --grpc-gateway_out ./pb --openapiv2_out ./openapiv2 proto/*.proto
# ...
Let's create that openapiv2
folder at the root of our pcbook
project. OK,
now let's open the terminal and run
make gen
to generate the codes.
As you can see in pb
folder, 2 new files has been generated: first the
file for the authentication service. It has a function
to handle the POST login request. Note that this
function is used for in-process translation
from REST to gRPC. It means that we don't need to run a separate gRPC server
to serve requests from REST server via network call. Unfortunately, at the
moment in-process translation only supports unary RPC. For streaming RPC,
we must use RegisterAuthServiceHandlerFromEndpoint
function which will
translate the incoming RESTful requests into gRPC format, and call the
corresponding RPC on the specified endpoint. The content of the
file is similar, you can check it out by youself if
you want. Now, in the openapiv2
folder, there are many generated swagger
files. But we only care about the auth_service.swagger.json
and the
files. These files are very useful for us to
create API documentation. We can easily do that by going to swagger.io
, then click Create New
and choose Import and Document API
, click
and select the auth_service.swagger.json
file and click Upload
Enter the name and version for our API. Looks like it doesn't allow space in
the name so let's change name to pcbook-auth-service
and click
Import OpenAPI
. Voila, we have a beautiful API documentation for our auth
service. Inspect the login route, the request body is a JSON with username and
password. The successful response will have status code 200 and a JSON body
with the access token or the error response will contain these fields in the
"error": "string",
"code": 0,
"message": "string",
"details": [
"type_url": "string",
"value": "string"
It looks great! So let's upload the swagger file of the laptop service as
well. Select laptop_service.swagger.json
file, click Upload File
. Then
change the name to pcbook-laptop-service
, update version to 1.0 and click
Import OpenAPI
. Cool, we have the documentation with 4 routes: create, rate,
search laptop and upload image. This create laptop API is a POST
request with
a very long JSON body. Then the rate laptop API is also a POST
, but the request
body is a stream input. The search laptops uses method GET
. As you can see,
all filtering conditions are presented here as query parameters. Alright, we
will come back to this later.
Now let's get back to the code to implement the REST server. First I will
refactor the existing code of the gRPC server a bit. Let's define a function
to run gRPC server. Then move block of code to that function. The function
will need several input parameters: first the auth service server, the laptop
service server, the JWT manager, whether we want to enable TLS or not, and
finally a net.Listener
object. Note this enableTLS
variable is not a
pointer anymore and we don't need to write a fatal log, but we can just wrap
the error and return it. Finally, we just return grpcServer.Serve(listener)
And the runGRPCServer
function is done.
func runGRPCServer(
authServer pb.AuthServiceServer,
laptopServer pb.LaptopServiceServer,
jwtManager *service.JWTManager,
enableTLS bool,
listener net.Listener,
) error {
interceptor := service.NewAuthInterceptor(jwtManager, accessibleRoles())
serverOptions := []grpc.ServerOption{
if enableTLS {
tlsCredentials, err := loadTLSCredentials()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot load TLS credentials: %w", err)
serverOptions = append(serverOptions, grpc.Creds(tlsCredentials))
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(serverOptions...)
pb.RegisterAuthServiceServer(grpcServer, authServer)
pb.RegisterLaptopServiceServer(grpcServer, laptopServer)
return grpcServer.Serve(listener)
In the main
function we just call runGRPCServer
and pass in all required
arguments, and check the returned error. If it is not nil
, we write a fatal
func main() {
// ...
laptopStore := service.NewInMemoryLaptopStore()
imageStore := service.NewDiskImageStore("img")
ratingStore := service.NewInMemoryRatingStore()
laptopServer := service.NewLaptopServer(laptopStore, imageStore, ratingStore)
address := fmt.Sprintf("", *port)
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", address)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("cannot start server: ", err)
err = runGRPCServer(authServer, laptopServer, jwtManager, *enableTLS, listener)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("cannot start server: ", err)
Now the REST server is gonna need similar input arguments, so I will just
duplicate runGRPCServer
function signature and change the function name to
. First we call runtime.NewServerMux()
to create a new HTTP
request multiplexer. You should check to make sure that the correct package is
imported. It should be grpc-gateway/v2/runtime
package. OK, then we create
a new context with cancel, call defer cancel
to avoid leaking memory. Now
let's start with the in-process translation from REST to gRPC, we call
function, pass in the context, the
multiplexer, and the auth service server object. If error is not nil
, return
it. Let's do the same thing to register the laptop service server. Then let's
write a log here. Saying we're starting a REST server at this address with
this TLS option.
log.Printf("start REST server on port %d, TLS = %t", listener.Addr().String, enableTLS)
I'm gonna add this log to the runGRPCServer()
as well, and change the
message from REST to GRPC.
func runGRPCServer(
authServer pb.AuthServiceServer,
laptopServer pb.LaptopServiceServer,
jwtManager *service.JWTManager,
enableTLS bool,
listener net.Listener,
) error {
// ...
log.Printf("start GRPC server on port %s, TLS = %t", listener.Addr().String(), enableTLS)
return grpcServer.Serve(listener)
OK, now we check if TLS is enable, then to start the REST server, we call
with the listener
and multiplexer. We also need to pass in the
path to server's certificate and private key file. So I will go to the
to get them. Let's define a constant for the server's
certificate file. Then another constant for the server's private key file, and
a constant for the client CA's certificate file, too to be consistent.
const (
serverCertFile = "cert/server-cert.pem"
serverKeyFile = "cert/server-key.pem"
clientCACertFile = "cert/ca-cert.pem"
func loadTLSCredentials() (credentials.TransportCredentials, error) {
// Load certificate of the CA who signed server's certificate
pemClientCA, err := ioutil.ReadFile(clientCACertFile)
// ...
// Load server's certificate and private key
serverCert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(serverCertFile, serverKeyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ...
OK, get back to our runRESTServer
function. We can now pass the server
certificate and private key file to this function. If TLS is not enabled, we
simply call http.Serve()
with the listener
and multiplexer. And that's it!
func runRESTServer(
authServer pb.AuthServiceServer,
laptopServer pb.LaptopServiceServer,
jwtManager *service.JWTManager,
enableTLS bool,
listener net.Listener,
) error {
mux := runtime.NewServeMux()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// in-process handler
err := pb.RegisterAuthServiceHandlerServer(ctx, mux, authServer)
if err != nil {
return err
err = pb.RegisterLaptopServiceHandlerServer(ctx, mux, laptopServer)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("start REST server on port %s, TLS = %t", listener.Addr().String(), enableTLS)
if enableTLS {
return http.ServeTLS(listener, mux, serverCertFile, serverKeyFile)
return http.Serve(listener, mux)
The REST server is ready.
Now in the main
function let's add 1 more flag to get the server type from
command line argument. It can either be grpc
or rest
and default value is
. Then we check if the server type is grpc
then we call the
function else we call the runRESTServer()
func main() {
// ...
serverType := flag.String("type", "grpc", "type of server (grpc/rest")
// ...
if *serverType == "grpc" {
err = runGRPCServer(authServer, laptopServer, jwtManager, *enableTLS, listener)
} else {
err = runRESTServer(authServer, laptopServer, jwtManager, *enableTLS, listener)
// ...
Alright, to test this server we should add 1 more command to the Makefile
This command will start the REST server. So let's call it make rest
. And I
will use a different port for it. Let's say 8081
go run cmd/server/main.go -port 8081 -type rest
OK, now let's run
make rest
in the terminal.
As you can see, the REST server is started on port 8081. Now let's open our
swagger page of the authentication service and copy login path. I will use
Postman to test the API. Click +
button to create a new request, change
the method to POST
, paste in the login path, and set the root URL to
. This is a JSON request. So in the body
tab, we choose raw
, then type JSON
. Let's go back to swagger page and copy
example body string.
"username": "string",
"password": "string"
Paste it in the form. We can get the username
and password
from the code.
I'm gonna use the admin1
user, password secret
. Then click "Send".
"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MjA5MTE3NDMsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW4xIiwicm9sZSI6ImFkbWluIn0.LQfZIHHgXemWP4oP4Eg2PBbAdA3qjmnP-iI05Vqk2ig"
Yee, we've got 200 OK
status code, and the access token in the response body.
So it works! If we change the username to admin2
, for example, and click
again, we will get 400 Not Found
status code, and an error: "incorrect
username/password" in the body.
"code": 5,
"message": "incorrect username/password",
"details": []
Now keep in mind that only the REST server is running since we're using
in-process translation. And because of this, it only works for unary request.
Let's see what happen if we try to call a streaming request. I'm gonna open
the swagger page of the laptop service. And copy the search laptop request
path /v1/laptop/search
. To remind, this is originally a server streaming RPC.
So let's paste it to Postman. OK, now the filtering parameters. First the
max price 5000, number of CPU cores: 2 cores, min CPU frequency 2.0 GHz, min
RAM value 3, min RAM unit: GIGABYTE. Now click "Send".
filter.max_price_usd 5000
filter.min_cpu_cores 2
filter.min_cpu_ghz 2.0
filter.min_ram_value 3
filter.min_ram_unit GIGABYTE
This time we've got 501 Not Implemented, and the error message saying streaming calls are not yet supported in the in-process transport.
"code": 12,
"message": "streaming calls are not yet supported in the in-process transport",
"details": []
If we open the generated codes, there's a link to an issue on the grpc-gateway
repository to request for streaming support in the in-process transport.
However, typically we just use 1 request-response mechanism in a normal
RESTful call, so it makes sense to just convert unary RPC to REST. But if we
really want to convert streaming RPCs, we can also do that by using gRPC
gateway as a proxy. The RegisterAuthServiceHandlerFromEndpoint
is used for
this purpose. So let's update our REST server code a little bit. I will
comment out this in-process call.
func runRESTServer(
authServer pb.AuthServiceServer,
laptopServer pb.LaptopServiceServer,
jwtManager *service.JWTManager,
enableTLS bool,
listener net.Listener,
) error {
// ...
// in-process handler
// err := pb.RegisterAuthServiceHandlerServer(ctx, mux, authServer)
// ...
And replace it with RegisterAuthServiceHandlerFromEndpoint()
. We need to
pass in an endpoint of the gRPC server so let's define it as an input
parameter of runRESTServer()
function. Since this is a network call, we also
have to provide a dialOptions
object. Let's declare this gRPC dial options
at the beginning of runRESTServer()
function. To be simple, in this tutorial,
I'm just gonna use grpc.WithInsecure()
. OK, we have to do the same thing to
register laptop service handler.
func runRESTServer(
authServer pb.AuthServiceServer,
laptopServer pb.LaptopServiceServer,
jwtManager *service.JWTManager,
enableTLS bool,
listener net.Listener,
grpcEndpoint string,
) error {
mux := runtime.NewServeMux()
dialOptions := []grpc.DialOption{grpc.WithInsecure()}
// ...
// in-process handler
// err := pb.RegisterAuthServiceHandlerServer(ctx, mux, authServer)
err := pb.RegisterAuthServiceHandlerFromEndpoint(ctx, mux, grpcEndpoint, dialOptions)
if err != nil {
return err
// err = pb.RegisterLaptopServiceHandlerServer(ctx, mux, laptopServer)
err = pb.RegisterLaptopServiceHandlerFromEndpoint(ctx, mux, grpcEndpoint, dialOptions)
if err != nil {
return err
// ...
Then in the main
function, let's add a new command line argument for the
gRPC endpoint and pass it in the runRESTServer()
function call. Finally, we
have to update our make rest
command to pass in the address of the gRPC
server, which should be at local host port 8080.
go run cmd/server/main.go -port 8081 -type rest -endpoint
OK, let's test it! First we run
make server
to start the gRPC server on port 8080. Then on another tab, we run
make rest
to start the REST server on port 8081.
Now go back to Postman and send the search laptop request. This time we got 200 OK status code. The body is empty because we haven't created any laptops yet. So let's open another terminal tab and run
make client
Now 3 laptops are created. Let's send the search laptop again.
"result": {
"laptop": {
"id": "aaa8e8aa-c172-4afb-a726-95eb93bfef84",
"brand": "Lenovo",
"name": "Thinkpad P1",
"cpu": {
"brand": "Intel",
"name": "Xeon-E-2286M",
"numberCores": 2,
"numberThreads": 2,
"minGhz": 3.4397298380458095,
"maxGhz": 3.7294466666413864
"ram": {
"value": "23",
"unit": "GIGABYTE"
"gpus": [
"brand": "NVIDIA",
"name": "RTX 2070",
"minGhz": 1.2799156633669841,
"maxGhz": 1.9953732411161396,
"memory": {
"value": "2",
"unit": "GIGABYTE"
"storages": [
"driver": "SSD",
"memory": {
"value": "864",
"unit": "GIGABYTE"
"driver": "HDD",
"memory": {
"value": "3",
"unit": "TERABYTE"
"screen": {
"sizeInch": 13.702278,
"resolution": {
"width": 7616,
"height": 4284
"panel": "IPS",
"multitouch": true
"keyboard": {
"layout": "QWERTY",
"backlit": false
"weightKg": 1.8507416377914885,
"priceUsd": 2133.7980430974994,
"releaseYear": 2019,
"updatedAt": "2021-05-14T07:06:28.129475620Z"
"result": {
"laptop": {
"id": "cbb0777a-fe62-4d16-95c6-e1634345c01b",
"brand": "Lenovo",
"name": "Thinkpad X1",
"cpu": {
"brand": "Intel",
"name": "Xeon-E-2286M",
"numberCores": 3,
"numberThreads": 11,
"minGhz": 2.220573657654501,
"maxGhz": 2.62113176063615
"ram": {
"value": "22",
"unit": "GIGABYTE"
"gpus": [
"brand": "NVIDIA",
"name": "RTX 2070",
"minGhz": 1.1780559656007965,
"maxGhz": 1.4235571769719728,
"memory": {
"value": "4",
"unit": "GIGABYTE"
"storages": [
"driver": "SSD",
"memory": {
"value": "247",
"unit": "GIGABYTE"
"driver": "HDD",
"memory": {
"value": "1",
"unit": "TERABYTE"
"screen": {
"sizeInch": 16.78862,
"resolution": {
"width": 2634,
"height": 1482
"panel": "OLED",
"multitouch": true
"keyboard": {
"layout": "QWERTY",
"backlit": true
"weightKg": 1.926311921250373,
"priceUsd": 2600.928311353924,
"releaseYear": 2018,
"updatedAt": "2021-05-14T07:06:28.130963792Z"
"result": {
"laptop": {
"id": "ec2364f3-0805-4f84-b8df-e58dc3bc09de",
"brand": "Lenovo",
"name": "Thinkpad X1",
"cpu": {
"brand": "AMD",
"name": "Ryzen 7 PRO 2700U",
"numberCores": 7,
"numberThreads": 12,
"minGhz": 2.9806856701285236,
"maxGhz": 4.919253043897466
"ram": {
"value": "39",
"unit": "GIGABYTE"
"gpus": [
"brand": "NVIDIA",
"name": "GTX 1660-Ti",
"minGhz": 1.1418453526952794,
"maxGhz": 1.6620512959451756,
"memory": {
"value": "2",
"unit": "GIGABYTE"
"storages": [
"driver": "SSD",
"memory": {
"value": "669",
"unit": "GIGABYTE"
"driver": "HDD",
"memory": {
"value": "1",
"unit": "TERABYTE"
"screen": {
"sizeInch": 14.140779,
"resolution": {
"width": 5676,
"height": 3193
"panel": "OLED",
"multitouch": true
"keyboard": {
"layout": "AZERTY",
"backlit": true
"weightKg": 2.0491629125076383,
"priceUsd": 1577.7405639846068,
"releaseYear": 2019,
"updatedAt": "2021-05-14T07:06:28.131226058Z"
Here we go. Some laptops are found. As you can see, they're 3 separate JSON object, not an array. The reason is because this is a streaming result, so the server sends the JSON body as a stream of multiple separate JSON objects.
And that's all I want to share with you in this lecture. You can try to play around with other types of gRPC such as client streaming or bidirectional streaming if you like. I hope you find gRPC gateway interesting and useful. Thanks a lot for reading, see you guys in the next lectures!