The OpenStack infrastructure provider is designed to work with a TripleO-based OpenStack deployment. It provides visibility and management capabilities for the undercloud.
- Scaling of the overcloud through ManageIQ
- Function enabled through both the UI and Automate
- Host data collection
- Base attributes through OpenStack APIs (Ironic, Heat, Tuskar)
- Metrics through OpenStack Ceilometer
- OpenStack component views, detailing the status and configuration of installed OpenStack services, through host fleecing
- Image data collection through the OpenStack Glance API
- Exposing additional management capabilities provided by OpenStack APIs
The recommended way to do this can be found here:
Afterwards, you'll need to expose the undercloud's API endpoints:
To enable events in the undercloud, update the following configuration files on the undercloud node:
- /etc/heat/heat.conf
- notification_driver=messaging
- notification_topics=notifications
- /etc/nova/nova.conf
- notification_driver = messaging
- notification_topics = notifications
Then, restart all Heat and Nova services.
Follow these steps to add a TripleO-based OpenStack deployment (undercloud) to ManageIQ
- Go to Infrastructure -> Providers
- Under 'Configuration' select 'Add a New Infrastructure Provider'
- In the resulting form, choose 'OpenStack Infrastructure' as the Type and fill in the 'Basic Information' and 'Credentials' form
- Note that the IP Address must match the IP shown when running 'keystone endpoint-list' in the undercloud
Follow these steps to enable host fleecing. Note that the OpenStack infrastructure provider will still work if these steps are not run; there will simply be less information available through the ManageIQ UI.
- Enable the SmartProxy role:
- Go to Configure -> Configuration
- Select SmartProxy in Server Roles, Server Control section
- Click Save
- Add configuration files to default host profile:
- Go to Configure -> Configuration
- Click on host default in Analysis profiles on the left side bar
- Add configuration files that you want to analyze:
- ex: /etc/*/*.conf, /etc/*/*.ini
- Enable host fleecing with the heat-admin user:
- Go to undercloud node
- Get the private key from /home/stack/.ssh/id_rsa
- In the ‘RSA KEY pair tab’ of Infra provider add heat-admin User ID and the private file from step 2
- Enable host fleecing with the root user:
- Go to undercloud node
- Get the private key from /home/stack/.ssh/id_rsa
- Switch to the stack user
- su - stack
- Get the IP addresses of overcloud nodes
- . stackrc
- nova list
- Connect to each overcloud nodes by using heat-admin user
- ex: ssh [email protected]
- Switch to root user
- sudo -i
- Edit .ssh/authorized_keys to allow regular login
- sed -i 's/no-port-forwarding.*10" //' .ssh/authorized_keys
- In the ‘RSA KEY pair tab’ of Infra provider add root User ID and the private file from step 2
To enable auto-scaling, follow the instructions in the ManageIQ depot.