controller — probably the best bot for a reminder of the end of the subscription.
- Python – programming language
- Redis – persistent storage
- PostgreSQL – best relational database
- NATS JetStream – communications system for digital systems
- Docker – containerization platform
- aiogram – async framework for Telegram Bot API
- aiogram-dialog – developing interactive messages
- asyncpg – fast client for PostgreSQL Database
- SQLAlchemy – SQL toolkit & ORM
- alembic – migration tool
- nats-py - Python client for NATS
- taskiq – distributed task queue
- dynaconf – configuration management
- structlog – structured logging
- zstd – compression technology
- ormsgpack – msgpack serialization
- markupsafe – safely add untrusted strings to HTML
- fluent.runtime – localization / internationalization
1. Clone the repository:
git clone
2. Create file .secrets.toml
in folder configs
and fill data
3. Run the command:
docker-compose up
1. Clone the repository:
git clone
2. Create file .secrets.toml
in folder configs
and fill data
3. Bring up PostgreSQL, Redis and NATS
4. First run the taskiq
taskiq worker application.infrastructure.scheduler.tkq:broker --fs-discover --reload --max-async-tasks -1
taskiq scheduler application.infrastructure.scheduler.tkq:scheduler --fs-discover
5. Second run the bot
python -m application.tgbot