Add contiguous iterator utilities. How about
:CPP_template(typename I, typename S)( requires RandomAccessIterator<I> && SizedSentinel<S, I> && is_contiguous_iterator<I>()) subrange<std::add_pointer_t<iter_reference_t<I>>> as_contiguous_range(I begin, S end) { if(begin == end) return {nullptr, nullptr}; else return {addressof(*begin), addressof(*begin) + (end - begin)}; }
Longer-term goals:
- Make
work with forward iterators - Make the sorting algorithms work with forward iterators
- Make
Maybe iterators are not necessarily countable. Is there a relation between the ability to be able to subtract two iterators to find the distance, and with the existence of a DistanceType associated type? Think of:
- counted iterators (subtractable regardless of traversal category)
- repeat_view iterators (not subtractable but could be random access otherwise)
- infinite ranges (only countable with an infinite precision integer which we lack)
Fix broken views:
- Tokenize
- Split: ha senso visto che non gli piacciono le stringhe.
Add execution policies to algorithms:
- seq
- seq_vec/sec_simd
- par
- par_vec/par_simd
Add ranges::clamp that clamps every element in a range. More like, add a test.
Contorllare se ranges ha un abort o un fail e usare EASTL_FAIL_MSG
Sostituire tutte le chiamate a throw e exceptions con EASTL_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED #if EASTL_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED #include // std::out_of_range, std::length_error. #endif
Controllare se serve in config o dove altro, usare EASTL_CPP17_INLINE_VARIABLE invece di chissà che diavoleria
Creare un namespace per EASTL_SIZE_T e usare quello invece che std::size_t, ma occhio a uintptr_t che mi sembra unsigned al contrario di EASTL_SSIZE_T
Rimuovere tutte le reference a std usando grepWin e la seguente regex. \bstd\b(?!(?:::cout|::initializer_list|::size_t|::uintmax_t|::stringstream|::ptrdiff_t|::nullptr_t|::uint32_t|::intmax_t|::boolalpha|::cerr|::regex_constants|::istream|::ostream|::regex_token_iterator|::basic_ostream|::basic_istream|::ios_base|::out_of_range|::source_location|::atomic|::logic_error|::memory_order_relaxed)\b) - ^(out|doc|extra|perf|include\EARanges\experimental)$
- For ranges, eastl::string does not conform the 'container' concept because it can't be initialized with an iterator Pair.
- To solve this we need to add another constructor:
template <typename Iter, typename = eastl::enable_if_t<eastl::is_same_v<typename eastl::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type, value_type>>>
basic_string(Iter first, Iter last, const allocator_type& allocator = EASTL_BASIC_STRING_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR) : mPair(allocator)
const auto n = eastl::distance(first, last);
for(; first != last; ++first)
- For sized ranges, eastl::reverse_iterator must be able to: i - s and s - i and return a value whose type is better left to the compiler.
- Remove the operation- that uses reverse_iterator::difference_type
template <typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
EA_CPP14_CONSTEXPR inline auto
operator-(const reverse_iterator<Iterator1>& a, const reverse_iterator<Iterator2>& b) -> decltype(a.base() - b.base())
{ return b.base() - a.base(); }
- That's EASTL/internal/memory_base.h
// Copyright (c) Electronic Arts Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <EASTL/internal/config.h>
#pragma once // Some compilers (e.g. VC++) benefit significantly from using this. We've measured 3-4% build speed improvements in apps as a result.
// This file contains basic functionality found in the standard library 'memory' header that
// have limited or no dependencies. This allows us to utilize these utilize these functions
// in other EASTL code while avoid circular dependencies.
namespace eastl
/// addressof
/// From the C++11 Standard, section
/// Returns the actual address of the object or function referenced by r, even in the presence of an overloaded operator&.
template<typename T>
constexpr T * addressof(T & value) EA_NOEXCEPT
if constexpr(true)
return __builtin_addressof(value);
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&const_cast<char&>(reinterpret_cast<const volatile char&>(value)));
template<typename T>
const T * addressof(const T && value) = delete;
} // namespace eastl
- To use to_string, you need to implement vsprintf or use EA::StdC::Vsprintf
- or define it yourself like this:
int __cdecl EA::StdC::Vsnprintf(char * __restrict pDestination, unsigned __int64 n, char const * __restrict pFormat, char * arguments)
return vsnprintf(pDestination, n, pFormat, arguments);
- needs #include cstdio and apparently it's not very portable.
Apparently the other side of the problem is that tuple and everything about it must be constexpr as well.
Yes, that's the case. Infact now stuff works.
So the changes needed are: add constexpr to some constructors and get member functions.
The changes are in two files, obviously: tuple and tuple_fwd_decls.h
The changes are the added EA_CONSTEXPR and EA_NOEXCEPT in the get methods just like the standard dectates.
// Copyright (c) Electronic Arts Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <EASTL/internal/config.h>
namespace eastl
template <typename... T>
class tuple;
template <typename Tuple>
struct tuple_size;
template <class T>
EA_CONSTEXPR size_t tuple_size_v = tuple_size<T>::value;
template <size_t I, typename Tuple>
struct tuple_element;
template <size_t I, typename Tuple>
using tuple_element_t = typename tuple_element<I, Tuple>::type;
template<typename T> struct is_lvalue_reference;
template<bool B, typename T, typename F>
struct conditional;
template <typename T> struct add_lvalue_reference;
template <typename T> struct remove_reference;
// const typename for tuple_element_t, for when tuple or TupleImpl cannot itself be const
template <size_t I, typename Tuple>
using const_tuple_element_t = typename conditional<
is_lvalue_reference<tuple_element_t<I, Tuple>>::value,
typename add_lvalue_reference<const typename remove_reference<tuple_element_t<I, Tuple>>::type>::type,
const tuple_element_t<I, Tuple>
// get
template <size_t I, typename... Ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR tuple_element_t<I, tuple<Ts_...>> & get(tuple<Ts_...> & t) EA_NOEXCEPT;
template <size_t I, typename... Ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR const_tuple_element_t<I, tuple<Ts_...>> & get(const tuple<Ts_...> & t) EA_NOEXCEPT;
template <size_t I, typename... Ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR tuple_element_t<I, tuple<Ts_...>> && get(tuple<Ts_...> && t) EA_NOEXCEPT;
template <typename T, typename... ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR T & get(tuple<ts_...> & t) EA_NOEXCEPT;
template <typename T, typename... ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR const T & get(const tuple<ts_...> & t) EA_NOEXCEPT;
template <typename T, typename... ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR T && get(tuple<ts_...> && t) EA_NOEXCEPT;
- tuple.h is big enough
// Copyright (c) Electronic Arts Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <EASTL/internal/config.h>
#include <EASTL/compare.h>
#include <EASTL/functional.h>
#include <EASTL/type_traits.h>
#include <EASTL/utility.h>
#include <EASTL/internal/tuple_fwd_decls.h>
EA_DISABLE_VC_WARNING(4623) // warning C4623: default constructor was implicitly defined as deleted
EA_DISABLE_VC_WARNING(4625) // warning C4625: copy constructor was implicitly defined as deleted
EA_DISABLE_VC_WARNING(4510) // warning C4510: default constructor could not be generated
namespace eastl
// non-recursive tuple implementation based on libc++ tuple implementation and description at
// http://mitchnull.blogspot.ca/2012/06/c11-tuple-implementation-details-part-1.html
// TupleTypes helper
template <typename... Ts> struct TupleTypes {};
// tuple_size helper
template <typename T> struct tuple_size {};
template <typename T> struct tuple_size<const T> : public tuple_size<T> {};
template <typename T> struct tuple_size<volatile T> : public tuple_size<T> {};
template <typename T> struct tuple_size<const volatile T> : public tuple_size<T> {};
template <typename... Ts> struct tuple_size<TupleTypes<Ts...>> : public integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(Ts)> {};
template <typename... Ts> struct tuple_size<tuple<Ts...>> : public integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(Ts)> {};
namespace Internal
template <typename TupleIndices, typename... Ts>
struct TupleImpl;
} // namespace Internal
template <typename Indices, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_size<Internal::TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> : public integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(Ts)>
// tuple_element helper to be able to isolate a type given an index
template <size_t I, typename T>
struct tuple_element
template <size_t I>
struct tuple_element<I, TupleTypes<>>
static_assert(I != I, "tuple_element index out of range");
template <typename H, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_element<0, TupleTypes<H, Ts...>>
typedef H type;
template <size_t I, typename H, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_element<I, TupleTypes<H, Ts...>>
typedef tuple_element_t<I - 1, TupleTypes<Ts...>> type;
// specialization for tuple
template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_element<I, tuple<Ts...>>
typedef tuple_element_t<I, TupleTypes<Ts...>> type;
template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_element<I, const tuple<Ts...>>
typedef typename add_const<tuple_element_t<I, TupleTypes<Ts...>>>::type type;
template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_element<I, volatile tuple<Ts...>>
typedef typename add_volatile<tuple_element_t<I, TupleTypes<Ts...>>>::type type;
template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_element<I, const volatile tuple<Ts...>>
typedef typename add_cv<tuple_element_t<I, TupleTypes<Ts...>>>::type type;
// specialization for TupleImpl
template <size_t I, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_element<I, Internal::TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> : public tuple_element<I, tuple<Ts...>>
template <size_t I, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_element<I, const Internal::TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> : public tuple_element<I, const tuple<Ts...>>
template <size_t I, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_element<I, volatile Internal::TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> : public tuple_element<I, volatile tuple<Ts...>>
template <size_t I, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_element<I, const volatile Internal::TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> : public tuple_element<
I, const volatile tuple<Ts...>>
// attempt to isolate index given a type
template <typename T, typename Tuple>
struct tuple_index
template <typename T>
struct tuple_index<T, TupleTypes<>>
typedef void DuplicateTypeCheck;
tuple_index() = delete; // tuple_index should only be used for compile-time assistance, and never be instantiated
static const size_t index = 0;
template <typename T, typename... TsRest>
struct tuple_index<T, TupleTypes<T, TsRest...>>
typedef int DuplicateTypeCheck;
// after finding type T in the list of types, try to find type T in TsRest.
// If we stumble back into this version of tuple_index, i.e. type T appears twice in the list of types, then DuplicateTypeCheck will be of type int, and the static_assert will fail.
// If we don't, then we'll go through the version of tuple_index above, where all of the types have been exhausted, and DuplicateTypeCheck will be void.
static_assert(is_void<typename tuple_index<T, TupleTypes<TsRest...>>::DuplicateTypeCheck>::value, "duplicate type T in tuple_vector::get<T>(); unique types must be provided in declaration, or only use get<size_t>()");
static const size_t index = 0;
template <typename T, typename TsHead, typename... TsRest>
struct tuple_index<T, TupleTypes<TsHead, TsRest...>>
typedef typename tuple_index<T, TupleTypes<TsRest...>>::DuplicateTypeCheck DuplicateTypeCheck;
static const size_t index = tuple_index<T, TupleTypes<TsRest...>>::index + 1;
template <typename T, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
struct tuple_index<T, Internal::TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> : public tuple_index<T, TupleTypes<Ts...>>
namespace Internal
// swallow
// Provides a vessel to expand variadic packs.
template <typename... Ts>
void swallow(Ts&&...) {}
// TupleLeaf
template <size_t I, typename ValueType, bool IsEmpty = is_empty_v<ValueType>>
class TupleLeaf;
template <size_t I, typename ValueType, bool IsEmpty>
inline void swap(TupleLeaf<I, ValueType, IsEmpty>& a, TupleLeaf<I, ValueType, IsEmpty>& b)
eastl::swap(a.getInternal(), b.getInternal());
template <size_t I, typename ValueType, bool IsEmpty>
class TupleLeaf
EA_CONSTEXPR TupleLeaf() : mValue() {}
TupleLeaf& operator=(const TupleLeaf&) = delete;
// We shouldn't need this explicit constructor as it should be handled by the template below but OSX clang
// is_constructible type trait incorrectly gives false for is_constructible<T&&, T&&>::value
EA_CONSTEXPR explicit TupleLeaf(ValueType&& v) : mValue(eastl::forward<ValueType>(v)) {}
template <typename T, typename = typename enable_if<is_constructible<ValueType, T&&>::value>::type>
EA_CONSTEXPR explicit TupleLeaf(T && t)
: mValue(eastl::forward<T>(t))
template <typename T>
explicit TupleLeaf(const TupleLeaf& t)
: mValue(t.getInternal())
template <typename T>
TupleLeaf& operator=(T&& t)
mValue = eastl::forward<T>(t);
return *this;
int swap(TupleLeaf& t)
eastl::Internal::swap(*this, t);
return 0;
EA_CONSTEXPR ValueType& getInternal() { return mValue; }
EA_CONSTEXPR const ValueType& getInternal() const { return mValue; }
ValueType mValue;
// TupleLeaf: partial specialization for when we can use the Empty Base Class Optimization
template <size_t I, typename ValueType>
class TupleLeaf<I, ValueType, true> : private ValueType
TupleLeaf() = default;
TupleLeaf& operator=(const TupleLeaf&) = delete;
// We shouldn't need this explicit constructor as it should be handled by the template below but OSX clang
// is_constructible type trait incorrectly gives false for is_constructible<T&&, T&&>::value
explicit TupleLeaf(ValueType&& v) : ValueType(eastl::forward<ValueType>(v)) {}
template <typename T, typename = typename enable_if<is_constructible<ValueType, T&&>::value>::type>
explicit TupleLeaf(T&& t)
: ValueType(eastl::forward<T>(t))
template <typename T>
explicit TupleLeaf(const TupleLeaf& t)
: ValueType(t.getInternal())
template <typename T>
TupleLeaf& operator=(T&& t)
return *this;
int swap(TupleLeaf& t)
eastl::Internal::swap(*this, t);
return 0;
ValueType& getInternal() { return static_cast<ValueType&>(*this); }
const ValueType& getInternal() const { return static_cast<const ValueType&>(*this); }
// MakeTupleTypes
template <typename TupleTypes, typename Tuple, size_t Start, size_t End>
struct MakeTupleTypesImpl;
template <typename... Types, typename Tuple, size_t Start, size_t End>
struct MakeTupleTypesImpl<TupleTypes<Types...>, Tuple, Start, End>
typedef typename remove_reference<Tuple>::type TupleType;
typedef typename MakeTupleTypesImpl<
TupleTypes<Types..., typename conditional<is_lvalue_reference<Tuple>::value,
// append ref if Tuple is ref
tuple_element_t<Start, TupleType>&,
// append non-ref otherwise
tuple_element_t<Start, TupleType>>::type>,
Tuple, Start + 1, End>::type type;
template <typename... Types, typename Tuple, size_t End>
struct MakeTupleTypesImpl<TupleTypes<Types...>, Tuple, End, End>
typedef TupleTypes<Types...> type;
template <typename Tuple>
using MakeTupleTypes_t = typename MakeTupleTypesImpl<TupleTypes<>, Tuple, 0,
tuple_size<typename remove_reference<Tuple>::type>::value>::type;
// TupleImpl
template <size_t I, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR tuple_element_t<I, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>>& get(TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>& t);
template <size_t I, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR const_tuple_element_t<I, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>>& get(const TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>& t);
template <size_t I, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR tuple_element_t<I, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>>&& get(TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>&& t);
template <typename T, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR T& get(TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>& t);
template <typename T, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR const T& get(const TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>& t);
template <typename T, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR T&& get(TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>&& t);
template <size_t... Indices, typename... Ts>
struct TupleImpl<integer_sequence<size_t, Indices...>, Ts...> : public TupleLeaf<Indices, Ts>...
EA_CONSTEXPR TupleImpl() = default;
// index_sequence changed to integer_sequence due to issues described below in VS2015 CTP 6.
// https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/1126958/error-in-template-parameter-pack-expansion-of-std-index-sequence
template <typename... Us, typename... ValueTypes>
EA_CONSTEXPR explicit TupleImpl(integer_sequence<size_t, Indices...>, TupleTypes<Us...>, ValueTypes&&... values)
: TupleLeaf<Indices, Ts>(eastl::forward<ValueTypes>(values))...
template <typename OtherTuple>
TupleImpl(OtherTuple&& t)
: TupleLeaf<Indices, Ts>(eastl::forward<tuple_element_t<Indices, MakeTupleTypes_t<OtherTuple>>>(get<Indices>(t)))...
template <typename OtherTuple>
TupleImpl& operator=(OtherTuple&& t)
swallow(TupleLeaf<Indices, Ts>::operator=(
eastl::forward<tuple_element_t<Indices, MakeTupleTypes_t<OtherTuple>>>(get<Indices>(t)))...);
return *this;
TupleImpl& operator=(const TupleImpl& t)
swallow(TupleLeaf<Indices, Ts>::operator=(static_cast<const TupleLeaf<Indices, Ts>&>(t).getInternal())...);
return *this;
void swap(TupleImpl& t) { swallow(TupleLeaf<Indices, Ts>::swap(static_cast<TupleLeaf<Indices, Ts>&>(t))...); }
template <size_t I, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline tuple_element_t<I, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>>& get(TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>& t)
typedef tuple_element_t<I, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> Type;
return static_cast<Internal::TupleLeaf<I, Type>&>(t).getInternal();
template <size_t I, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline const_tuple_element_t<I, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>>& get(const TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>& t)
typedef tuple_element_t<I, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> Type;
return static_cast<const Internal::TupleLeaf<I, Type>&>(t).getInternal();
template <size_t I, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline tuple_element_t<I, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>>&& get(TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>&& t)
typedef tuple_element_t<I, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> Type;
return static_cast<Type&&>(static_cast<Internal::TupleLeaf<I, Type>&>(t).getInternal());
template <typename T, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline T& get(TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>& t)
typedef tuple_index<T, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> Index;
return static_cast<Internal::TupleLeaf<Index::index, T>&>(t).getInternal();
template <typename T, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline const T & get(const TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...> & t)
typedef tuple_index<T, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> Index;
return static_cast<const Internal::TupleLeaf<Index::index, T>&>(t).getInternal();
template <typename T, typename Indices, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline T && get(TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...> && t)
typedef tuple_index<T, TupleImpl<Indices, Ts...>> Index;
return static_cast<T&&>(static_cast<Internal::TupleLeaf<Index::index, T>&>(t).getInternal());
// TupleLike
// type-trait that determines if a type is an eastl::tuple or an eastl::pair.
template <typename T> struct TupleLike : public false_type {};
template <typename T> struct TupleLike<const T> : public TupleLike<T> {};
template <typename T> struct TupleLike<volatile T> : public TupleLike<T> {};
template <typename T> struct TupleLike<const volatile T> : public TupleLike<T> {};
template <typename... Ts>
struct TupleLike<tuple<Ts...>> : public true_type {};
template <typename First, typename Second>
struct TupleLike<eastl::pair<First, Second>> : public true_type {};
// TupleConvertible
template <bool IsSameSize, typename From, typename To>
struct TupleConvertibleImpl : public false_type
template <typename... FromTypes, typename... ToTypes>
struct TupleConvertibleImpl<true, TupleTypes<FromTypes...>, TupleTypes<ToTypes...>>
: public integral_constant<bool, conjunction<is_convertible<FromTypes, ToTypes>...>::value>
template <typename From, typename To,
bool = TupleLike<typename remove_reference<From>::type>::value,
bool = TupleLike<typename remove_reference<To>::type>::value>
struct TupleConvertible : public false_type
template <typename From, typename To>
struct TupleConvertible<From, To, true, true>
: public TupleConvertibleImpl<tuple_size<typename remove_reference<From>::type>::value ==
tuple_size<typename remove_reference<To>::type>::value,
MakeTupleTypes_t<From>, MakeTupleTypes_t<To>>
// TupleAssignable
template <bool IsSameSize, typename Target, typename From>
struct TupleAssignableImpl : public false_type
template <typename... TargetTypes, typename... FromTypes>
struct TupleAssignableImpl<true, TupleTypes<TargetTypes...>, TupleTypes<FromTypes...>>
: public bool_constant<conjunction<is_assignable<TargetTypes, FromTypes>...>::value>
template <typename Target, typename From,
bool = TupleLike<typename remove_reference<Target>::type>::value,
bool = TupleLike<typename remove_reference<From>::type>::value>
struct TupleAssignable : public false_type
template <typename Target, typename From>
struct TupleAssignable<Target, From, true, true>
: public TupleAssignableImpl<
tuple_size<typename remove_reference<Target>::type>::value ==
tuple_size<typename remove_reference<From>::type>::value,
MakeTupleTypes_t<Target>, MakeTupleTypes_t<From>>
// TupleImplicitlyConvertible and TupleExplicitlyConvertible
// helpers for constraining conditionally-explicit ctors
template <bool IsSameSize, typename TargetType, typename... FromTypes>
struct TupleImplicitlyConvertibleImpl : public false_type
template <typename... TargetTypes, typename... FromTypes>
struct TupleImplicitlyConvertibleImpl<true, TupleTypes<TargetTypes...>, FromTypes...>
: public conjunction<
is_constructible<TargetTypes, FromTypes>...,
is_convertible<FromTypes, TargetTypes>...>
template <typename TargetTupleType, typename... FromTypes>
struct TupleImplicitlyConvertible
: public TupleImplicitlyConvertibleImpl<
tuple_size<TargetTupleType>::value == sizeof...(FromTypes),
MakeTupleTypes_t<TargetTupleType>, FromTypes...>::type
template<typename TargetTupleType, typename... FromTypes>
using TupleImplicitlyConvertible_t = enable_if_t<TupleImplicitlyConvertible<TargetTupleType, FromTypes...>::value, bool>;
template <bool IsSameSize, typename TargetType, typename... FromTypes>
struct TupleExplicitlyConvertibleImpl : public false_type
template <typename... TargetTypes, typename... FromTypes>
struct TupleExplicitlyConvertibleImpl<true, TupleTypes<TargetTypes...>, FromTypes...>
: public conjunction<
is_constructible<TargetTypes, FromTypes>...,
negation<conjunction<is_convertible<FromTypes, TargetTypes>...>>>
template <typename TargetTupleType, typename... FromTypes>
struct TupleExplicitlyConvertible
: public TupleExplicitlyConvertibleImpl<
tuple_size<TargetTupleType>::value == sizeof...(FromTypes),
MakeTupleTypes_t<TargetTupleType>, FromTypes...>::type
template<typename TargetTupleType, typename... FromTypes>
using TupleExplicitlyConvertible_t = enable_if_t<TupleExplicitlyConvertible<TargetTupleType, FromTypes...>::value, bool>;
// TupleEqual
template <size_t I>
struct TupleEqual
template <typename Tuple1, typename Tuple2>
bool operator()(const Tuple1& t1, const Tuple2& t2)
static_assert(tuple_size<Tuple1>::value == tuple_size<Tuple2>::value, "comparing tuples of different sizes.");
return TupleEqual<I - 1>()(t1, t2) && get<I - 1>(t1) == get<I - 1>(t2);
template <>
struct TupleEqual<0>
template <typename Tuple1, typename Tuple2>
bool operator()(const Tuple1&, const Tuple2&)
return true;
// TupleLess
template <size_t I>
struct TupleLess
template <typename Tuple1, typename Tuple2>
bool operator()(const Tuple1& t1, const Tuple2& t2)
static_assert(tuple_size<Tuple1>::value == tuple_size<Tuple2>::value, "comparing tuples of different sizes.");
return TupleLess<I - 1>()(t1, t2) || (!TupleLess<I - 1>()(t2, t1) && get<I - 1>(t1) < get<I - 1>(t2));
template <>
struct TupleLess<0>
template <typename Tuple1, typename Tuple2>
bool operator()(const Tuple1&, const Tuple2&)
return false;
// MakeTupleReturnImpl
template <typename T> struct MakeTupleReturnImpl { typedef T type; };
template <typename T> struct MakeTupleReturnImpl<reference_wrapper<T>> { typedef T& type; };
template <typename T>
using MakeTupleReturn_t = typename MakeTupleReturnImpl<decay_t<T>>::type;
template <typename... T1s, typename... T2s, size_t... Is>
constexpr auto TupleThreeWay(const tuple<T1s...>& t1, const tuple<T2s...>& t2, index_sequence<Is...> is)
std::common_comparison_category_t<synth_three_way_result<T1s, T2s>...> result = std::strong_ordering::equal;
((result = synth_three_way{}(get<Is>(t1), get<Is>(t2)), result != 0) || ...);
return result;
} // namespace Internal
// tuple
// eastl::tuple is a fixed-size container of heterogeneous values. It is a
// generalization of eastl::pair which hold only two heterogeneous values.
// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/tuple
template <typename... Ts>
class tuple;
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
class tuple<T, Ts...>
EA_CONSTEXPR tuple() = default;
template <typename T2 = T,
Internal::TupleImplicitlyConvertible_t<tuple, const T2&, const Ts&...> = 0>
EA_CONSTEXPR tuple(const T& t, const Ts&... ts)
: mImpl(make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts) + 1>{}, Internal::MakeTupleTypes_t<tuple>{}, t, ts...)
template <typename T2 = T,
Internal::TupleExplicitlyConvertible_t<tuple, const T2&, const Ts&...> = 0>
explicit EA_CONSTEXPR tuple(const T& t, const Ts&... ts)
: mImpl(make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts) + 1>{}, Internal::MakeTupleTypes_t<tuple>{}, t, ts...)
template <typename U, typename... Us,
Internal::TupleImplicitlyConvertible_t<tuple, U, Us...> = 0>
EA_CONSTEXPR tuple(U&& u, Us&&... us)
: mImpl(make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Us) + 1>{}, Internal::MakeTupleTypes_t<tuple>{}, eastl::forward<U>(u),
template <typename U, typename... Us,
Internal::TupleExplicitlyConvertible_t<tuple, U, Us...> = 0>
explicit EA_CONSTEXPR tuple(U&& u, Us&&... us)
: mImpl(make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Us) + 1>{}, Internal::MakeTupleTypes_t<tuple>{}, eastl::forward<U>(u),
template <typename OtherTuple,
typename enable_if<Internal::TupleConvertible<OtherTuple, tuple>::value, bool>::type = false>
tuple(OtherTuple&& t)
: mImpl(eastl::forward<OtherTuple>(t))
template <typename OtherTuple,
typename enable_if<Internal::TupleAssignable<tuple, OtherTuple>::value, bool>::type = false>
tuple& operator=(OtherTuple&& t)
return *this;
EA_CONSTEXPR void swap(tuple & t)
typedef Internal::TupleImpl<make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts) + 1>, T, Ts...> Impl;
Impl mImpl;
template <size_t I, typename... Ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR friend tuple_element_t<I, tuple<Ts_...>> & get(tuple<Ts_...> & t) EA_NOEXCEPT;
template <size_t I, typename... Ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR friend const_tuple_element_t<I, tuple<Ts_...>>& get(const tuple<Ts_...>& t)EA_NOEXCEPT;
template <size_t I, typename... Ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR friend tuple_element_t<I, tuple<Ts_...>> && get(tuple<Ts_...> && t) EA_NOEXCEPT;
template <typename T_, typename... ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR friend T_ & get(tuple<ts_...> & t) EA_NOEXCEPT;
template <typename T_, typename... ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR friend const T_ & get(const tuple<ts_...> & t) EA_NOEXCEPT;
template <typename T_, typename... ts_>
EA_CONSTEXPR friend T_ && get(tuple<ts_...> && t) EA_NOEXCEPT;
// template specialization for an empty tuple
template <>
class tuple<>
void swap(tuple &) EA_NOEXCEPT
template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline tuple_element_t<I, tuple<Ts...>> & get(tuple<Ts...> & t) EA_NOEXCEPT
return get<I>(t.mImpl);
template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline const_tuple_element_t<I, tuple<Ts...>> & get(const tuple<Ts...> & t) EA_NOEXCEPT
return get<I>(t.mImpl);
template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline tuple_element_t<I, tuple<Ts...>> && get(tuple<Ts...> && t) EA_NOEXCEPT
return get<I>(eastl::move(t.mImpl));
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline T & get(tuple<Ts...> & t) EA_NOEXCEPT
return get<T>(t.mImpl);
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline const T & get(const tuple<Ts...> & t) EA_NOEXCEPT
return get<T>(t.mImpl);
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline T && get(tuple<Ts...> && t) EA_NOEXCEPT
return get<T>(eastl::move(t.mImpl));
template <typename... Ts>
EA_CONSTEXPR inline void swap(tuple<Ts...> & a, tuple<Ts...> & b) EA_NOEXCEPT
// tuple operators
template <typename... T1s, typename... T2s>
inline bool operator==(const tuple<T1s...>& t1, const tuple<T2s...>& t2)
return Internal::TupleEqual<sizeof...(T1s)>()(t1, t2);
template <typename... T1s, typename... T2s>
inline constexpr std::common_comparison_category_t<synth_three_way_result<T1s, T2s>...> operator<=>(const tuple<T1s...>& t1, const tuple<T2s...>& t2)
return Internal::TupleThreeWay(t1, t2, make_index_sequence<sizeof...(T1s)>{});
template <typename... T1s, typename... T2s>
inline bool operator<(const tuple<T1s...>& t1, const tuple<T2s...>& t2)
return Internal::TupleLess<sizeof...(T1s)>()(t1, t2);
template <typename... T1s, typename... T2s> inline bool operator!=(const tuple<T1s...>& t1, const tuple<T2s...>& t2) { return !(t1 == t2); }
template <typename... T1s, typename... T2s> inline bool operator> (const tuple<T1s...>& t1, const tuple<T2s...>& t2) { return t2 < t1; }
template <typename... T1s, typename... T2s> inline bool operator<=(const tuple<T1s...>& t1, const tuple<T2s...>& t2) { return !(t2 < t1); }
template <typename... T1s, typename... T2s> inline bool operator>=(const tuple<T1s...>& t1, const tuple<T2s...>& t2) { return !(t1 < t2); }
namespace Internal
// tuple_cat helpers
// TupleCat2Impl
template <typename Tuple1, typename Is1, typename Tuple2, typename Is2>
struct TupleCat2Impl;
template <typename... T1s, size_t... I1s, typename... T2s, size_t... I2s>
struct TupleCat2Impl<tuple<T1s...>, index_sequence<I1s...>, tuple<T2s...>, index_sequence<I2s...>>
using ResultType = tuple<T1s..., T2s...>;
template <typename Tuple1, typename Tuple2>
static inline ResultType DoCat2(Tuple1&& t1, Tuple2&& t2)
return ResultType(get<I1s>(eastl::forward<Tuple1>(t1))..., get<I2s>(eastl::forward<Tuple2>(t2))...);
// TupleCat2
template <typename Tuple1, typename Tuple2>
struct TupleCat2;
template <typename... T1s, typename... T2s>
struct TupleCat2<tuple<T1s...>, tuple<T2s...>>
using Is1 = make_index_sequence<sizeof...(T1s)>;
using Is2 = make_index_sequence<sizeof...(T2s)>;
using TCI = TupleCat2Impl<tuple<T1s...>, Is1, tuple<T2s...>, Is2>;
using ResultType = typename TCI::ResultType;
template <typename Tuple1, typename Tuple2>
static inline ResultType DoCat2(Tuple1&& t1, Tuple2&& t2)
return TCI::DoCat2(eastl::forward<Tuple1>(t1), eastl::forward<Tuple2>(t2));
// TupleCat
template <typename... Tuples>
struct TupleCat;
template <typename Tuple1, typename Tuple2, typename... TuplesRest>
struct TupleCat<Tuple1, Tuple2, TuplesRest...>
using TC2 = TupleCat2<Tuple1, Tuple2>;
using FirstResultType = typename TupleCat2<Tuple1, Tuple2>::ResultType;
using ResultType = typename TupleCat<FirstResultType, TuplesRest...>::ResultType;
template <typename TupleArg1, typename TupleArg2, typename... TupleArgsRest>
static inline ResultType DoCat(TupleArg1&& t1, TupleArg2&& t2, TupleArgsRest&&... ts)
return TupleCat<FirstResultType, TuplesRest...>::DoCat(
TC2::DoCat2(eastl::forward<TupleArg1>(t1), eastl::forward<TupleArg2>(t2)),
template <typename Tuple1, typename Tuple2>
struct TupleCat<Tuple1, Tuple2>
using TC2 = TupleCat2<Tuple1, Tuple2>;
using ResultType = typename TC2::ResultType;
template <typename TupleArg1, typename TupleArg2>
static inline ResultType DoCat(TupleArg1&& t1, TupleArg2&& t2)
return TC2::DoCat2(eastl::forward<TupleArg1>(t1), eastl::forward<TupleArg2>(t2));
template <typename... Ts>
struct TupleCat<tuple<Ts...>>
using ResultType = tuple<Ts...>;
template <typename TupleArg>
static inline tuple<Ts...> DoCat(TupleArg&& t)
return eastl::forward<TupleArg>(t);
template <>
struct TupleCat<>
using ResultType = tuple<>;
static inline tuple<> DoCat()
return {};
// tuple_cat
template <typename... Tuples>
inline typename Internal::TupleCat<eastl::remove_cvref_t<Tuples>...>::ResultType tuple_cat(Tuples&&... ts)
return Internal::TupleCat<eastl::remove_cvref_t<Tuples>...>::DoCat(eastl::forward<Tuples>(ts)...);
// make_tuple
template <typename... Ts>
inline EA_CONSTEXPR tuple<Internal::MakeTupleReturn_t<Ts>...> make_tuple(Ts&&... values)
return tuple<Internal::MakeTupleReturn_t<Ts>...>(eastl::forward<Ts>(values)...);
// forward_as_tuple
template <typename... Ts>
inline EA_CONSTEXPR tuple<Ts&&...> forward_as_tuple(Ts&&... ts) EA_NOEXCEPT
return tuple<Ts&&...>(eastl::forward<Ts&&>(ts)...);
// ignore
// An object of unspecified type such that any value can be assigned to it with no effect.
// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/tuple/ignore
namespace Internal
struct ignore_t
ignore_t() = default;
template <typename T>
const ignore_t& operator=(const T&) const
return *this;
}// namespace Internal
static const Internal::ignore_t ignore;
// tie
// Creates a tuple of lvalue references to its arguments or instances of eastl::ignore.
// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/tuple/tie
template <typename... Ts>
inline EA_CONSTEXPR tuple<Ts&...> tie(Ts&... ts) EA_NOEXCEPT
return tuple<Ts&...>(ts...);
// apply
// Invoke a callable object using a tuple to supply the arguments.
// http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/apply
namespace detail
template <class F, class Tuple, size_t... I>
EA_CONSTEXPR decltype(auto) apply_impl(F&& f, Tuple&& t, index_sequence<I...>)
return eastl::invoke(eastl::forward<F>(f), get<I>(eastl::forward<Tuple>(t))...);
} // namespace detail
template <class F, class Tuple>
EA_CONSTEXPR decltype(auto) apply(F&& f, Tuple&& t)
return detail::apply_impl(eastl::forward<F>(f), eastl::forward<Tuple>(t),
} // namespace eastl
// C++17 structured bindings support for eastl::tuple
// we can't forward declare tuple_size and tuple_element because some std implementations
// don't declare it in the std namespace, but instead alias it.
#include <tuple>
namespace std
template <class... Ts>
struct tuple_size<::eastl::tuple<Ts...>> : public ::eastl::integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(Ts)>
template <size_t I, class... Ts>
struct tuple_element<I, ::eastl::tuple<Ts...>> : public ::eastl::tuple_element<I, ::eastl::tuple<Ts...>>
#endif // EASTL_TUPLE_H
Q: Why it's not an option??
A: Even tho random_number_generator and discrete_distribution are optional, the original <EASTL/random.h> implementation is very very scarce, with a broken int_distribution that doesn't take ints also it doesn't provide a real_distribution, for discrete_distribution for algorithms using weights, like loot drops.
So you can skip the includes of rng and dd but the int_distribution static assert will fail with RNGs like std::mt19973 since its result_type should be an uint, not int.
Also, it's kinda a big change, so you have to want it.
TODO: 2) Creare un eastl::random_device, somehow :(
TODO: 3) Figure out how to include discrete-distribution in random.h without breaking everything.
Needs pcg files in EASTL/internal/random/
#pragma once
#include <EASTL/internal/random/pcg_random.hpp>
namespace eastl
struct RNG32Tag
struct RNG64Tag
template<typename T>
struct RNGTraits;
struct RNGTraits<RNG32Tag>
using engine = pcg32_oneseq;
struct RNGTraits<RNG64Tag>
using engine = pcg64_oneseq;
template<class Tag = RNG32Tag>
class RNG
using engine = typename RNGTraits<Tag>::engine;
using seed_type = typename engine::state_type;
using result_type = typename engine::result_type;
RNG() = default;
explicit RNG(seed_type seed)
: rng(seed)
RNG(const RNG & o)
: rng(o.rng)
RNG(RNG && o) noexcept
: rng(std::move(o.rng))
RNG & operator=(const RNG & other)
return *this = RNG(other);
RNG & operator=(RNG && other) noexcept
eastl::swap(rng, other.rng);
return *this;
// TODO: if removecvref is used, everything falls apart :( But shhh
template<typename SeedSeq, typename = eastl::enable_if_t<!eastl::is_same_v<
eastl::remove_reference_t<SeedSeq>, RNG>>>
RNG(SeedSeq && seedSeq)
: rng(seedSeq)
inline void seed()
inline void seed(seed_type seed)
inline result_type operator()()
return rng();
// It generates a random number n such that 0 <= n < upper_bound
inline result_type operator()(result_type upper_bound)
return rng(upper_bound);
// It generates a random number n such that lower_bound <= n < upper_bound
inline result_type operator()(result_type lower_bound, result_type upper_bound)
return rng(upper_bound - lower_bound + 1) + lower_bound;
inline void discard(seed_type n)
static constexpr result_type min()
return result_type(0UL);
static constexpr result_type max()
return result_type(~result_type(0UL));
inline bool operator==(const RNG & r) const
return rng == r.rng;
inline bool operator!=(const RNG & r) const
return !(*this == r);
// inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out) const
// out << rng;
// return out;
// }
// inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in)
// in >> rng;
// return in;
// }
// Advances the generator forward delta steps, but does so in logarithmic time.
inline void advance(seed_type delta)
// Move the generator backwards delta steps, but does so in logarithmic time.
inline void backstep(seed_type delta)
inline seed_type operator-(const RNG & o) const
return rng - o.rng;
engine rng{};
using RNG32 = RNG<RNG32Tag>;
using RNG64 = RNG<RNG64Tag>;
} // namespace eastl
- New <EASTL/random.h> file with fixed int and a new real distribution.
// Copyright (c) Electronic Arts Inc. All rights reserved.
// This file defines random number generation like the std C++ <random> header.
#pragma once
#include <EASTL/internal/config.h>
#include <EASTL/numeric_limits.h>
#include <EASTL/random_number_generator.h>
// min/max workaround
// MSVC++ has #defines for min/max which collide with the min/max algorithm
// declarations. The following may still not completely resolve some kinds of
// problems with MSVC++ #defines, though it deals with most cases in production
// game code.
#ifdef min
#undef min
#ifdef max
#undef max
namespace eastl
using default_random_engine = RNG;
//TODO: 2)No idea on where to begin;
class random_device;
// Implements a uniform distribution of values generated by a Generator,
// where Generator is typically a random or pseudo-random number generator.
// Note that the min/max range for this class is inclusive, so if you want
// random integers 0, 1, 2, and 3, then you need to init this class with (0, 3)
// and not (0, 4).
// See the C++11 Standard, section
template<class IntType = int>
class uniform_int_distribution
static_assert(eastl::is_integral<IntType>::value, "uniform_int_distribution: IntType must be integral.");
typedef IntType result_type;
// For uniform_int_distribution, param_type defines simply the min and max values of
// the range returned by operator(). It may mean something else for other distribution types.
struct param_type
explicit param_type(IntType a = 0, IntType b = eastl::numeric_limits<IntType>::max());
result_type a() const;
result_type b() const;
bool operator==(const param_type& x) { return (x.mA == mA) && (x.mB == mB); }
bool operator!=(const param_type& x) { return (x.mA != mA) || (x.mB != mB); }
IntType mA;
IntType mB;
uniform_int_distribution(IntType a = 0, IntType b = eastl::numeric_limits<IntType>::max());
uniform_int_distribution(const param_type& params);
void reset();
template<class Generator>
result_type operator()(Generator& g) const;
template<class Generator>
result_type operator()(Generator& g, const param_type& params) const;
result_type a() const;
result_type b() const;
param_type param() const;
void param(const param_type& params);
result_type min() const;
result_type max() const;
param_type mParam;
// uniform_int_distribution
template<class IntType>
inline uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::param_type::param_type(IntType aValue, IntType bValue) : mA(aValue), mB(bValue)
EASTL_ASSERT(aValue <= bValue);
template<class IntType>
inline typename uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::result_type
uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::param_type::a() const
return mA;
template<class IntType>
inline typename uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::result_type
uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::param_type::b() const
return mB;
template<class IntType>
inline uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::uniform_int_distribution(IntType aValue, IntType bValue) : mParam(aValue, bValue)
// Nothing more to do.
template<class IntType>
inline uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::uniform_int_distribution(const param_type& params) : mParam(params)
// Nothing more to do.
template<class IntType>
void uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::reset()
// Nothing to do.
template<class IntType>
template<class Generator>
inline typename uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::result_type
uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::operator()(Generator& g) const
return operator()(g, mParam);
template<class IntType>
template<class Generator>
inline typename uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::result_type
uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::operator()(Generator& g, const param_type& params) const
//TODO:3) This code is taken from Conclusions here https://www.pcg-random.org/posts/bounded-rands.html
//TODO:3) Maybe we should use xoshiro or something like that. Tehcnically we should do like Eric Niebler and put the license on top besides the real license.txt
//static_assert(sizeof(typename Generator::result_type) == 4, "Int distribution generator result_type should be at least 4 bytes.");
const auto range = params.b() - params.a();
uint32_t x = g();
uint64_t m = uint64_t(x) * uint64_t(range);
uint32_t l = uint32_t(m);
if (l < range)
uint32_t t = -range;
if (t >= range)
t -= range;
if (t >= range)
t %= range;
while (l < t)
x = g();
m = uint64_t(x) * uint64_t(range);
l = uint32_t(m);
return m >> 32;
template<class IntType>
inline typename uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::result_type
uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::a() const
return mParam.mA;
template<class IntType>
inline typename uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::result_type
uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::b() const
return mParam.mB;
template<class IntType>
inline typename uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::param_type
uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::param() const
return mParam;
template<class IntType>
inline void
uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::param(const param_type& params)
mParam = params;
template<class IntType>
inline typename uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::result_type
uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::min() const
return mParam.mA;
template<class IntType>
inline typename uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::result_type
uniform_int_distribution<IntType>::max() const
return mParam.mB;
template<class ResultType>
inline bool operator==(const uniform_int_distribution<ResultType>& lhs, const uniform_int_distribution<ResultType>& rhs)
return (lhs.param() == rhs.param());
template<class ResultType>
inline bool operator!=(const uniform_int_distribution<ResultType>& lhs, const uniform_int_distribution<ResultType>& rhs)
return (lhs.param() != rhs.param());
// EASTL doesn't currently implement IO stream-related functionality.
// It may be useful to forward declare these templates and let the user implement them in the meantime.
// template<class CharT, class Traits, class ResultType>
// eastl::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& operator<<(eastl::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const uniform_int_distribution& uid);
// template<class CharT, class Traits, class ResultType>
// eastl::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& operator>>(eastl::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, uniform_int_distribution& uid);
// Implements a uniform eral distribution of values generated by a Generator,
// where Generator is typically a random or pseudo-random number generator.
// Note that the min/max range for this class is inclusive, so if you want
// random reals 0.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 3.0, then you need to init this class with (0.0, 3.0)
// and not (0.0, 4.0).
// See the C++11 Standard, section
template<class RealType = double>
class uniform_real_distribution
static_assert(eastl::is_floating_point_v<RealType>, "uniform_real_distribution: RealType must be floating point.");
typedef RealType result_type;
// For uniform_real_distribution, param_type defines simply the min and max values of
// the range returned by operator(). It may mean something else for other distribution types.
struct param_type
explicit param_type(RealType a = 0, RealType b = eastl::numeric_limits<RealType>::max());
result_type a() const;
result_type b() const;
bool operator==(const param_type& x) { return (x.mA == mA) && (x.mB == mB); }
bool operator!=(const param_type& x) { return (x.mA != mA) || (x.mB != mB); }
RealType mA;
RealType mB;
uniform_real_distribution(RealType a = 0, RealType b = eastl::numeric_limits<RealType>::max());
uniform_real_distribution(const param_type& params);
void reset();
template<class Generator>
result_type operator()(Generator& g) const;
template<class Generator>
result_type operator()(Generator& g, const param_type& params) const;
result_type a() const;
result_type b() const;
param_type param() const;
void param(const param_type& params);
result_type min() const;
result_type max() const;
param_type mParam;
// uniform_real_distribution
template<class RealType>
inline uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::param_type::param_type(RealType aValue, RealType bValue) : mA(aValue), mB(bValue)
EASTL_ASSERT(aValue <= bValue);
template<class RealType>
inline typename uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::result_type
uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::param_type::a() const
return mA;
template<class RealType>
inline typename uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::result_type
uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::param_type::b() const
return mB;
template<class RealType>
inline uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::uniform_real_distribution(RealType aValue, RealType bValue) : mParam(aValue, bValue)
// Nothing more to do.
template<class RealType>
inline uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::uniform_real_distribution(const param_type& params) : mParam(params)
// Nothing more to do.
template<class RealType>
void uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::reset()
// Nothing to do.
template<class RealType>
template<class Generator>
inline typename uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::result_type
uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::operator()(Generator& g) const
return operator()(g, mParam);
template<class RealType>
template<class Generator>
inline typename uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::result_type
uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::operator()(Generator& g, const param_type& params) const
static_assert(sizeof(typename Generator::result_type) == 8 , "Generator result type should be at least 8 bytes.");
//TODO:https://prng.di.unimi.it/#remarks#Generating uniform doubles in the unit interval
return params.a() + (g() >> 11) * 0x1.0p-53 * (params.b() - params.a());
template<class RealType>
inline typename uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::result_type
uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::a() const
return mParam.mA;
template<class RealType>
inline typename uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::result_type
uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::b() const
return mParam.mB;
template<class RealType>
inline typename uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::param_type
uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::param() const
return mParam;
template<class RealType>
inline void
uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::param(const param_type& params)
mParam = params;
template<class RealType>
inline typename uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::result_type
uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::min() const
return mParam.mA;
template<class RealType>
inline typename uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::result_type
uniform_real_distribution<RealType>::max() const
return mParam.mB;
template<class ResultType>
inline bool operator==(const uniform_real_distribution<ResultType>& lhs, const uniform_real_distribution<ResultType>& rhs)
return (lhs.param() == rhs.param());
template<class ResultType>
inline bool operator!=(const uniform_real_distribution<ResultType>& lhs, const uniform_real_distribution<ResultType>& rhs)
return (lhs.param() != rhs.param());
// EASTL doesn't currently implement IO stream-related functionality.
// It may be useful to forward declare these templates and let the user implement them in the meantime.
// template<class CharT, class Traits, class ResultType>
// eastl::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& operator<<(eastl::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const uniform_real_distribution& uid);
// template<class CharT, class Traits, class ResultType>
// eastl::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& operator>>(eastl::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, uniform_real_distribution& uid);
} // namespace eastl
#include <EASTL/internal/random/discrete-distribution.hpp>
#endif // Header include guard
- New <EASTL/internal/random/discrete-distribution.hpp>
// Copyright snsinfu 2020.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
// obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
// this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
// execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
// Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
// do so, all subject to the following:
// The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
// the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
// must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
// all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
// works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
// a source language processor.
// This is a single header-only library for eastl and later, providing:
// - class eastl::discrete_weights
// Holds probability weights of a disctete distribution.
// - class eastl::discrete_distribution
// A random number distribution of integers with given weights. This class
// allows efficient modification of the weights.
// See: https://github.com/snsinfu/cxx-distr/
//TODO:I wonder what's algorithm is for since it's already in eastl vector...
#include <EASTL/algorithm.h>
//#include <cstddef>
#include <EASTL/initializer_list.h>
//#include <istream>
//#include <ostream>
#include <EASTL/random.h>
#include <EASTL/vector.h>
namespace eastl
// WEIGHTS ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Class holding the weights of a discrete distribution.
* It allowsefficient reweighting and searching.
class discrete_weights
using pointer = double const*;
using iterator = double const*;
//Default constructor creates an empty object.
discrete_weights() = default;
* Sets weight values from a vector.
* Params:
* weights = Weight values. The weights must be non-negative finite numbers.
* Time complexity:
* O(N) where N is the number of events (= `weights.size()`).
explicit discrete_weights(eastl::vector<double> const& weights)
// Construct a complete binary tree in which the leaves contain
// the weights and internal nodes contain the sums of the weights
// of children.
// Determine the number of leaves.
std::size_t leaves = 1;
for (;;)
if (leaves >= weights.size())
leaves *= 2;
// We store the binary tree as an array using the usual scheme:
// root = 0 ,
// parent(node) = (node - 1) / 2 .
_sumtree.resize(leaves * 2 - 1);
_leaves = leaves;
_events = weights.size();
EASTL_ASSERT(_leaves >= _events);
// Fill the leaves.
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _events; i++)
_sumtree[_leaves + i - 1] = weights[i];
// Then, fill internal nodes from leaves to the root.
// Recall that each node contains the sum of the weights of its children.
for (std::size_t layer = 1; ; layer++)
auto const layer_size = leaves >> layer;
if (layer_size == 0)
auto const start = layer_size - 1;
auto const end = start + layer_size;
EASTL_ASSERT(end < _leaves);
EASTL_ASSERT(start < end);
for (std::size_t node = start; node < end; node++)
auto const lchild = 2 * node + 1;
auto const rchild = 2 * node + 2;
_sumtree[node] = _sumtree[lchild] + _sumtree[rchild];
* Sets weight values from an initializer list.
* Params:
* weights = Weight values. The weights must be non-negative finite numbers.
discrete_weights(std::initializer_list<double> const& weights): discrete_weights{ eastl::vector<double>{weights} }
//Returns the number of events.
inline std::size_t size() const noexcept
return _events;
//Returns a pointer to the array containing weight values.
inline pointer data() const noexcept
return _sumtree.data() + _leaves - 1;
//Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the array containing weight values.
inline iterator begin() const noexcept
return data();
//Returns an iterator pointing to the past the end of the array containing weight values.
inline iterator end() const noexcept
return data() + size();
//Returns the weight of the i-th event.
inline double operator[](std::size_t i) const
return *(data() + i);
* Returns the sum of the weights.
* Time complexity:
* O(1).
inline double sum() const
return _sumtree[0];
* Updates the weight of the i-th event.
* Behavior is undefined if `i` is out of range or `weight` is
* negative or not finite. It is also undefined that the sum of
* weights overflow due to the update.
* Params:
* i = Index of the event to update weight.
* weight = New weight value.
* Time complexity:
* O(log N) where N is the number of events.
void update(std::size_t i, double weight)
EASTL_ASSERT(i < _events);
EASTL_ASSERT(weight >= 0);
auto node = _leaves + i - 1;
_sumtree[node] = weight;
do {
node = (node - 1) / 2;
auto const lchild = 2 * node + 1;
auto const rchild = 2 * node + 2;
_sumtree[node] = _sumtree[lchild] + _sumtree[rchild];
} while (node > 0);
* Finds the event whose cumulative weight interval covers given probevalue.
* Let `w[i]` be the weight of the i-th event, and let `s[i]` be the
* cumulative sum until the i-th event. That is,
* s[0] = 0 ,
* s[i] = w[0] + ... + w[i-1] .
* Then, this function finds the event i such that
* s[i] <= probe < s[i+1] .
* Params:
* probe = Probe weight used to find an event.
* Returns:
* The index of the event found.
* Time complexity:
* O(log N) where N is the number of events.
std::size_t find(double probe) const
std::size_t node = 0;
for (;;)
auto const lchild = 2 * node + 1;
auto const rchild = 2 * node + 2;
if (lchild >= _sumtree.size())
if (probe < _sumtree[lchild])
node = lchild;
probe -= _sumtree[lchild];
node = rchild;
EASTL_ASSERT(node >= _leaves - 1);
EASTL_ASSERT(node < _sumtree.size());
auto index = node - (_leaves - 1);
// Search may overshoot due to numerical errors.
if (index >= _events)
index = _events - 1;
return index;
eastl::vector<double> _sumtree;
std::size_t _leaves = 0;
std::size_t _events = 0;
inline bool operator==(eastl::discrete_weights const& w1, eastl::discrete_weights const& w2)
if (w1.size() != w2.size())
return false;
return eastl::equal(w1.begin(), w1.end(), w2.begin());
inline bool operator!=(eastl::discrete_weights const& w1, eastl::discrete_weights const& w2)
return !(w1 == w2);
//EASTL doesn't currently implement IO stream-related functionality.
//template<typename Char, typename Tr>
//std::basic_istream<Char, Tr>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<Char, Tr>& is, eastl::discrete_weights& weights)
// using sentry_type = typename std::basic_istream<Char, Tr>::sentry;
// if (sentry_type sentry{ is })
// {
// std::size_t size;
// if (!(is >> size))
// return is;
// eastl::vector<double> values(size);
// for (auto& value : values)
// if (!(is >> value))
// return is;
// weights = eastl::discrete_weights{ values };
// }
// return is;
//template<typename Char, typename Tr>
//std::basic_ostream<Char, Tr>& operator<<( std::basic_ostream<Char, Tr>& os, eastl::discrete_weights const& weights)
// using sentry_type = typename std::basic_ostream<Char, Tr>::sentry;
// if (sentry_type sentry{ os })
// {
// os << weights.size();
// auto const sep = os.widen(' ');
// for (auto weight : weights)
// {
// os << sep;
// os << weight;
// }
// }
// return os;
// DISTRIBUTION ----------------------------------------------------------
//Distribution of random integers with given weights.
template<typename T = int>
class discrete_distribution
//Type of generated integer.
using result_type = T;
//Class holding distribution parameter set, namely, the weights.
class param_type : public eastl::discrete_weights
using distribution_type = eastl::discrete_distribution<T>;
// Inherit constructors from discrete_weights.
using eastl::discrete_weights::discrete_weights;
// Allow conversion from discrete_weights.
param_type(eastl::discrete_weights const& weights) : discrete_weights{ weights }
//Default constructor creates an empty distribution.
discrete_distribution() = default;
* Creates a discrete distribution over `[0, N)` with given weights
* where `N = weights.size()`.
* Params:
* weights = Weight values. The weights must be non-negative finite numbers.
explicit discrete_distribution(eastl::vector<double> const& weights) : _weights{ weights }
* Creates a discrete distribution with given weights.
* Params:
* weights = Weight values. The weights must be non-negative finite numbers.
discrete_distribution(std::initializer_list<double> const& weights) : _weights{ weights }
* Creates a discrete distribution with given parameter set.
* Params:
* param = A `eastl::discrete_weights` object.
explicit discrete_distribution(param_type const& param) : _weights{ param }
//Resets the distribution state. This function does nothing.
void reset()
//Returns the parameter set of this distribution. It is convertible to `eastl::discrete_weights`.
param_type const& param() const noexcept
return _weights;
//Reconfigures the distribution using given parameter set.
//It is convertible from `eastl::discrete_weights`.
void param(param_type const& new_param)
_weights = new_param;
//Returns the minimum possible integer generated from this distribution, namely, zero.
result_type min() const
return 0;
//Returns the maximum possible integer generated from this distribution.
result_type max() const
return result_type(_weights.size() - 1);
* Returns the sum of the weights.
* Time complexity:
* O(1).
double sum() const
return _weights.sum();
* Updates the weight of the number `i`.
* Params:
* i = Number to change weight. Must be in the valid interval `[min(), max()]`.
* weight = New weight. Must be non-negative finite number.
* Time complexity:
* O(log N) where N is the upper bound.
void update(result_type i, double weight)
return _weights.update(std::size_t(i), weight);
* Generates an integer randomly from the weighted distribution.
* Params:
* random = Random number generator to use.
* Time complexity:
* O(log N) where N is the upper bound.
template<typename RNG>
result_type operator()(RNG& random) const
eastl::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniform{ 0.0, _weights.sum() };
return result_type(_weights.find(uniform(random)));
param_type _weights;
template<typename T>
inline bool operator==(eastl::discrete_distribution<T> const& d1, eastl::discrete_distribution<T> const& d2)
return d1.param() == d2.param();
template<typename T>
inline bool operator!=( eastl::discrete_distribution<T> const& d1, eastl::discrete_distribution<T> const& d2)
return !(d1 == d2);
// EASTL doesn't currently implement IO stream-related functionality.
//template<typename Char, typename Tr, typename T>
//std::basic_istream<Char, Tr>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<Char, Tr>& is, eastl::discrete_distribution<T>& distr)
// using param_type = typename eastl::discrete_distribution<T>::param_type;
// param_type param;
// is >> param;
// distr.param(param);
// return is;
//template<typename Char, typename Tr, typename T>
//std::basic_ostream<Char, Tr>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Char, Tr>& os, eastl::discrete_distribution<T> const& distr)
// return os << distr.param();
Ranges algorithm use default implementation for the algorithms and not making use of the eastl ones.
all_of (C++11)
any_of (C++11)
none_of (C++11)
change_heap (Found in heap.h)
(Found in heap.h) -
copy_if (C++11)
copy_n (C++11)
[NO-TEST] fill_n
[TODO] find_end
[TODO] find_end
[NO] find_first_not_of
[NO] find_first_not_of
[NO] find_last_of
[NO] find_last_of
[NO] find_last_not_of
[NO] find_last_not_of
[X*] for_each_n_
[NO] identical
[NO] identical
[MAYBE] lexicographical_compare_three_way
make_heap (Found in heap.h)
(Found in heap.h) -
[NO] min
[NO] min
[NO] max
[NO] max
[NO] min_alt (Exists to work around the problem of conflicts with min/max #defines on some systems)
[NO] min_alt
[NO] max_alt
[NO] max_alt
[NO] median
[NO] median
merge (Found in sort.h)
(Found in sort.h) -
[X*] min_element
[X*] min_element
[X*] max_element
[X*] max_element
nth_element (Found in sort.h)
(Found in sort.h) -
partial_sort (Found in sort.h)
(Found in sort.h) -
push_heap (Found in heap.h)
(Found in heap.h) -
pop_heap (Found in heap.h)
(Found in heap.h) -
[NO] random_shuffle
[NO] apply_and_remove
[NO] apply_and_remove_if
remove_heap (Found in heap.h)
(Found in heap.h) -
[NO] reverse_copy
[NO] reverse
[NO] random_shuffle
[NO] rotate_copy
[NO] set_decomposition
[NO] set_decomposition
sort (Found in sort.h)
(Found in sort.h) -
sort_heap (Found in heap.h)
(Found in heap.h) -
stable_sort (Found in sort.h)
(Found in sort.h) -
partition (Found in sort.h)
stable_partition (Found in sort.h)
[NOT-IMPLEMENTED] swap_ranges
[TODO] upper_bound
[TODO] upper_bound
[TODO] is_permutation
[TODO] is_permutation
[TODO] next_permutation
[TODO] next_permutation
[NO] partition_point