Project to provide service of VSAC, etc, terminology to MADiE.
To build
mvn clean verify ```
Clone the support-data repository for the latest code system mapping json file:
<br />
Use the configuration in application-local.yml to use the local json file instead of dev instance:
<br />
code-system-entry-url: file:/Users/{git repo location}/support-data/dev/madie/code-system-entry.json
Alternatively, I have run http-server, a node application to provide a simple web-server so that I can server code-system-entry.json from a local webserver.
<br />
To run:
mvn install spring-boot:run ```
docker compose up ```
To test actuator locally
http://localhost:8081/api/actuator/ ```
To test app locally
http://localhost:8081/api ```
should give response unauthorized (HTTP ERROR 401)