# Heading h1
## Heading h2
### Heading h3
#### Heading h4
##### Heading h5
###### Heading h6
Note: h1 - h4 items will be automatically added to the Table of Contents.
Wrap text with a single _
for Italic text:
This is _italic text_.
Wrap text with double **
for Bold text:
This is **bold text**.
Wrap text with double ~~
for strikethrough text:
This is ~~strikethrough~~ text.
Wrap the title in square brackets [title]
immediately followed by the URL in (https://example.com)
Use >
for blockquotes, double >>
to further indent:
> Blockquote
>> Indented Blockquote
Use -
for unordereed lists, and intent two spaces for list subitems:
- List
- List
- List
- List
Use numbered items followed by a `.:
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
Use ---
for a horizontal rules:
| A | B |
| ----- | ----- |
| Alpha | Bravo |
Wrap inline code with ``` backticks:
This is `inline code` wrapped with backticks
When documenting an example, use the markdown \`\
code block to demarcate the beginning and end of the code sample:
Note: Full support for fenced code blocks is not yet implemented for the handbooks, to workaround this see the shortcodes section below:
var foo = function (bar) {
return bar++;
foo {
padding: 5px;
margin-right: 3px;
.bar {
background-color: #f00;
$array = array(
\"foo\" => \"bar\",
\"bar\" => \"foo\",
This is _italic text_. This is **bold text**.
Wrap multiline Javascript code in [
and [/javascript]
each on their own line.
Wrap multiline CSS & SCSS code in [
and [/css]
each on their own line.
Wrap multiline PHP code in [
and [/php]
each on their own line.
Wrap multiline Markdown code in [
and [/md]
each on their own line.
Note: The [md]
shortcode is also not currently supported.