This tutorial will show you the steps you need to take to set up your Netsuite account so that external program can communicate with it via Restlets.
There are two ways to sign in to Netsuite using external applications.
The first way is called NLAuth. You provide your Username
, Password
, and Account ID
so your application can communicate with Netsuite. The advantages of using NLAuth are:
It's easy to set up. Chances are you're already set up for it.
It's familiar, because you use a username and password format.
There are some disadvantages to that though.
You are providing a password to an application. If the application is going to be used outside of a secure environment, this method doesn't work well.
Unless you turn the option off, Netsuite will require you to change that password every six months. You'll need to change the password your applications use because of that.
Applications don't work very well with 2FA (two factor authentication). This is required for Administrator and other High-Privilege roles, so you can't use them with NLAuth at all.
OAuth on the other hand, works entirely differently. Instead, you generate a set of keys
and secrets
that you give to an application that let it sign into Netsuite with a specific account and role.
OAuth solves all of the disadvantages of NLAuth.
It's easy to remove a
set that has been compromised and generate a new one, so you can use these in any environment. Furthermore, these keys don't provide any access to login to Netsuite's website. -
OAuth tokens don't need to be changed out every few months.
OAuth tokens bypass the need for 2FA.
It's a bit more difficult to implement, but if you follow this tutorial and use nsrestlet
, it should be really easy.
First, we need to enable Suitescript.
Go to Setup -> Company -> SuiteCloud.
Enable Client Suitescript, and then Server Suitescript.
You need your Account ID. Go to Setup -> Integrations -> Web Services Preferences, and look at the Account ID field. Copy that number down somewhere.
At this point, you'll need to choose either NLAuth or OAuth.
If running NLAuth, you already have the email
and password
you'll need. You'll also need your role number
- You can get that by going to Setup -> Users/Roles -> Manage Roles and looking up your role number (Administrator isn't listed, but for me it's 3). You can then jump down to later in this tutorial where we build the actual RESTlet.
If you're setting up OAuth, please continue with these steps instead:
Scroll down to Manage Authentication section and enable Token-Based Authentication
We need to create a role that is OAuth enabled (Administrator is not so you'll need to create a new role). Go to Setup -> Users/Roles -> Manage Roles -> New
Give the role a Name.
In the sublists, go to Permissions -> Setup.
Add the Permissions Access Token Management, Log in using Access Tokens, and User Access Tokens. Then save.
We need to add this role to a user (I suggest adding it to yourself if you are testing an application you are making). Use Setup -> Users/Roles -> Manage Users to find the User you wish to add the role to. Click edit.
In the sublists, go to Access -> Roles and add the role you just created to the user. You may also need to check Give Access right above that (haven't verified yet). Then click save.
We now need to set up an integration. Go to Setup -> Integrations -> Manage Integrations -> New.
Give your integration a Name and Description. The integration represents your application to Netsuite. Make sure to enable Token Based Authentication in the Authentication subtab (you may want to disable User Credentials as well). Click Save.
Consumer Key
andConsumer Secret
will display. Copy these somewhere safe. You will need them for your application and will not be able to access them again once you navigate away from this page (you can always generate new ones though).
We now need to set up a token. Go to Setup -> Users/Roles -> Access Tokens -> New.
For Application Name, select the Integration you just created, along with the user and role you selected earlier. You can also rename the token if you'd like. The Token will represent the specified user and role to Netsuite. Once you're done, click Save.
Token Key
(also known as the Token ID) andToken Secret
will display. Copy these somewhere safe. You will need them for your application and will not be able to access them again once you navigate away from this page (you can always generate new ones though).
Once you have your Account ID, Consumer Key
, Consumer Secret
, Token Key
, and Token Secret
Netsuite is all set up. You can move on to making a Restlet to communicate to.
You'll need to set up a testing restlet to try your requests against. Here are the steps to do so:
- Go to Customization -> Scripting -> Scripts -> New.
Netsuite changes the process for setting up scripts occasionally, so these steps may be a bit different for you. On my account the steps are:
- Enter in the name of a script file (or click the + button to upload one from the new computer) and then click Create Script Record. Here's the code that should be in that file:
- If you're using Suitescript 1:
function restlet_called(body)
//you recieve the payload as 'body'
nlapiLogExecution("debug", "test", JSON.stringify(body))
return {
message: "I got your message",
data: body
- If you're using Suitescript 2, use the following instead:
* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType Restlet
function restlet_called(body)
//you recieve the payload as 'body'
//if your application likes JSON, you can send data back to it like this:
return {message: "I got your message", data: body}
//...otherwise send it as a string using JSON.stringify()
return {
get: restlet_called,
post: restlet_called,
put: restlet_called,
delete: restlet_called
Select a RESTlet script
Give the script a name and id.
In the files for the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE functions, type in restlet_called (this is the function name)
Click Save.
At the top of the page, click the Deploy Script button.
Enter in a Title and ID. Change the status to Released and the Log Level to Debug. Finally, assign the roles and users you wish to access the Restlet. Make sure to include the role and user you have OAuth or NLAuth information for.
Click Save.
You will need the External URL field. Copy this down for use later.
And that's it. You should be set up and ready to go. Why don't you go take a look at this module and see how you can integrate it into an application.