This project is a partial re-write of DarkBot by DarkStorm652. It is updated for Minecraft 1.12 and easily migratable to further patches.
This library replaces the protocol implementations in DarkBot. It is highly maintained, very stable and already contains much functionality that DarkBot requires. Migrating to it means more stability, simpler bot code, and of course fast, easy updates to new protocol versions.
Classes representing objects from the protocol have been replaced with ones from MCProtocolLib where possible because the latter are more up-to-date and mean less code to maintain.
- All protocols in favor of MCProtocolLib implementation
- ChestInventory in favor of a generic (but stripped down) GenericInventory
- SpamBot
- Various CLIBotWrapper functionality (e.g., account lists, random usernames, proxies)
- Chop Trees Task (causes fatal bugs)
Make sure to use my forked MCProtocolLib as it is reverted for Minecraft 1.12 and contains cherry picks that fix fatal errors.
Some more work is required to make the bot stable and truly usable in multiplayer. Below are some points that I have noticed during my development:
- Player movement, collision and stair/slab/etc. climbing
- Inventory handling
- Some of the protocol's events and packets are untested and might not work
- Server Map Data Packet handling
- Server chunk NBT metadata and biome data
Make sure to check the code for //TODO
Greatest thanks to DarkStorm652 and Steveice10 for DarkBot and MCProtocolLib, respectively. This update would not have been possible without either of their projects.
Finally, feel free to contribute back to this project. I will not have much time to do so myself, but I will appreciate anything that improves its usability.