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Releases: MiranCZ/altoclef

Altoclef beta-0.18.4

22 Jul 07:28
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  • Added 1.21.1 support (in an update on 3. 12. 2024)
  • Added 1.21 support
  • Added 1.18 support
  • Added 1.19.4 support
  • Added 1.18.2 support
  • Added 1.17.1 support


  • (hopefully) fixed bot not pearling when dragon is perching

Known issues

  • previously present release for 1.16.5 doesnt currently work
  • SlotClickMixin doesnt work in 1.16.5 (and therefore SlotClickChangedEvent and ContainerStoredTracker dont work)

Altoclef beta-0.18.3

11 Jul 13:35
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Altoclef beta-0.18.3 Pre-release
  • (hopefully) fixed bot not pearling when dragon is perching
  • removed some logging statements from previous pre-release

Known issues

  • SlotClickMixin doesnt work in 1.16.5 (and therefore SlotClickChangedEvent and ContainerStoredTracker dont work)

Altoclef beta-0.18.2

10 Jul 15:21
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Altoclef beta-0.18.2 Pre-release
  • Added logs into chat in KillEnderDragonWithBedsTask to try to catch bug when bot is not throwing a pearl

Known issues

  • SlotClickMixin doesnt work in 1.16.5 (and therefore SlotClickChangedEvent and ContainerStoredTracker dont work)

Altoclef beta-0.18.1

07 Jul 13:21
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Altoclef beta-0.18.1 Pre-release

I tried to add support for a lot new versions in this pre-release. If you find any bugs please report them in issues!


  • added 1.19.4 support
  • added 1.18.2 support
  • added 1.17.1 support
  • added 1.16.5 support

Known issues

  • SlotClickMixin doesnt work in 1.16.5 (and therefore SlotClickChangedEvent and ContainerStoredTracker doesnt work)

Altoclef beta-0.18

29 Jun 08:37
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  • Added 1.20.5 support
  • Removed redundant -beta1 suffix from all baritone jars


  • Added a debug chart to show how much ms is spent in Altoclef ticking method (can be turned on with showDebugTickMs option; false by default)
  • Fixed BlockScanner caching way to many blocks of one type causing lag spikes when trying to get the closest one
  • Improved calculation of how much iron should be smelted in BeatMinecraftTask
  • Improved nether logic for going to fortress and Crimson Forest
  • Made bot collect endstone one by one in the end (addressed in #8 )

Bug fixes

  • Fixed baritone sometimes not finding way to a chest by going on top of the chest instead
  • Fixed rare crash when trying to go to nether right after picking up crafting table
  • Fixed getFilledPortalFrames always returning 12 or 0
  • (hopefully) fixed most cases where bot gets stuck in water (addressed in #9 )
  • Fixed bot getting stuck if it has too many gold ingots


  • Added back most of the original commands
  • Added back and ported butler

Altoclef beta-0.17.1

21 Jun 18:39
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Altoclef beta-0.17.1 Pre-release


  • Added 1.20.5 support


  • Added a debug chart to show how much ms is spent in Altoclef ticking method (can be turned on with showDebugTickMs option; false by default)


  • Added back most of the original commands
  • Added back and ported butler

Altoclef beta-0.17

12 Jun 18:06
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Added 1.20.6 support


  • improved checking for bot being stuck in powdered snow
  • added check if shield is up to EscapeFromLavaTask
  • added basic sword pre-equipping (the bot will equip its sword sooner if it can)
  • some improvements to MobDefenseChain
  • made baritone break infested blocks (previously could cause it to get stuck)
  • fixed bot getting stuck when trying to sleep nearby monsters

Altoclef beta-0.16

07 Jun 16:45
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  • Added 1.20.1 support
  • Added back @get command
  • Baritones blockPlacementPenalty is now changed depending on the amount of blocks the player has


  • fixed rare crash when finding fortress in the nether

Altoclef beta-0.15.1

04 Jun 16:32
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Altoclef beta-0.15.1 Pre-release

Bug fixes (stable):

  • fixed bot not choosing the best sword correctly in some scenarios
  • made the bot not switch tools for blocks that break instantly (it doesn't lower the durability)
  • improved MobDefenseChain switching too fast

Priority system rework (may contain bugs):

I decided to change the way "priority tasks" are handled in code. This means I had to rewrite pretty much all the code, although most things from the user side of view should stay the same it may contain some bugs so I am setting this as a pre-release for now.

  • improved priority calculation for dropped items
  • added better check when a crafting table is needed
  • (hopefully) fixed bot getting stuck when looting chests
  • changed how this is handled in code (this should make it easier to work with in the future)

Altoclef beta-0.15

20 May 16:28
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  • removed unused configs
  • changed how uselessItems are handled internally
  • fixed GOLD_NUGGET being counted as useless when bartering for ender pearls is enabled
  • fixed some small bugs how GatherResource switching and checking is handled
    • fixed bot not looting all items from a chest
  • added isSafeToCancel check when going to fortress to hopefully prevent it falling into lava whilst bridging
  • made some more improvements to how UnstuckChain handles water (hopefully should lead to it getting stuck less)
  • added rabits as a possible food source (thanks Aldias for the suggestion)
  • fixed bug in CraftWithMatchingMaterialTask setting craft item count incorrectly