An app that makes it possible to control an ROV (underwater Robot) via android
- This project is work for Gunners Team (Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University).
- This project was made for International UGV competition.
- Android controller.
- PC Bridge.
- PIC Microcontroller app. (Arduino app as backup)
Via any android phone you can control the robot via usb cable to PC or wifi/bluetooth network.
PC bridge handles the orders then send them to the PIC MCU (Arduino) via Ethernet using UDP / Serial Port.
In the PIC (Arduino) it recieves the order and behaves according to it.
PIC (Arduino) can send signals from sensors to PC Bridge via UDP / Serial Port.
Android App :
- A simple user interface consists of buttons for control and seekbar for speed - When interacting with UI the app writes to logcat stream - Written in Android Java
PC Bridge :
- UI changes according to user input or robot's output - Contains places to show user or robot's action - Connects with android via ADB and reads logcat stream - Sends data to robot via Ethernet cable using UDP (or Serial Port in case of Arduino) - Written in Java
PIC Microcontroller App :
- Recieves data from PC via ENC28J60 Chip - Processes Data and send signals to motors/sensors - Sends running values motors - Data Transmission is via UDP - Written in MikroC (MikroElectronica Embdedded C compiler)
Arduino Board App :
- Backup to PIC Microcontroller - Simple sketch to recieve data on serial port and process data - Envoking actions according to sent data
Code is available for educational purposes and you may re-use it according to the terms of the license.
Project is signed under GNU Public License v3.0