From 160bb2b66368e12423d54ed023b2763b00ef4286 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A4=A7=E7=9C=BC=E4=BB=94=E6=97=AD?= <> Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 11:50:12 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add Simplified Chinese language file Add Simplified Chinese language file --- src/mefit/Language/Chinese.cs | 558 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 558 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/mefit/Language/Chinese.cs diff --git a/src/mefit/Language/Chinese.cs b/src/mefit/Language/Chinese.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d324b28 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mefit/Language/Chinese.cs @@ -0,0 +1,558 @@ +// Mac EFI Toolkit +// + +// English.cs +// Released under the GNU GLP v3.0 + +namespace Mac_EFI_Toolkit +{ + internal class APPSTRINGS + { + #region Strings + internal const string APPNAME = + "Mac EFI Toolkit"; + + internal const string VERSION = + "版本"; + + internal const string LZMA_SDK = + "LZMA SDK"; + + internal const string BACKUP = + "备份"; + + internal const string EFIROM = + "EFIROM"; + + internal const string SOCROM = + "SOCROM"; + + internal const string FILE = + "文件"; + + internal const string UNKNOWN = + "未知"; + + internal const string NA = + "N/A"; + + internal const string BYTES = + "字节"; + + internal const string SERIAL_NUMBER = + "序列号"; + + internal const string FW_PARSE_TIME = + "固件解析时间"; + + internal const string HIDE = + "隐藏"; + + internal const string SHOW = + "显示"; + + internal const string INVALID = + "无效"; + + internal const string CONTACT_SERVER = + "正在联系服务器..."; + + internal const string NOT_FOUND = + "未找到"; + + internal const string FIRMWARE_INFO = + "固件信息"; + + internal const string ROM_SECTION_INFO = + "Apple ROM 信息"; + + internal const string BASE = + "基址:"; + + internal const string LIMIT = + "限制:"; + + internal const string SIZE = + "大小:"; + + internal const string FILTER_STARTUP_WINDOW = + "固件文件 (*.bin, *.rom, *.fd, *.bio)|*.bin;*.rom;*.fd;*.bio|所有文件 (*.*)|*.*"; + + internal const string FILTER_EFI_SUPPORTED_FIRMWARE = + "Apple EFI/BIOS (*.bin, *.rom, *.fd, *.bio)|*.bin;*.rom;*.fd;*.bio|所有文件 (*.*)|*.*"; + + internal const string FILTER_SOCROM_SUPPORTED_FIRMWARE = + "Apple T2 SOCROM (*.bin, *.rom)|*.bin;*.rom|所有文件 (*.*)|*.*"; + + internal const string FILTER_BIN = + "二进制文件 (*.bin, *.rom, *.rgn)|*.bin;*.rom;*.rgn|所有文件 (*.*)|*.*"; + + internal const string FILTER_ZIP = + "Zip 文件 (*.zip)|*.zip"; + + internal const string FILTER_LZMA = + "LZMA 文件 (*.lzma)|*.lzma|所有文件 (*.*)|*.*"; + + internal const string FILTER_TEXT = + "文本文件 (*.txt)|*.txt"; + + internal const string FIRMWARE_WINDOWS_OPEN = + "固件窗口已打开。"; + + internal const string QUESTION_RESTART = + "您确实要重新启动该应用程序吗?"; + + internal const string QUESTION_EXIT = + "您确实要退出该应用程序吗?"; + + internal const string SELECT_FOLDER = + "选择文件夹"; + + internal const string RESET_SETTINGS_DEFAULT = + "这会将所有设置重置为默认设置。您确定要设置默认设置吗?"; + + internal const string FILES_SAVE_SUCCESS_NAV = + "文件保存成功。是否要打开该文件夹?"; + + internal const string FILE_SAVE_SUCCESS_NAV = + "文件保存成功。是否要打开文件位置?"; + #endregion + } + + internal class LOGSTRINGS + { + #region Strings + internal const string PATCH_START = + "修补已开始"; + + internal const string PATCH_FAIL = + "修补失败 -"; + + internal const string PATCH_SUCCESS = + "修补成功"; + + internal const string CREATING_BUFFERS = + "创建缓冲区"; + + internal const string FILE_EXPORT_CANCELLED = + "文件导出已取消"; + + internal const string VALIDATION_PASS = + "验证已通过"; + + internal const string EXPECTED_STORE_SIZE_NOT = + "未达到预期的存储大小"; + + internal const string STORE_SIG_MISALIGNED = + "存储签名未对齐或未找到"; + + internal const string FSYS_IMPORT_CANCELLED = + "未提供 Fsys 存储"; + + internal const string FSYS_SUM_MASK_SUCCESS = + "Fsys 校验和屏蔽成功。"; + + internal const string FSYS_SUM_INVALID = + "Fsys 校验和无效"; + + internal const string FSYS_SUM_MASK_FAIL = + "Fsys CRC32 校验和屏蔽失败"; + + internal const string FOUND = + "找到:"; + + internal const string CALCULATED = + "已计算:"; + + internal const string MASKING_SUM = + "掩蔽校验和"; + + internal const string SUM_MASKING_FAIL = + "校验和屏蔽失败"; + + internal const string STORE_COMP_FAILED = + "存储比较检查失败"; + + internal const string SSN_BASE_NOT_FOUND = + "未找到序列号基址"; + + internal const string SSN_WTB = + "将新的 SSN 写入固件缓冲区"; + + internal const string HWC_WTB = + "将新的 HWC 写入固件缓冲区"; + + internal const string FSYS_LFB = + "从固件缓冲区加载 Fsys 存储"; + + internal const string SSN_WRITE_SUCCESS = + "SSN 写入成功"; + + internal const string HWC_WRITE_SUCCESS = + "HWC 写入成功"; + + internal const string SSN_NOT_WRITTEN = + "无法写入新的 SSN"; + + internal const string HWC_NOT_WRITTEN = + "无法写入新的 HWC"; + + internal const string IME_IMPORT_CANCELLED = + "未提供 Intel ME 区域"; + + internal const string IME_FPT_NOT_FOUND = + "未找到 FPT 签名"; + + internal const string IME_TOO_LARGE = + "新的 IME 太大:"; + + internal const string IME_TOO_SMALL = + "新的 IME 更小,并且会自动调整:"; + + internal const string IME_VERSION = + "IME 版本:"; + + internal const string IME_BUFFER_MISMATCH = + "IME 缓冲区不匹配"; + + internal const string FILE_SAVE_SUCCESS = + "文件保存成功 -"; + + internal const string NVRAM_VSS_ERASE = + "擦除变量存储子系统 ($VSS) 存储"; + + internal const string NVRAM_SVS_ERASE = + "擦除安全变量存储 ($SVS)"; + + internal const string NVRAM_INIT_HDR = + "初始化头字节 0x4h > 0x7h (0xFF)"; + + internal const string NVRAM_INIT_HDR_VSS = + "初始化头字节 0x9h > 0xAh (0xFF)"; + + internal const string NVRAM_INIT_HDR_FAIL = + "初始化标头失败"; + + internal const string NVRAM_INIT_HDR_SUCCESS = + "初始化标头成功"; + + internal const string CRC_PATCH = + "修补 CRC32 校验和"; + + internal const string CRC_WRITE_TO_FW = + "将修补的存储写入固件缓冲区"; + + internal const string CRC_WRITE_FAIL = + "写入失败"; + + internal const string CRC_WRITE_SUCCESS = + "写入成功"; + + internal const string CRC_BUFFER_EMPTY = + "缓冲区为空"; + + internal const string NVR_BASE_NOT_FOUND = + "未找到基址 - 跳过"; + + internal const string NVR_HAS_BODY_ERASING = + "有主体数据 - 正在删除"; + + internal const string NVR_IS_EMPTY = + "为空 - 正在跳过"; + + internal const string NVR_FAIL_ERASE_BODY = + "无法删除主体"; + + internal const string NVR_FAIL_WRITE_VERIFY = + "写入验证失败"; + + internal const string NVR_ERASE_BODY = + "删除存储主体数据"; + + internal const string NVR_WRITE_ERASED_BODY = + "将已擦除的主体写回存储"; + + internal const string NVR_BODY_WRITE_FAIL = + "新的存储主体写入失败"; + + internal const string NVR_STORE_ERASE_SUCESS = + "存储擦除成功"; + + internal const string AT = + "在"; + + internal const string LOCK_INVALIDATE = + "EFI 锁定无效"; + + internal const string LOCK_PRIMARY_MAC = + "修补主要消息认证代码"; + + internal const string WRITE_NEW_DATA = + "向固件写入新数据"; + + internal const string LOCK_BACKUP_MAC = + "修补备份消息认证代码"; + + internal const string LOCK_LOAD_SVS = + "从修补的固件加载 NVRAM SVS 存储"; + + internal const string LOCK_PRIM_VERIF_FAIL = + "主 SVS 存储验证失败"; + + internal const string LOCK_BACK_VERIF_FAIL = + "备份 SVS 存储验证失败"; + + internal const string SCFG_IMPORT_CANCELLED = + "未提供 SCfg 存储"; + + internal const string SERIAL_LEN_INVALID = + "序列长度无效"; + + internal const string SCFG_REPLACE = + "替换 SCfg 存储"; + + internal const string SCFG_BASE_ADJUST = + "未找到 SCfg 基址 - 已调整为"; + + internal const string SCFG_LFB = + "从固件缓冲区加载 SCfg 存储"; + + internal const string SCFG_POS_INITIALIZED = + "无法写入 0x28A000h (长度 B8h),因为存在初始化数据"; + #endregion + } + + internal class DIALOGSTRINGS + { + #region Strings + internal const string REQUIRES_WIN_10 = + "此应用程序需要 Windows 10 或更高版本才能运行。应用程序现在将退出。"; + + internal const string UNSUPPORTED_OS = + "不支持的操作系统"; + + internal const string UNLOAD_FIRMWARE_RESET = + "这将卸载固件和所有相关数据。您确定要重置吗?"; + + internal const string COULD_NOT_RELOAD = + "由于未找到文件,因此无法从磁盘重新加载文件。它可能已被移动或删除。"; + + internal const string DATA_EXPORT_FAILED = + "数据导出失败。"; + + internal const string ARCHIVE_CREATE_FAILED = + "备份档案创建失败。"; + + internal const string WARN_DATA_MATCHES_BUFF = + "磁盘上的文件与缓冲区匹配。数据未刷新。"; + + internal const string FSYS_SUM_PATCH_FAILED = + "Fsys 校验和修补失败。"; + + internal const string FSYS_SUM_PATCH_SUCCESS = + "Fsys 校验和修补成功。是否要加载新文件?"; + + internal const string FSYS_EXPORT_FAIL = + "Fsys 存储导出失败。"; + + internal const string FSYS_SUM_MASK_FAIL = + "校验和屏蔽失败。"; + + internal const string EFI_LOCK_FAIL = + "EFI 锁无效失败。"; + + internal const string EFI_LOCK_SUCCESS = + "EFI 锁定失效成功。请确保在首次启动时执行 NVRAM 重置。\r\n是否要加载新文件?"; + + internal const string IME_BASE_LIM_NOT_FOUND = + "未找到管理引擎基址或限制。"; + + internal const string S_ME_DIR_FAIL = + "无法创建 Intel ME 区域目录。"; + + internal const string IME_EXPORT_FAIL = + "Intel ME 导出失败。"; + + internal const string LOG_NOT_FOUND = + "日志文件不存在。"; + + internal const string NOT_VALID_FIRMWARE = + "提供的文件不是有效的固件。"; + + internal const string NOT_VALID_EFIROM = + "提供的文件不是有效的 EFIROM。"; + + internal const string NOT_VALID_SOCROM = + "提供的文件不是有效的 T2 SOCROM。"; + + internal const string SCFG_EXPORT_FAIL = + "SCfg 存储导出失败。"; + + internal const string ARCHIVE_EXPORT_FAIL = + "档案导出失败。"; + + internal const string FSYS_PATCH_SUCCESS_SAVE = + "Fsys 修补成功。是否要保存输出?"; + + internal const string FW_SAVED_SUCCESS_LOAD = + "固件保存成功。是否要加载新文件?"; + + internal const string PATCH_FAIL_APP_LOG = + "修补失败。是否要打开应用程序日志?"; + + internal const string IME_PATCH_SUCCESS_SAVE = + "IME 修补成功。是否要保存输出?"; + #endregion + } + + internal class STARTUPSTRINGS + { + #region Strings + #endregion + } + + internal class EFISTRINGS + { + #region Strings + internal const string VSS = + "VSS"; + + internal const string SVS = + "SVS"; + + internal const string FSYS_REGION = + "FSYS_REGION"; + + internal const string ME_REGION = + "ME_REGION"; + + internal const string CRC32 = + "CRC32"; + + internal const string CRC_FIXED = + "CRC_FIXED"; + + internal const string PRIMARY = + "主要"; + + internal const string BACKUP = + "备份"; + + internal const string NOMODEL = + "无型号"; + + internal const string NOSERIAL = + "序列号"; + + internal const string NOFWVER = + "无固件版本"; + + internal const string UNLOCKED = + "已解锁"; + + internal const string LOCKED = + "已锁定"; + + internal const string PRIMARY_REGION = + "主要区域"; + + internal const string BACKUP_REGION = + "备份区域"; + + internal const string CRC_VALID = + "CRC 有效"; + + internal const string CRC_INVALID = + "CRC 无效"; + + internal const string DXE_ARCHIVE = + "DXE_ARCHIVE"; + + internal const string EMPTY = + "空的"; + + internal const string ACTIVE = + "活动"; + + internal const string APFS_DRIVER_FOUND = + "是(已找到驱动程序)"; + + internal const string APFS_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND = + "否(未找到驱动程序)"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_OPEN = + "打开 Mac EFI/BIOS"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_COPY = + "打开复制菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_FOLDERS = + "打开文件夹菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_EXPORT = + "打开导出菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_PATCH = + "打开修补菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_TOOLS = + "打开工具菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_HELP = + "打开帮助菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_OPENFILELOCATION = + "打开文件位置"; + + internal const string COPIED_TO_CB_LC = + "已复制到剪贴板。"; + + internal const string FIRMWARE_MOD_FAILED_LOG = + "固件修改失败。要查看应用程序日志吗?"; + + internal const string FIRMWARE_MOD_SUCCESS_SAVE = + "固件修改成功。是否要保存输出?"; + + internal const string LZMA_VOL_FOUND = + "固件中检测到 LZMA DXE 存档"; + + internal const string FMM_EMAIL_FOUND = + "查找在 NVRAM 中检测到的我的 Mac 电子邮件(点击查看)"; + + internal const string FMM_EMAIL = + "FindMyMac_Email"; + #endregion + } + + internal class SOCSTRINGS + { + #region Strings + internal const string SCFG_REGION = + "SCFG_REGION"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_OPEN = + "打开一个 T2 SOCROM"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_COPY = + "打开复制菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_FOLDERS = + "打开文件夹菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_EXPORT = + "打开导出菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_PATCH = + "打开修补菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_TOOLS = + "打开工具菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_HELP = + "打开帮助菜单"; + + internal const string MENU_TIP_OPENFILELOCATION = + "打开文件位置"; + #endregion + } +} \ No newline at end of file From 233bab336448232cce35ee3a11c80ea4cb5860fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?=E5=A4=A7=E7=9C=BC=E4=BB=94=E6=97=AD?= <> Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 11:52:13 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Update Chinese.cs Update Chinese.cs --- src/mefit/Language/Chinese.cs | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/mefit/Language/Chinese.cs b/src/mefit/Language/Chinese.cs index d324b28..a5e924a 100644 --- a/src/mefit/Language/Chinese.cs +++ b/src/mefit/Language/Chinese.cs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // Mac EFI Toolkit // -// English.cs +// Chinese.cs // Released under the GNU GLP v3.0 namespace Mac_EFI_Toolkit @@ -555,4 +555,4 @@ internal class SOCSTRINGS "打开文件位置"; #endregion } -} \ No newline at end of file +}