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Using InvMenu in a plugin

Muqsit Rayyan edited this page Jun 6, 2020 · 6 revisions

Running InvMenu from .phar

In a development environment

Download the DEVirion plugin and place the InvMenu .phar file in your virions/ folder.

|-- plugins
|   `-- devirion.phar
|-- virions
|   `-- InvMenu.phar

In a production environment

  1. Convert your plugin to a .phar file.
  2. Download the InvMenu .phar file.
  3. Inject the virion into your plugin phar by running bin/php7/bin/php path/to/InvMenu.phar path/to/yourplugin.phar

Running InvMenu from source

There is NEVER a necessity to run InvMenu from source unless you are making modifications to the source.
Download the DEVirion plugin and place the InvMenu source folder in your virions/ folder.

|-- plugins
|   `-- devirion.phar
|-- virions
|   |-- InvMenu-master
|      |-- src
|      `-- virion.yml