released this
05 Jan 10:27
Added check & remove unwanted CC siege machine
Fixed Custom Drop Order @ViperZ (December 2018 Update)
Fixed "Wait for Siege Machine", when bot is in "Halt Attack"
Fixed wait for CC Troops when CC Spells are not used and "Village/Req. & Donate/When lacking" options are not configured
Fixed several small bugs from previous Version
Fixed Rearm for Infernos and Xbows/Eagle
Fixed weak base detection when TH not detected to assume then TH12
Fixed exiting search due to zoom-out level, now it just measures village
Fixed reading quantity of Bat Spell in Clan castle
Fixed Heroes in AutoUpgrade
Fixed RequestCC can not request, cause Army Overview moves slightly
Fixed Haste donation
Fixed Clock tower boost
Fixed losing CoC Android shared_prefs when shared folder not available
Fixed BlueStacks2 support for all versions (incl. 4)
Fixed Smartfarm for Snow theme
Fixed shared folder detection for all android emulators
Fixed returning home from battle report
Fixed heroes activation when getting weak
Improved deadbase collector lvl 12 and lvl 13 (snow) and 50% detection
Improved Eagle lvl 1-3 weak base detection, also re-check weak-base after 5 sec.
Improved Laboratory, prefer units in current army composition
Improved Giant Deployment in SmartFarm/Standard Attack
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