Releases: MyBotRun/MyBot
Releases · MyBotRun/MyBot V7.7.1 Release
- V7.7.1
- Added Forum user authentication registration to bot fixing COPYCAT problems
- Added Android click mode (minitouch or WinAPI) to Bot/Android options, default is now minitouch as it's most stable
- Added REMAIN cmd in csv attack
- Added KOPLAYER 2.0.0 support
- Fixed "Troop ... is not available due to full queue"
- Fixed "Cannot find/verify 'Okay' Button in Army tab #2"
- Fixed minitouch port initialization
- Fixed attackbar troop count detection, when count is 200+
- Fixed minitouch group clicks deploy
- Fixed LeapDroid render mode detecion
- Fixed LeapDroid "device offline" problem
- Fixed SmartFarm debug errors
- Fixed hero sometime not dropped when CSV recalc not detecting hero anymore
- Fixed stopping ADB shell instance when bot stopped
- Fixed bot exeution when "Zone.Identifier" exist on exe or dll files
- Improved BB boat detection to return to home base
- Improved minitouch fixing tcp connection problems
- Improved manual clicks when bot stopped/paused and bot is docked
- Improved BlueStack/BlueStacks2 command line key to be used on any BlueStacks version
- Improved MEmu smartwait closing CoC preventing CoC unresponsiveness crash
- Improved Builder Base village measuring/zoomout
- Improved one star battle end to activate also Warden
- Improved Copycat warning V7.7 Release
- V7.7
- Added Automatic Builder Base Troop Upgrades
- Added Wall detection in CSV attack, see BoWiHe v3.2 by @Zeck for details
- Added zoomout mode under Bot/Android/Android Options
- Added /minimizebot command line option to minimize bot after auto-start
- Added Grand Warden mode selection
- Fixed Grand Warden Boosting when 7 Buttons exist
- Fixed Auto Hero Upgrade Button not being found
- Fixed BS2/BS3/BS4 adb connection issues, use dedicated adb daemon on free tcp port per instance
- Fixed Cyrillic OCR
- Fixed Extended Attackbar Slot Detection
- Fixed infinite looping between home and builder base
- Fixed bot running in a folder with umlauts
- Fixed freeze in village search waiting for clouds to clear
- Fixed command line help (parameter /? or /help)
- Fixed help display when links used in bot
- Fixed page error on Battle End Screen
- Fixed array errors in multiple places when image search returned no result
- Fixed bot crash when using screencap with wrong coordinates
- Fixed bot running directly from UNC network path like \mybot_pc\mybot_home...
- Fixed Android "reset" (soft reboot) when Bot is paused during Android suspend
- Fixed Droid4X 0.10.7 support
- Fixed wall upgrade using elsewhere needed recources, when upgrading more than one wall
- Improved siege machine selection
- Improved TH12 detection
- Improved bot responsiveness during image processing
- Improved android zoomout
- Improved android accurate click&drag
- Improved bot first time detection
- Improved timed heroes activation to 3 digit number, e.g. 150 sec.
- Improved detection for SmartFarm and SmartZap
- Improved zoom-out error handling restarting android on multiple failures
- Improved measuring village & centering village
- Improved measuring builder base
- Improved Eagle lvl 2 weak base detection
- Improved frequent android restarts due to page error by resetting error counter when beginning to search villages
- Improved last raid notify text @miked
- Changed CoC launch to push shared_prefs only when account switching is enabled V7.6.6 Release
- V7.6.6
- Added check & remove unwanted CC siege machine
- Fixed Custom Drop Order @ViperZ (December 2018 Update)
- Fixed "Wait for Siege Machine", when bot is in "Halt Attack"
- Fixed wait for CC Troops when CC Spells are not used and "Village/Req. & Donate/When lacking" options are not configured
- Fixed several small bugs from previous Version
- Fixed Rearm for Infernos and Xbows/Eagle
- Fixed weak base detection when TH not detected to assume then TH12
- Fixed exiting search due to zoom-out level, now it just measures village
- Fixed reading quantity of Bat Spell in Clan castle
- Fixed Heroes in AutoUpgrade
- Fixed RequestCC can not request, cause Army Overview moves slightly
- Fixed Haste donation
- Fixed Clock tower boost
- Fixed losing CoC Android shared_prefs when shared folder not available
- Fixed BlueStacks2 support for all versions (incl. 4)
- Fixed Smartfarm for Snow theme
- Fixed shared folder detection for all android emulators
- Fixed returning home from battle report
- Fixed heroes activation when getting weak
- Improved deadbase collector lvl 12 and lvl 13 (snow) and 50% detection
- Improved Eagle lvl 1-3 weak base detection, also re-check weak-base after 5 sec.
- Improved Laboratory, prefer units in current army composition
- Improved Giant Deployment in SmartFarm/Standard Attack V7.6.5 Release
- V7.6.5
- Add Ice Golem Support @ViperZ
- Add Bat Spell Support @ViperZ
- Add Stone Slammer Support @ViperZ
- Fixed Snow Theme Detection (December 2018 Update)
- Fixed Request Clan Castle (December 2018 Update)
- Fixed Edit/Remove Army (December 2018 Update)
- Fixed Clan Games not opening due to snow (December 2018 Update)
- Fixed Switch Account (December 2018 Update)
- Fixed Laboratory (December 2018 Update)
- Fixed Collectors Level 13 Snow Theme (December 2018 Update)
- Fixed Laboratory Time Position Change, reported/fixed by Fahid.Mahmood (October 2018 Update)
- Fixed new elixir collector level 13 (October 2018 Update)
- Fixed new dark elixir drill level 7 (October 2018 Update)
- Fixed error "Cannot open Army Overview window" when "Wait for Clan Castle" enabled and Castle is not full, fixed by @demen
- Fixed switch account never switch back to the account in personal break, fixed by @demen
- Fixed clan chat did not open when donating CC, fixed by @demen
- Fixed Nox in DirectX rendering mode
- Improved clan games, new challenges added
- Improved the attack bar getting spells levels and quantities when exist heroes or not
- Improved Laboratory, updates selected troop to max possible
If no further upgrade possible, or "Any" selected, cheapest upgrade will be done next
1 Dark Elixir is worth 50 Elixir in comparism context - Increased Android Launch Timout to 10 min V7.6.4 Release
- V7.6.4
- October Update Fixed Drop Trophies , Now the slots are not selected by default
- October Update Fixed Heroes Recover timer when is boosted
- October Update Fixed values to Train Costs, WB, Baby Dragon , Golem , Bowler and Witch
- October Update Fixed values to Siege Build Costs
- October Update Fixed Siege Donate XP to 30
- Fixed Troop/Spell drop in CSV after hero activation
- Fixed Switch Account when wait hero
- Fixed Queued minion detection
- Fixed Spells Donation
- Fixed Hero Upgrade when boost potion present
- Fixed Replay-share every 30 minutes , reported/fixed by Fahid.Mahmood
- Fixed Hero Heal Time While Boosting , reported/fixed by Fahid.Mahmood
- Improved Healer detection on attack bar
- Improved Laboratory White font number 9 , reported by Fahid.Mahmood
- Added Drop trophy with balloon, wizard and minion at any troop slot V7.6.3 Release
- V7.6.3
- Fixed Google Play account switch
- Fixed lab status display
- Added Donate only troops and spells in queue
- Added Double train siege machine when it is set to build only 1 type of siege machine
- Added Translating troop list in Request CC to other languages
- Improved multi-stats, improved SwitchAccount stats display for current account only
- Improved CC spell selection
- Improved check & remove unwanted CC spells
- Improved lab check, only check once every 6 hours
- Improved double train with less open & close army window V7.6.2 Release
- V7.6.2
- Fixed Bluestacks 4.x and CoC PB message , different font and place.
- Fixed Siege Build when queued empty and camp is full, making a double sieges.
- Fixed Conflict with Balloons and siege on attack bar, reported by Black-sTyle-Vii
- Fixed Donate only - Switch account and a second train army reported by hrishikesh
- Fixed UI translate code reported by @Black-sTyle-Vii
- Fixed Group of 10 clicks issue, when android click is enabled + Adb Screencapture
- Fixed Deployed Sides [DS] at attack log when was csv attack
- Fixed Failed Switch to Clash Castle at attack bar because the delay, reported by Pepito
- fixed Switch account and Heroes status , reseting hero status on account switch
- Added Clan Games new version with option to 60min events
- Added New method to get version from Github, using the github API.
- Added Enable/Disable 'Show touch' on emulator under Android TAB
- Added Check CC troops and remove unwanted
- Improved BlueStacks newest versions Undocked and Docked
- Improved Using Siege to attack deadbase while DropTrophy
- Improved Collect, added conditions for collect
- Improved Collect, optionally collect Loot Cart before Resources
- Improved Delay between remaining troops drop
- Improved COM obj errors detection to Telegram and change to InetRead
- Improved Remain Troops, less clicks, at Smart-Farm
- Improved Double Train with making donated troops for army 1
- Improved Donate CC - skip reading spell and siege when not needed
- Improved SC_id login on MEmu 2.5.0 and 2.8.6 , smaller buttons! reported NguyenAnhHD
- Changed MyBot icons
- Removed 24 unnecessary ocr/bundle files
- Updated scripts Attacks to last version
- Updated German lang file by Black-sTyle-Vii
- Updated Azerbaijani lang file by Z E C K
- Updated Turkish lang file by Z E C K V7.6.1 Release
- V7.6.1
- Fixed Queen activation at scripted Attacks
- Fixed Train Sieges on Quick Train , by ChacalGyn
- Fixed Train Sieges after donate all current sieges and camp is 0
- Improved MEmu/Nox OpenGL and DirectX Render detection for Win10 Build 17134
- Improved Heroes Upgrade, don't check a hero, which is already upgrading
- Improved Heroes Upgrade, reserve builders for upgrading
- Improved Wall Upgrade, allow upgrade by elixir, when Warden is already upgrading
- Removed the Scheduler Notify Tab V7.6 Release
- V7.6
- Added New Logo/banner by Hecki
- Added Double Train Army by Demen
- Added Support for attack bar with more than 11 slots by Demen
- Added Siege Machines at Train
- Added Siege Machines at Donation.
- Added Siege Machines at Clan Games.
- Added Siege Machines at Attack.
- Added Local DB [using SQLite] to collect more attack stats.
- Added Smart-Farm Attack to standard dead bases attack
- Added Boost using Magic Training Potion by ViperZ
- Added Telegram - Shutdown , Hibernate and Standby with a confirm message, just to avoid user errors
- Added Telegram and invalid commands
- Added Profile button to save current setting without having to start bot
- Fixed Reset last command on Telegram
- Fixed UI Responsiveness when the telegram is checked
- Fixed Forced PBT for Normal Switch
- Fixed Some issues in switch from-to Builder base - Main Village, Get village measuring and zoomout
- Fixed Village Measuring and Zoomout problem when the emulator is to slow
- Fixed The Standby command on Telegram
- Fixed Queued Troops and Spells new bundle of images
- Improved Siege Switch and attack bar benchmarks, 'big' images had size reduction and screencaptures
- Improved Switch between Bases
- Improved Builder Base detection
- Improved Bot function sequences, your army is ready to attack then before any other routine will train and attack
- Improved Request CC, only "Wait for Castle" on Search Tab, settings are on Request Tab
- Improved Request CC, enforce Spells even without "Wait for Castle"
- Improved Donate CC, will not proceed with the routine if the words doesn't match , reducing times and logs , by Demen
- Improved Clone Detection on Army window and Spells Log
- Removed PushBullet code because the limit of 100/month
- Updated Android Status & Information.txt V7.5.4 Release
- V7.5.4
- Added Electro Dragon in to Clan Games
- Added Only request donation, when specific Clan Castle type is missing by Demen
- Added Restart search to pick healed heroes up by Demen
- Fixed Issue on waiting for heroes and exist Barbarian King upgrading
- Fixed When the Heroes are not prepared and log doesn't say nothing
- Fixed The url issue on Support Development label, reported by Hecki
- Fixed Correct profile log when is switch account
- Fixed Train Skip counter issue, idle loop until reaching train time , fix by Demen
- Fixed Rare situations when exist a double Castle Spells but with different levels by Demen
- Fixed Tencent CoC Version in Infinite Start Loop , reported by PoH98
- Fixed Embedded user clicks for Nox
- Fixed Remove clan castle spell slots - June 2018
- Fixed Donate window with 7 slots per row
- Fixed Correct path for ImageDetection, reported by alepitta
- Fixed Hogs donation, reported by dharyadi
- Fixed New coordinates for full army check - June 2018 Update
- Fixed Switch accounts and PBT + Disable accounts check
- Fixed Switch accounts + Halt Attack + Smart Switch issue, reported by rbrt
- Fixed Rearm/Reload button problems when there are more then 7 buttons, reported by HarchH
- Fixed Lab Debug Icon Save
- Fixed Lab icon coordinates
- Fixed Lab resource OCR
- Fixed Lab "Max Level" detection
- Fixed Lab "Lab Upgrade Required" detection
- Fixed Wall upgrade resource check
- Fixed Wall upgrade priority check
- Fixed Hero upgrade priority check
- Fixed Lab add sieges
- Fixed Lab "Not Unlocked" detection
- Fixed Lab not unlocked treated as read error
- Fixed Lab 2nd page click drag
- Fixed Lab window random coordinates
- Fixed Lab OCR won't read again (wrong flag) after read error
- Fixed Lab apply read flag wrongly on "lab upgrade required" and "not unlocked"
- Fixed Lab OCR read flag won't reset when bot starts, except bot shut down completely
- Fixed Lab OCR white 3 5 6 8
- Fixed Building upgrade repeat checks Array error for TH12
- Fixed Building upgrade Error finding button for TH12
- Fixed Android hold back ADB click causing infinite Android reboots because clicks never released
- Improved Test click drag
- Improved The Lab check , reported by Demen
- Updated Chinese Simplified Translations by PoH98
- Updated Android information file