This year we provide several baselines:
- Manipulation track and locomotion track baselines with deprl, also see the docs.
- A reflex-based locomotion controller, see here.
These baselines will not give you good task performance or win the challenge for you, but they provide a nice starting point.
To run the deprl-baselines, you need to install:
pip install deprl
Take a look here if you run into issues or want to install torch-cpu. The requirements for the reflex-based baseline are contained in the above link.
This deprl-baseline will try to lift the cube upwards.
import gym
import myosuite, deprl
env = gym.make('myoChallengeRelocateP1-v0')
policy = deprl.load_baseline(env)
for ep in range(5):
print(f'Episode: {ep} of 5')
state = env.reset()
while True:
action = policy(state)
# uncomment if you want to render the task
# env.mj_render()
next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
state = next_state
if done:
You can also use policy.noisy_test_step(state)
for actions with Gaussian noise. Your results may vary!
This deprl-baseline will try to stand around and slowly move across the quad.
import gym
import myosuite, deprl
env = gym.make('myoChallengeChaseTagP1-v0')
policy = deprl.load_baseline(env)
for ep in range(5):
print(f'Episode: {ep} of 5')
state = env.reset()
while True:
action = policy(state)
# uncomment if you want to render the task
# env.mj_render()
next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
state = next_state
if done: