- textile - Used by Redmine
- sourmash
- Kmer-db
- Applying MinHash to cluster RNAseq samples
- [http://ivory.idyll.org/blog/2016-sourmash-sbt.html] (http://ivory.idyll.org/blog/2016-sourmash-sbt.html)
- Bioinformatics I/O
- Living in an Ivory Basement
From C. Titus Brown - The Genome Factory
From Torsten Seemann - avrilomics
From Avril Coghlan - OPINIOMICS
From Mick Watson - Omics! Omics!
From Keith Robison - DNA Zoo
From Aiden lab - NBIS
- List from biostars
- Bioinformatics Workbook
- seeing-theory
- Modern Statistics for Modern Biology
- Scientists rise up against statistical significance
- methodologie - fr
- bioinfo-fr - fr
- Introduction aux Statistiques - fr
Data Visualization Type Catalogs (from Yuri Engelhardt)
Some blog posts on specific data types (from James Scott-Brown):
Circular plots
ClustVis a web tool for visualizing clustering of multivariate data