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cdmgtri edited this page Apr 13, 2021 · 11 revisions


Lay out each page as an within its folder:


If you don't do it this way, links to a page can work inconsistently. Otherwise, we've seen .../niem-releases/ fail while .../niem-releases works. It has always worked as expected when arranged as an index in a folder.

How to collaborate

The production website ( is whatever is pushed to the NIEM repo's master branch. Only push content that is ready for distribution on the main website.

That means you need to do your work on your local machine, and share it with others on your own fork of the NIEM repo.

Pull requests are welcome. Please merge the latest master commit into your commit, so that it can be easily merged.

How to publish a local fork

In your forked repo, go to settings and enable GitHub Pages and select the gh-pages branch as the source.

To push your local changes in one branch directly to the gh-pages branch of your forked GitHub repo:

git push -f upstream branch:gh-pages

Where upstream is the name locally assigned to your GitHub repo and branch is the name of the branch you wish to publish. (Use git remote -v to see remote repo names.)

The -f flag forces the commit without doing a merge. This lets you publish alternate branches as needed (e.g., dev-json, dev-training, dev-newfeature) without having to merge them before they are ready.

Go to to see your site.

Merge before you push

When collaborating with others on a branch, please merge other people's commits into your branch before pushing your commits to your fork. This will ensure that others can integrate your changes into their own work without excessive work.

Clone this wiki locally