Releases: NLog/NLog.Web
Releases · NLog/NLog.Web
NLog Web.AspNetCore 4.5.0
NLog Web.AspNetCore 4.5.0 beta 2
NLog Web 4.5.1
- Fix IHttpContextAccessor warning
- Add IncludeScheme option to ${aspnet-request-url}
- Updated dependencies
NLog Web.AspNetCore 4.5.0 beta 1
ASP.NET Core 2 support (UseNLog) - use the new method for configuring NLog! See
- make unneeded for ASP.NET Core 2
- Fix IHttpContextAccessor warning
- Add IncludeScheme option to ${aspnet-request-url}
- Updated and limit dependencies
Update dependencies
NLog.Web.AspNetCore 4.4.1
Update dependencies
NLog.Web 4.5
- #66 ${Assembly-version} working for (core) (#66) (@304NotModified)
- #140 Added ${aspnet-request-ip} (@304NotModified)
- #143 added ${aspnet-user-isAuthenticated} (@304NotModified)
- #125 Added ${aspnet-environment} (@grokky1)
- #123 Added Culture option to ${aspnet-item} and {aspnet-session} (#123) (@sbebrys)
- #141 Improve performance with many threads 2 (@304NotModified)
- #133 Improve performance with many threads (@304NotModified)
- #132 Fix invalid JSON format for ${aspnet-request-cookie} and ${aspnet-request-querystring}, added extra formatting options, consistent rendering of multiple values (@304NotModified)
NLog.Web.AspNetCore 4.4
- #66 ${Assembly-version} working for (core) (#66) (@304NotModified)
- #140 Added ${aspnet-request-ip} (@304NotModified)
- #143 added ${aspnet-user-isAuthenticated} (@304NotModified)
- #126 Add ${aspnet-request-contenttype} (ASP.NET Core only) (@304NotModified)
- #125 Added ${aspnet-environment} (@grokky1)
- #123 Added Culture option to ${aspnet-item} and {aspnet-session} (#123) (@sbebrys)
- #144 Limit dependecies (#144) (@304NotModified)
- #142 ignore ObjectDisposedException in aspnet-user renderers (@304NotModified)
- #141 Improve performance with many threads 2 (@304NotModified)
- #133 Improve performance with many threads (@304NotModified)
- #132 Fix invalid JSON format for ${aspnet-request-cookie} and ${aspnet-request-querystring}, added extra formatting options, consistent rendering of multiple values (@304NotModified)
- #125 fix ${iis-site-name} for ASP.NET Core (@grokky1)
NLog.Web 4.4.0
- Enabled strong naming with correct version
- Update dependencies
NLog Web.AspNetCore 4.3.2
Update dependency
NLog Web 4.3.1 (ASP.NET & ASP.NET Core)
- Support for empty 'QueryStringKeys' for ${aspnet-request-querystring}
- Fix missing name for ${aspnet-request-cookie}
- Add ${aspnet-traceidentifier} (ASP.NET Core only)