All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Bugfix in the urllib (emission/ When using the module from a QGIS plugin on Windows this (strangly?) failed. "urllib" complained about the transportation scheme 'https' being unknown. Refactored the code to construct a 'urllib.request.Request' instance and using that as argument to 'urllib.request.urlopen' seems to work perfectly on linux, mac and windows.
- Fixed some wrong entries in the database that caused a QGis plugin to crash (RoadEmissionCalculator)
- Bugfix in the calculator. For some CH4 emission calculations the end result will result in a 'ZeroDivisionError'. In that case a 0.0 value was supposed to be returned by the 'calculate' method.
- Improved the readme file + cleanup
- Included the sqlite db file in, so it will be part of python wheel package
- Removed annoying 'print' from
- Added more required dependencies in the file. A fresh installation through pip will also install the required dependencies.
- Major rewrite of the emission data included in this module. Went away from the JSON file and instead rewrote to use SQLite3 + sqlalchemy. Defined models for each table structure as well as util methods to properly lookup the correct emission for the vehicle choosen.
- Changed our "sqlalchemy" to use a "scoped_session" to work in a threaded environment if neccesary.
- Fixed minor bugs here and there.
- Efforts to ensure a Python2 compatibility, while still primarily focus on Python 3.
- Better error handling for issues with the remote webservice (a36c9c42ee33c967a4bd609cb78051f0486913d4)
- dependency for the EmissionJSONReader (will be removed at a later stage)
A working module using a compressed JSON structure as its reference (database). The module will retrieve a list of positions (x,y,z) from the NPRA vegkart database and calculate the emission for the choosen vehicle based on that. All emissions are stored in the compressed JSON file.