The use of 3D Gaussians as representation of radiance fields has enabled high quality novel view synthesis at real-time rendering speed. However, the choice of optimising the outgoing radiance of each Gaussian independently as spherical harmonics results in unsatisfactory view dependent effects. In response to these limitations, our work, Factorised Tensorial Illumination for 3D Gaussian Splatting, or 3iGS, improves upon 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) rendering quality. Instead of optimising a single outgoing radiance parameter, 3iGS enhances 3DGS view-dependent effects by expressing the outgoing radiance as a function of a local illumination field and Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) features. We optimise a continuous incident illumination field through a Tensorial Factorisation representation, while separately fine-tuning the BRDF features of each 3D Gaussian relative to this illumination field. Our methodology significantly enhances the rendering quality of specular view-dependent effects of 3DGS, while maintaining rapid training and rendering speeds.
将 3D 高斯点光源用于辐射场表示已实现了高质量的新视角合成,并具备实时渲染速度。然而,选择独立优化每个高斯点光源的输出辐射作为球面谐波的方法,导致了不令人满意的视角依赖效果。为了应对这些局限性,我们的研究提出了分解张量光照用于 3D 高斯点光源(3iGS),旨在提升 3D 高斯点光源(3DGS)的渲染质量。与优化单一的输出辐射参数不同,3iGS 通过将输出辐射表示为局部光照场和双向反射分布函数(BRDF)特征的函数,增强了 3DGS 的视角依赖效果。我们通过张量分解表示优化连续的入射光照场,同时相对于该光照场单独微调每个 3D 高斯点光源的 BRDF 特征。我们的方法显著提高了 3DGS 的高光视角依赖效果,同时保持了快速的训练和渲染速度。