Spot Forex trading middleware that provides programmatic access to the OANDA© v20 REST endpoints.
Written in C# 7.0
To get the repo, run: git clone
To install the Nuget package, run: Install-Package OkonkwoOandaV20 -Version 1.0.6935.1917
For documentation, usage and examples, see:
For sample usage, see the sample app: OkonkwoOandaV20App
- kudos to dbaechtel for pressing the case for this
- The fault is mine for not 'making it EASY.' :)
Please note:
- OANDAV20.1 is no longer supported
- The final version is 1.0.6935.1917
- OANDAV20.2 is now available
- Visit or pull the repo for code and additional information
- A Nuget package is also available on
Copyright (c) 2018 Osita Christopher Okonkwo