Use the remove
command to delete properties specified by their keys.
To delete a single property:
$ envm remove <key> [options]
To delete multiple properties:
$ envm remove <key1> <key2> ... [options]
Specifies the target environment. In the absence of this option, the current environment is used.
$ envm remove <keys> --tag=<environment-tag>
$ envm remove <keys> -t <environment-tag>
This option has two behaviors, depending on the presence of keys:
With specified keys:
Removes the provided keys from all saved environments.
$ envm remove <keys> --all
Without specified keys:
Deletes all properties from the current environment (or specified via --tag
$ envm remove --all
Restricts the removal to keys in the target properties file (target) only, without affecting the saved environments.
$ envm remove <keys> --target-only