3.5.00 (2021-10-19)
- Batched serial SVD #1107
- Batched: Add BatchedDblBufGemm #1095
- feature/gemv rps test -- RAJAPerf Suite Version of the BLAS2 GEMV Test #1085
- Add new bsrmatrix #1077
- Adding Kokkos GMRES example #1028
- Add fast two-level mode N GEMV (#926) #939
- Batched: Add BatchedGemm interface #935
- OpenMPTarget: adding ETI and CMake logic for OpenMPTarget backend #886
Implemented enhancements Algorithms and Archs:
- Use float as accumulator for GEMV on half_t (Fix #1081) #1082
- Supernodal SpTRSV: add option to use MAGMA TPL for TRTRI #1069
- Updates for running GMRES example with half precision #1067
- src/blas/impl: Explicitly cast to LHS type for ax #1073
- Update BatchedGemm interface to match design proposal #1054
- Move dot-based GEMM out of TPL CUBLAS #1050
- Adding ArmPL option to spmv perf_test #1038
- Add (right) preconditioning to GMRES #1078
- Supernodal SpTRSV: perform TRMM only if TPL CuBLAS is enabled #1027
- Supernodal SpTRSV: support SuperLU version < 5 #1012
- perf_test/blas/blas3: Add dgemm armpl experiment #1005
- Supernodal SpTRSV: run TRMM on device for setup #983
- Merge pull request #951 from vqd8a/move_sort_ifpack2riluk #972
- Point multicolor GS: faster handling of long/bulk rows #993
- Make CRS sorting utils work with unmanaged #963
- Add sort and make sure using host mirror on host memory in kspiluk_symbolic #951
- GEMM: call GEMV instead in certain cases #948
- SpAdd performance improvements, better perf test, fix mtx reader columns #930
Implemented enhancements BuildSystem:
- Automate documentation generation #1116
- Move the batched dense files to specific directories #1098
- cmake: Update SUPERLU tpl option for Tribits #1066
- cmake/Modules: Allow user to use MAGMA_DIR from env #1007
- Supernodal SpTRSV: update TPLs requirements #997
- cmake: Add MAGMA TPL support #982
- Host only macro: adding macro to check for any device backend #940
- Prevent redundant spmv kernel instantiations (reduce library size) #937
- unit-test: refactor infrastructure to remove most *.cpp #906
Implemented enhancements Other:
- Allow reading integer mtx files into floating-point matrices #1100
- Warnings: remove -Wunused-parameter warnings in Kokkos Kernels #962
- Clean up CrsMatrix raw pointer constructor #949
- unit_test/batched: Remove *_half fns from gemm unit tests #943
- Move sorting functionality out of Impl:: #932
- Deprecation warning: SpaceAccessibility move out of impl #1141
- Workaround error with intel #1128
- gmres: disable examples for builds with ibm/xl #1123
- CrsMatrix: deprecate constructor without ncols input #1115
- perf_test/blas/blas3: Disable simd verify for cuda/10.2.2 #1093
- Replace impl/Kokkos_Timer.hpp includes with Kokkos_Timer.hpp #1074
- Remove deprecated ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing #1058
- src/sparse: spadd resolve deprecation warnings #1053
- Give full namespace path for D2 coloring #999
- Fix -Werror=deprecated errors with c++20 standard #964
- Deprecation: a deprecated function is called in the SpADD perf_test #954
Enabled tests:
- HIP: enabling all unit tests #968
- Fix build and add CI coverage for LayoutLeft=OFF #965
- Enable SYCL tests #927
- Fixup HIP nightly builds #907
Fixed Bugs:
- Fix SpGEMM for Nvidia Turing/Ampere #1118
- Fix #1111: spmv tpl instantiations #1112
- Fix C's numCols in spadd simplified interface #1102
- Fix #1089 (failing batched UTV tests) #1096
- Blas GEMM: fix early exit logic, see issue #1088 #1091
- Fix #1048: handle mode C spmv correctly in serial/openmp #1084
- src/batched: Fix multiple definitions of singleton #1072
- Fix host accessing View in non-host space #1057
- Fix559: Intel 18 has trouble with pointer in ternary expr #1042
- Work around team size AUTO issue on kepler #1020
- Supernodal SpTrsv: fix out-of-bound error #1019
- Some fixes for MAGMA TPL and gesv #1008
- Merge pull request #981 from Tech-XCorp/4005-winllvmbuild #984
- This is a PR for 4005 vs2019build, which fixes a few things on Windows #981
- Fix build for no-ETI build #977
- Fix invalid mem accesses in new GEMV kernel #961
- Kokkos_ArithTraits.hpp: Fix isInf and isNan with complex types #936
3.4.01 (2021-05-19)
Fixed Bugs:
- Windows: Fixes for Windows #981
- Sycl: ArithTraits fixes for Sycl #959
- Sparse: Added code to allow KokkosKernels coloring to accept partial colorings #938
- Sparse: Include sorting within spiluk #972
- Sparse: Fix CrsMatrix raw pointer constructor #971
- Sparse: Fix spmv Serial beta==-1 code path #947
3.4.00 (2021-04-25)
- SYCL: adding ETI and CMake logic for SYCL backend #924
Implemented enhancements Algorithms and Archs:
- Two-stage GS: add damping factors #921
- Supernodal SpTRSV, improve symbolic performance #899
- Add MKL SpMV wrapper #895
- Serial code path for spmv #893
Implemented enhancements BuildSystem:
- Cmake: Update ArmPL support #901
- Cmake: Add ARMPL TPL support #880
- IntelClang guarding __assume_aligned with !defined(clang) #878
Implemented enhancements Other:
- Add static_assert/throw in batched eigendecomp #931
- Workaround using new/delete in kernel code #925
- Blas perf_test updates #892
Fixed bugs:
- Fix ctor CrsMat mirror with CrsGraph mirror #918
- Fix nrm1, removed cublas nrminf, improved blas tests #915
- Fix and testing coverage mainly in graph coarsening #910
- Fix KokkosSparse for nightly test failure #898
- Fix view types across ternary operator #894
- Make work_view_t typedef consistent #885
- Fix supernodal SpTRSV build with serial+openmp+cuda #884
- Construct SpGEMM C with correct ncols #883
- Matrix Converter: fixing issue with deallocation after Kokkos::fininalize #882
- Fix >1024 team size error in sort_crs_* #872
- Fixing seg fault with empty matrix in kspiluk #871
3.3.01 (2021-01-18)
Fixed Bugs:
- With CuSparse enabled too many variants of SPMV were instantiated even if not requested. Up to 1GB executable size increase.
3.3.00 (2020-12-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add permanent RCM reordering interface, and a basic serial implementation #854
- Half_t explicit conversions #849
- Add batched gemm performance tests #838
- Add HIP support to src and perf_test #828
- Factor out coarsening #827
- Allow enabling/disabling components at configuration time #823
- HIP: CMake work on tests and ETI #820
- HIP: KokkosBatched - hip specialization #812
- Distance-2 maximal independent set #801
- Use batched TRTRI & TRMM for Supernode-sptrsv setup #797
- Initial support for half precision #794
Fixed bugs:
- Fix issue with HIP and Kokkos_ArithTraits #844
- HIP: fixing round of issues on AMD #840
- Throw an exception if BLAS GESV is not enabled #837
- Fixes -Werror for gcc with c++20 #836
- Add fallback condition to use spmv_native when cuSPARSE does not work #834
- Fix install testing refactor for inline builds #811
- HIP: fix ArithTraits to support HIP backend #809
- cuSPARSE 11: fix spgemm and spmv_struct_tunning compilation error #804
- Remove pre-3.0 deprecated code #825
3.2.01 (2020-11-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Cpp14 Fixes: #790
3.2.00 (2020-08-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add CudaUVMSpace specializations for cuBLAS IAMAX and SCAL #758
- Add wiki examples #735
- Support complex_float, complex_double in cuSPARSE SPMV wrapper #726
- Add performance tests for trmm and trtri #711
- SpAdd requires output values to be zero-initialized, but this shouldnt be needed #694
- SpAdd doesnt merge entries correctly #685
- cusparse SpMV merge algorithm #670
- TPL support for SpMV #614
- Add two BLAS/LAPACK calls needed by: Sptrsv supernode #552 #589
- HashmapAccumulator has several unused members, misnamed parameters #508
Fixed bugs:
- Nightly test failure: spgemm unit tests failing on White (Power8) #780
- supernodal does not build with UVM enabled #633
3.1.01 (2020-05-04)
** Fixed bugs:**
- KokkosBatched QR PR breaking nightly tests #691
3.1.00 (2020-04-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Two-stage & Classical Gauss-Seidel #672
- Test transpose utilities #664
- cuSPARSE spmv wrapper doesn't actually use 'mode' #650
- Distance-2 improvements #625
- FindMKL module: which mkl versions to prioritize #480
- Add SuperLU as optional CMake TPL #545
- Revamp the ETI system #460
Fixed bugs:
- 2-stage GS update breaking cuda/10+rdc build #673
- Why CrsMatrix::staticcrsgraph_type uses execution_space and not device_type? #665
- TRMM and TRTRI build failures with clang/7+cuda9+Cuda_OpenMP and gcc/5.3+OpenMP #657
- cuSPARSE spmv wrapper doesn't actually use 'mode' #650
- Block Gauss-Seidel test fails when cuSPARSE is enabled #648
- cuda uvm test failures without launch blocking - expected behavior? #636
- graph_color_d2_symmetric_double_int_int_TestExecSpace seg faults in cuda/10.1 + Volta nightly test on kokkos-dev-2 #634
- Build failures on kokkos-dev with clang/7.0.1 cuda/9.2 and blas/cublas/cusparse tpls #629
- Distance-2 improvements #625
- trsv - internal compiler error with intel/19 #607
- complex_double misalignment still breaking SPGEMM #598
- PortableNumericCHASH can't align shared memory #587
- Remove all references to Kokkos::Impl::is_same #586
- Can I run KokkosKernels spgemm with float or int32 type? #583
- Kokkos Blas: gemv segfaults #443
- Generated kokkos-kernels file names are too long and are crashing cloning Trilinos on Windows #395
3.0.00 (2020-01-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- BuildSystem: Standalone Modern CMake support #491
- Cluster GS and SGS: add cluster gauss-seidel implementation #455
- spiluk: Add sparse ILUK implementation #459
- BLAS gemm: Dot-based GEMM Cuda optimization for C = betaC + alphaA^TB - [#490]kokkos#490)
- Sorting utilities: #461
- SGS: Support multiple rhs in SGS efficiently #488
- BLAS trsm: Add support and interface for trsm #513
- BLAS iamax: Implement iamax #87
- BLAS gesv: #449
- sptrsv supernodal: Add supernodal sparse triangular solver #552
- sptrsv: Add cusparse tpl support for sparse triangular solve, cudagraphs to fallback #555
- KokkosGraph: Output colors assigned during graph coloring #444
- MatrixReader: Full matrix market support #466
Fixed bugs:
- gemm: Fix bug for complex types in fallback impl #550
- gemv: Fix degenerate matrix cases #514
- spgemm: Fix cuda build with complex_double misaligned shared memory access #500
- spgemm: Wrong team size heuristic used for SPGEMM when Kokkos deprecated=OFF #474
- dot: Improve accuracy for float and complex_float #574
- SpMV Struct: Fix bug with intel_17_0_1 #456
- readmtx: Fix invalid read due to loop condition #453
- spgemm: Fix hashmap accumulator bug yielding crashes and wrong results #402
- KokkosGraph: Fix distance-1 graph coloring segfault #275
- UniformMemoryPool: does not re-initialize chunks that are freed #530
2.9.00 (2019-06-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- KokkosBatched: Add specialization for float2, float4 and double4 #427
- KokkosBatched: Reduce VectorLength (16 to 8) #432
- KokkosBatched: Remove experimental name space for batched blas #371
- Capability: Initial sparse triangular solve capability #435
- Capability: Add support for MAGMA GESV TPL #409
- cuBLAS: Add CudaUVMSpace specializations for GEMM #397
Fixed bugs:
2.8.00 (2019-02-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Capability, Tests: C++14 Support and Testing #351
- Capability: Batched getrs #332
- More Kernel Labels for KokkosBlas #239
- Name all parallel kernels and regions #124
Fixed bugs:
- BLAS TPL: BLAS underscore mangling #369
- BLAS TPL, Complex: Promotion 2.7.24 broke MV unit tests in Tpetra with complex types #360
- GEMM: GEMM uses wrong function for computing shared memory allocation size #368
- BuildSystem: BLAS TPL macro not properly enabled with MKL BLAS #347
- BuildSystem: make clean - errors #353
- Compiler Workaround: Internal compiler error in KokkosBatched::Experimental::TeamGemm #349
- KokkosBlas: Some KokkosBlas kernels assume default execution space #14
2.7.24 (2018-11-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Enhance test_all_sandia script to set scalar and ordinal types #315
- Batched getri need #305
- Deterministic Coloring #271
- MKL - guard minor version for MKL v. 18 #268
- TPL Support for all BLAS functions using CuBLAS #247
- Add L1 variant to multithreaded Gauss-Seidel #240
- Multithreaded Gauss-Seidel does not support damping #221
- Guard 1-phase SpGEMM in Intel MKL #217
- generate makefile with-spaces option #98
- Add MKL version check #7
Fixed bugs:
- Perf test failures w/ just CUDA enabled #257
- Wrong signature for axpy blas functions #329
- Failing unit tests with float - unit test error checking issue #322
- cuda.graph_graph_color* COLORING_VBD test failures with cuda/9.2 + gcc/7.2 on White #317
- KokkosBatched::Experimental::SIMD<T> does not build with T=complex<float> #316
- simple test program fails using 3rdparty Eigen library #309
- KokkosBlas::dot is broken for complex, due to incorrect assumptions about Fortran ABI #307
- strides bug in kokkos tpl interface. #292
- Failing spgemm unit test with MKL #289
- Fix the block_pcg perf-test when offsets are size_t #287
- spotcheck warnings from kokkos #284
- Linking error in tpl things #282
- Build failure with clang 3.9.0 #281
- CMake modification for TPLs. #276
- KokkosBatched warnings #259
- KokkosBatched contraction length bug #258
- Small error in KokkosBatched_Gemm_Serial_Imp.hpp with SerialGemm<Trans::Transpose,*,*> #147
2.7.00 (2018-05-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Tests: add capability to build a unit test standalone #233
- Make KokkosKernels work without KOKKOS_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_CODE #223
- Add team-based scal, mult, update, nrm2 #214
- Add team based abs #209
- Generated CPP files moving includes inside the ifdef's #199
- Implement BlockCRS in Kokkoskernels #184
- Spgemm hash promotion #171
- Batched BLAS enhancement #170
- Document & check CMAKE_CXX_USE_RESPONSE_FILE_FOR_OBJECTS=ON in CUDA build #148
Fixed bugs:
- Update drivers in perf_tests/graph to use Kokkos::initialize() #200
- unit tests failing/hanging on Volta #188
- Inner TRSM: SIMD build error; manifests in Ifpack2 #183
- d2_graph_color doesn't have a default coloring mechanism #168
- Unit tests do not build with Serial backend #154
2.6.00 (2018-03-07)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- d2_graph_color doesn't have a default coloring mechanism #168
- Build error when MKL TPL is enabled #135
2.5.00 (2017-12-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- KokkosBlas: Add GEMM interface #105
- KokkosBlas: Add GEMM default Kernel #125
- KokkosBlas: Add GEMV that wraps BLAS (and cuBLAS) #16
- KokkosSparse: Make SPMV test not print GBs of output if something goes wrong. #111
- KokkosSparse: ETI SpGEMM and Gauss Seidel and take it out of Experimental namespace #74
- BuildSystem: Fix Makesystem to correctly build library after aborted install #104
- BuildSystem: Add option ot generate_makefile.bash to define memoryspaces for instantiation #89
- BuildSystem: generate makefile tpl option #66
- BuildSystem: Add a simpler compilation script, README update etc #96
Fixed bugs:
- Internal Compiler Error GCC in GEMM #129
- Batched Team LU: bug for small team_size #110
- Compiler BUG in IBM XL pragma unrolling #92
- Fix Blas TPL enables build #77
- Batched Gemm Failure #73
- CUDA 7.5 (GCC 4.8.4) build errors #72
- Cuda BLAS tests fail with UVM if CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1 is not defined on Kepler #51
- CrsMatrix: sumIntoValues and replaceValues incorrectly count the number of valid column indices. #11
- findRelOffset test assumes UVM #32
0.10.03 (2017-09-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- KokkosSparse: Fix unused variable warnings in spmv_impl_omp, spmv Test and graph color perf_test #63
- KokkosBlas: dot: Add unit test #15
- KokkosBlas: dot: Add special case for multivector * vector (or vector * multivector) #13
- BuildSystem: Make KokkosKernels build independently of Trilinos #1
- BuildSystem: Fix ETI System not to depend on Tpetra ETI #5
- BuildSystem: Change CMake to work with new ETI system #19
- BuildSystem: Fix TpetraKernels names to KokkosKernels #4
- BuildSystem: Trilinos/KokkosKernels reports no ETI in almost any circumstance #29
- General: Kokkos::ArithTraits<double>::nan() is very slow #35
- General: Design and Define New UnitTest infrastructure #28
- General: Move Tpetra::Details::OrdinalTraits to KokkosKernels #22
- General: Rename files and NameSpace to KokkosKernels #12
- General: PrepareStandalone: Get rid of Teuchos usage #2
- General: Fix warning with char being either signed or unsigned in ArithTraits #60
- Testing: Make all tests run with -Werror #68
Fixed bugs:
- SPGEMM Test Fails for Cuda when compiled through Trilinos #49
- Fix ArithTraits min for floating points #47
- Pthread ETI error #25
- Fix CMake Based ETI for Threads backend #46
- KokkosKernels_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL causes build error #59
- ArithTraits warnings in CUDA build #71
- Graph coloring build warnings #3
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator